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The Forum > Article Comments > A dreamer of nightmares: Ilan Pappe’s foolish plan to dismantle Israel > Comments

A dreamer of nightmares: Ilan Pappe’s foolish plan to dismantle Israel : Comments

By Clive Kessler, published 20/9/2012

Pappe and his admirers would give away what is not his, or theirs, to cede.

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"African culture is more forgiving....?"
Tell that to some poor bugger as they put the rubber necklace around his neck. You need to inform yourself more.
Posted by Therzal, Monday, 24 September 2012 6:50:42 PM
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Dear Therzal,

<<If you are really interested, you could read...>>

Thanks, but no thanks, I am not really interested:

All I care is for my family in Israel, they being stuck between those stupid Zionists and those stupid Palestinians/Iranians/Muslims. Surrounded by Zionists they suffer, but without those, surrounded by Muslims, they would suffer even more.

I don't need to read books in order to tell that Zionism is wrong - that is because Zionism is based on Judaism and Judaism is based on false premises. However, I don't seriously care for the suffering of Palestinians, just for the suffering of my family.

Had it been possible to retain Israel without Zionism, as a place where my family can live safely, then of course I would support it - that would have been ideal for my family, but frankly I don't see how it can be done and I don't see anyone around with the power to enforce it. I am just being practical, why should I bother reading about things that can't be done?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 24 September 2012 7:14:21 PM
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National self-determination is based on the idea that a people united on some grounds usually ethnic or religious is entitled to a piece of land in which they can found a nation. I think it is a very bad idea. If the nation founded on such a basis contains people who are not of the ethnicity or religion on which the state is based they become second class citizens. Inevitably there will always be such people.

There should be no second class citizens any place. Nations should not discriminate among their citizens on the basis of ethnicity or religion. National self-determination is based on such discrimination. It's that bloody simple.

Historical presence does not entitle people to land. With the exception of Antarctica most of the land on this earth has been traversed and occupied by many people. What is a people? If we go far enough back in our ancestry all humans have common ancestry.

National self-determination stinks.
Posted by david f, Monday, 24 September 2012 8:53:19 PM
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No comment is needed from me.
Posted by Therzal, Monday, 24 September 2012 11:17:35 PM
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You are just what the world needs.
Somebody who complains about a problem from a purely personal/selfish perspective yet will not try and find the answer.
You say you are not interested because you see no answer.
I say that you have not looked in the right place with an adequately open mind.
Posted by Therzal, Monday, 24 September 2012 11:20:16 PM
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Although I don't always agree with Yuyutsu I think he is an honest person who says what he thinks. I also see no solution.

He wrote that Judaism is based on false premises. That does not differentiate it from other religions.
Posted by david f, Monday, 24 September 2012 11:59:57 PM
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