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Looting in London: the end of the social contract : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 11/8/2011

Why is it that the same areas always erupt first, whatever the cause? Tariq Ali,London Review Books, August 9, 2011

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An excellent question, kman.

>>So what’s the point in debating a leftist loser?<<

None whatsoever. A bit like arguing with someone who uses the Brussels Journal - "The Voice of Conservatism in Europe" - as their source of inspiration.

But perhaps you persevere because, having been found out telling porkies - or, more accurately, mindlessly reprinting someone else's fictions - your only refuge is in insults.

Or what you clearly believe are insults.

>>So it's laughable that anyone could mistake you for an academic? Sorry for thinking you could be smart enough, and I do apologise to the academics.<<

What is really laughable, kman, is that you consider the words "retired" and "academic" as being somehow pejorative. You clearly despise anyone who has greater learning than you.

Which is a little worrying.

For you, that is.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 14 August 2011 3:05:55 PM
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one under God

<the Black..."banks knowing the loans were risky
sold them on to other financial interests and overseas banks.">

I didn't say the black banks, I said the banks knowing the sub-prime mortage loans were risky sold them on.

<regardless of what skin they're in
it's what..*is in their mind..that they are>

I don't judge individuals by the colour of their skin, I am sure they are very nice people. But humans have survival instincts (territorial), driven by biology, and huge tribes of differing skin colours and bloodline(races),can suddenly rise up and kill the other group as we have witnessed recently in Rwanda and in just about every other war on the planet.

It's not about whether people are nice or nasty. The same as a territorial animal is not any more nice or nasty than another territorial animal,it is just a biological survival instinct.

You can see how animals quickly become extinct in the world today because they have lost control of their territory, usually because of the spread of man. Human tribes also become extinct without control of land. Hence wars are not about nasty or nice but fear of non survival. Racial wars will happen despite how nice the people of different races are. This is a major misconception about the causes of racism. As you can see, despite there being masses of basically good people amongst countrys and races, wars and killing have still prevailed.
Posted by CHERFUL, Monday, 15 August 2011 10:48:43 PM
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black banks was a double entendre
black hearted black suited black acts

you talk about tribalism
when its not tribalism..its basicly feeling abused

in rewanda from memory
there was a ruling elite
much like java..dominates the 1000's of island nationstates

or like the dutch..abused guinie
or the brits india
or the jews the semite what was palestein

mate we arnt animals
we chose to hurt others..or resist hurting others
the simple fact remains..the elite as bad as the elite white

the good as good as the best white
its not the colour of the skin..but the percieved threat someone poses

go to pasrlement canberra
there you will see the pictures of past members of govt
go to the womans section..

and you will note..there are at least 7 half cast aborigonals
that sat pre 'the first ab/origonal*..the honerable mr bonner

what of the albino..born from dark parents
skin the worst measure for judging anyone

i have met good and bad in all colours
all sexes and all creeds

its not what we look like
but what vile..we find in our heart..that we will to do

""biological survival instinct.""

mate tell me what possable real threat
TO YOUR OWN SURVIVAL..could you possable have presently

sure c02 warming..might scare you to death
or you might die of fright if a dark skinned nice guy/gal says hello

but basicly mate there is no excuse
to fear for your survival
that is in anyway a specific real threat..from some racist 'darkie'

""see how animals quickly become extinct..because they have lost control..of their territory,""

mate i see most animals
living peace
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 12:02:19 AM
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sure a lion hunts/kills to survive[eat]
but not from fear..or hate..or spite..

""usually because of the spread of man.""
forcing them into survival mode

destruction of habitat..[like in the amason]
but even there..its man to be feared..not the 'beasts'

""Human tribes also become extinct..without control of land.""

mate if they got a fed..medicin/activity..hope
they survive just fine

""wars are not about nasty or nice
but fear of non survival.""

no most wars are about control over assets/resources
oil/gas..slaves gold silver diamonds
its about greed..not survival

think every war ever fought
was paid for by someone
that exopected to gain something
war repatriatiion's

""wars and killing have still prevailed""
its mostly about stealing their wealth/labour/resources

hating other..when they got
what you want..!
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 16 August 2011 12:03:06 AM
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one under God

<sure a lion hunts/kills to survive[eat]
but not from fear..or hate..or spite..>

That is exactly my point when referring to the biological programming of the human species, that the aggression is coming from a survival imperative, imprinted by the laws of nature.

However I'd like to make the observation that a territorially threatened animal does react with fear, hostility, and violent aggression to any animal that it perceives as a territorial threat.

Humans call this behaviour racism. It is actually coming from a deeper place than just some vague dislike of skin colour or the way someone looks. Those things are only superficialities hardly worth all the horrendous hate and bloodshed we've seen.

Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 17 August 2011 6:49:10 PM
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.......continued from above

You state,
<no most wars are about control over assets/resources
oil/gas..slaves gold silver diamonds
its about greed..not survival>

These things you mention, assets,resources,oil,gas,slaves,gold,silver diamonds are all territorial resources that allow humans to survive at a very high level of sustenance and provision. As I said, humans are territorial and being territorial also involves being top dog or monkey or lion in the animal kingdom as well.

A male with a lot of territorial assets can get the best and the most females to breed with. Look at Rod Stewart for starters.
Rupert Murdoch with his young good looking wife. She's not with him and having children with him because of his looks, that's for sure. It is about the territorial wealth he can provide her children and their children with for generations. That's the only reason she's there.

Wars are about the acquistion of territorial wealth not some unbearable dislike of skin colour or features. It is more about the wellbeing and sustanence of the agressors than it is about dislike in particular of the attacked. As I said It is a survival instinct.
Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 17 August 2011 7:16:33 PM
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