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The Forum > Article Comments > Solidarity with refugees in Australian prisons > Comments

Solidarity with refugees in Australian prisons : Comments

By Claire Parfitt, published 27/6/2011

Why does the Australian Government spend so much money and time criminalising people who come to Australia to escape persecution and poverty?

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Have you ever taken the trouble to meet and talk with any of these African refugees as I have. I have spoken with 21 of them. Some are from the DPR of Congo, Rwanda,Burrindi, Sudan,Somalia and they all have expressed disappointment at the favoritism being shown to the MidEastern Afghani and pak refugees. These African have been shunted about 6 or 7 times from camp to camp across Africa.They have been assessed and re-asssessed and are still languishing and rotting in these camps. The ones I have met are all well placed in society,some are nurses, security some are in the hospitality trade and one is even trying out to be an AFL footballer for North Melbourne. They dont threaten us, they dont make exorbitant demands on us, they arent threatening to sue the Govt for mental anguish and racist handling. They are so grateful just to be accepted and given a new life and they are seriously contributing to the country of their adoption. Let'shave more of these people who love us.
In Malaysia there are tens of thousands of Burmese Christians longing to make it to Australia.

Why do we have to put up with these Muslim ingrates?
We seem terrified of them and of the vocal and militant refugee industry of which you must be a part.

I despise them.

Posted by socratease, Monday, 27 June 2011 3:20:44 PM
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Please you are showing a great deal of confusion.

Firstly the values and beliefs of The Jews and Christians are quite different. So different the Jewish priests got the Roman Pontius Pilate to Crucify Jesus Christ (The original Chtistian) simply because he challenged their values and beliefs.

Oh please really! It was Christ who first espoused the concepts of
universal Rejection of Worldly Goods, universal Rejection of Violence, universal Forgiveness - or turning the other cheek, universal Love thy neighbour as thyself.

Christian Marriage was first formalised by the Council of Trent in the 15th Century. Prior to that there were mostly only marriages of 'habit and repute' and marriage was rarely codified in any religion or society.

I would really like to be enlighted in these matters. Please reference the scriptures and laws of the religions and societies in which all the above concepts were predominant or pre-dated Christ? For I can do that quite easily in the Christian World and I'm an irreligious nutter.

Islam has about as much in common with Christianity as man has to women. Both are mono religions abused by humans and men and woman are both human often abused by each other .
The major difference of course is the one is based in forgiveness, which btw greatly influenced the formation of our Western sense of Justice, and the other is rooted in discrimination violence and revenge.
Islam has much much more in common with Judaeism.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 27 June 2011 3:46:41 PM
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You are entitled to your opinion - and that is all it is.
Posted by Ammonite, Monday, 27 June 2011 3:49:56 PM
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Yes but my opinions unlike yours have been formed from a perusal of the relevant texts (Which can be referenced) of the scripture of the religions involved and a reading of the relevant histories and laws of western and other societies(Which also can be referenced).

Your opinions don't seem to quite carry the same weight of argument or seem able to be referenced to historical sources.

Cheers ammo.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 27 June 2011 3:59:39 PM
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Thank you for writing this piece , Claire.

Some of the responses here are deplorable. Many of them seem incapable of putting forward a reasonable argument or civil disagreement, and I can only suggest that like the man who was kicked by a donkey, you overlook the insult on considering the source.
Posted by briar rose, Monday, 27 June 2011 4:32:19 PM
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The reason why both Liberal and Labor governments "waste so much money imprisoning" country shopping illegal immigrants, Claire, is because both parties know that this is the wish of the overwhelming majority of their electorates.

Even Labor, the political party most favourable to the idea of replacing the white race in Australia with something else, knows that its agenda is extremely unpopular, and it knows that it can not push their evil agenda too fast.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 27 June 2011 7:23:28 PM
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