The Forum > Article Comments > So, pro-spanking parents aren’t Nazis? > Comments
So, pro-spanking parents aren’t Nazis? : Comments
By Ben-Peter Terpstra, published 13/4/2011The evidence supports corporal punishment as a viable and valuable method of discipline.
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1. If the girl in the Ohio case felt violated by Freudenthal's actions, you would consider those feelings unreasonable?
'Violated' - how one would feel if someone invaded their home and beat them - Reasonable? Yes! 'Violated' as in having been sexually assaulted - No!
BTW - victim was pulled from bed, put over assailants knee and spanked through her clothes - presumably sleepshirt or similar and bikini underpants (not swimsuit). She laughed. He seemingly blew a fuse, pulled down her pants to inflict greater pain and administered a more vigorous beating. Spontaneous action in presence of witness, not calculated, concealed, manipulative ritualistic act as per your average pervert ...
2. You said you've treated rape victims. Can you clarify in what capacity, or what sort of treatment?
In a medical capacity, as sensitively and gently as possible, with examination, swabbing and other forensic requirements and treatment of physical injuries. I assure you there are degrees of "violation" and things unreportable in the media.
I've also treated brutalised children which is truly soul destroying - where 'trusted' adults have inflicted enormous suffering and often permanent injury. Even greater if that child returns under similar circumstances having been temporarily removed (fostered) then returned to the parent/s.
Do I know the difference between child abuse and reasonable responsible physical correction? I claim Yes.
So if the "Smacking is Child Abuse" Brigade wish to make a difference to REAL violence against children, lobby for permanent removal of children from truly abusive parents with adoption first option and long term fostering second. Meanwhile - good loving parents, give errant kids a smack or slap or 2 around the bum if they ignore your words and don't feel guilty about it. You're doing them and the rest of society a favour.