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Australia lagging international human rights standards : Comments

By Malcolm Fraser, published 18/2/2011

Australia’s failure to restore the rights of Aboriginal people is currently being scrutinised under the Universal Periodic Review process of the UN Human Rights Council

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...Outlaw the consumption of Alcohol in all communities Australia wide
Diver Dan,
I recall torrents of accusation of racism in the earlier days when the catch-cry was that Indigenous people weren't allowed in a Pub or obtain alcohol like other Australians. Following the right to vote, Indigenous were finally allowed to drink in bars etc. everyone breathed a sigh of approval. Those who spoke out against it were accused of being rednecks & racist. Fifty years later some Australians are advocating going back to the days of indigenous not having access to alcohol.
If that's not the full circle then what is. There are indingenous who can't hold a drink just like there are many non-indigenous who can't handle grog either. Banning alcohol is not tackling the cause because it's not alcohol that is the problem but peoples' mentality, black, white or brindle.
Posted by individual, Monday, 21 February 2011 7:35:46 PM
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Diver Dan , You are on the money .
As for 579 "Work is not in the Indig; colture" .
This is a load of rot 579 - they can and do work just as hard as us .
They were healthier than the first Settlers .
Why would you say such untruths ??
Anyway so what if they don't want to work - if we paid them for OUR Theft of their country ,like English Country Squires they could sit back and have us work for them .
Posted by kartiya jim, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:27:53 PM
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Are you aware that in some community the Indigenous had chose to ban alcohol and that was working well!
If was enlarged the result was to be amazing,they had to choose that way,if we live with other we need in some occasion to uphold the majority so the trouble one had a choice go or get help.
Here we are talking of rape and the rest by intoxicated people.
By law severely punishable,the Indigenous have they law to both of this are ignore.The realty is,if you get drank for all to be accountable of consequence.Not excuse Mini mus hard community service.The reason we can't drink any longer during worker hours was the cost!Now Rape in the community is less costly?
Luigi Gigi
Posted by luigi gigi, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:29:53 PM
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Barely ten per cent of Indigenous people live in rural and remote communities. As the Census will show later this year, close to half of the entire Indigenous population lives in metropolitan areas and large cities like Cairns and Geelong and Newcastle. There are more Indigenous people in Brisbane and Sydney than in the region around Alice Springs.

More than 26,000 Indigenous people have graduated from universities around the country - that's one in every nine adults, in barely twenty years - and by 2020, there could be fifty thousand, one in every seven in what will be a rapidly growing adult population. Of course, most of these graduates are, and will continue to be, from the cities, where people don't have land rights, don't get royalties, don't get free houses. And where most employed Indigenous people, especially graduates, are on the healthy side of the Gap.

Make no mistake, the people in the remote areas are on the wrong side of what is really a wider Gap than is depicted by the aggregated figures. Suicide amongst bored, unemployable, illiterate young Aboriginal people is fifteen and twenty times the national rate - how on earth can anybody tolerate that, Kartiya Jim ?

How to get the next generation out of this rut ?

Certainly, teach English, as well as other languages, to the kids.

Make sure they are literate by the second grade.

Make sure parents are aware of their basic human responsibilities to feed their own kids, clothe their own kids, keep their own kids safe, get them off to school -and let's not BS about cost - they have access to royalties and standard welfare benefits, plus remote locality allowances - am I right, Individual ?

Let's assume that Aboriginal people, even in remote areas, are capable human beings.

Let's assume they can carry out standard minimal human functions, in relation to their own kids.

Let's bury the racism of low expectations. Let's encourage people to have higher expectations of themselves. If not for them, then for their kids' sakes. Let's not destroy another generation.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:52:59 PM
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Joe, I have been so hopeful that you participate in this thread ... you are knowledgeable, experienced and very credible in these issues. Please, expand on your thoughts - it would help.
Posted by bonmot, Monday, 21 February 2011 9:16:14 PM
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Joe [loudmouth],
You will be happy to know that the Saints [ mainly Aboriginal ] Football team in Broome have a Campaign to Prevent Suicide in their's and other Communities in the Kimberleys.
They also Fund Raised enough money to take the Anti - Suicide message to Ireland's marginalised youth after winning their Grandfinal last Season .
As white People we have a lot of problems with the youth of any group ,particularly one that is black and speaks another language and could well have Generational resentment about their Illegal Dispossion of their Lands.
The Maori have their Treaty of Waitangi from 1865 - Australian Aboriginals have been left with very little of Substance and once again they are having their Rights "Legally" abused by NT and Federal Laws .
What happened to our Promises of 1836 in the Letters Patent, King William the Sixth's Directions for the Settlement of South Australia and NT .
".....Always that nothing in those our Letters Patent contained shall affect or be construed to affect the rights of any Aboriginal Natives of the said Province to the actual occupation or enjoyment in their own Persons or in the Persons of their Descendants of any Lands therein now actually occupied or enjoyed by such Natives" etc.
Posted by kartiya jim, Monday, 21 February 2011 9:48:45 PM
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