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Australia lagging international human rights standards : Comments

By Malcolm Fraser, published 18/2/2011

Australia’s failure to restore the rights of Aboriginal people is currently being scrutinised under the Universal Periodic Review process of the UN Human Rights Council

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I just like to support the author,not one is perfect and the people change,this is a genuine attempt to rise a voice to help the indigenous ,U N is not perfect they close the eye on many issue but in this we need to take aboard the long time reprimand!
The indigenous are the one suffering.
Justice and apology is overdue ,many good thing had bearchive and we must care e reestablish justice. This can be archive only with they participation.
Part of the natural resource should be use to made amendment for all the wrong doing.
Is time to go forward they need to forgive the wrong.
Australia Indigenous need to regain they self esteem not easy after so much abuse.
Many Indigenous are Christian and the Lord Love all of them to be part of is Kingdom.
I'm suggest seeing the positive result in other, country to give them a special status of autonomy. Jesus Love Justice = Peace= Joy Ciao
Posted by luigi gigi, Saturday, 19 February 2011 2:51:26 AM
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Are the ARab countries counted in international human rights.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 19 February 2011 12:46:41 PM
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Human rights for nomadic peoples is NOT about making them WHITER.

THERMODYNAMIC & GENETIC issues come into play. Aboriginal peoples the world over bred for their 'Solar ranging' abilities to survive. If they don't have a seasonal range of at least 1000 Nth-Sth Km, if you put them on a 20Km reservation they will, genetically speaking, IMPLODE.

That means, the biggest destroyer of aboriginals, the world over, is FARMERS RIGHTS.

Farmers must now recompense by opening corridors within pastures to allow connections between special seasonal reservations North to South across the country.

Such natural rights for aboriginals would allow them to flourish in old culture. And there are legal and policing ways to make it work on just terms for farmers and aboriginals alike.

The only thing in its way is Farmers law. The only law in most of the outback for over two centuries. The squat law that protected the integrity of farm fences and boundaries. And the law that saw the decimation of the aboriginal people in the first place. Most Australians as SEDENTARY (squat) peoples use power station or petrol station Entropy gradients to power their societies. And it doesn't surprise me, from a genetics point that aboriginal children sniff petrol, because that is one of limited tangible substitutes for environmental entropy ranging gradients that they have.

Of course Buffalo in the US Yellowstone region have been given such rights and now, farmers there have been given supreme court rights to kill them because they have 'ranged' & flourished just a little too much.

And its
Posted by KAEP, Saturday, 19 February 2011 12:56:36 PM
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KAEP What you say is ok. As far as roaming rights go. Au indigenous are tribal, and one tribe doesn't understand the other. There was something like 250 indig; languages. And one tribe didn't mix with the other. To keep the genetics straight they had a system that defective newborn were given back to god to be reborn. The problem is very complex hence why the struggle to help these people still exists. I think the powers to be are on the track of schooling and retraining, but so-far this is a gigantic failure. My personal belief is to give these people their own state to roam in, as long as conflict between tribes can be overcome.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 19 February 2011 1:53:59 PM
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I find it incredible that Malcolm wants this changed

'the entrenchment of discrimination against Aborigines in the criminal law of the Northern Territory by failing to repeal s.91 of the NTER Act which ensures that no customary law or cultural practice, excuses, justifies, authorises, requires or lessens the seriousness of any criminal behaviour with which the Crimes Act is concerned'

Does that mean crime should be considered less serious if committed by a Muslim, a Hindu, a Christian, a Catholic Priest or atheist.

How divisive would Malcolm and his beloved UN make this nation.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 19 February 2011 2:30:12 PM
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How divisive would Malcolm and his beloved UN make this nation.
Keep in mind that past use by date characters like Malcolm Fraser are so well looked after by taxpayers' money that they lose all sense of reality. Why didn't he fix the situation when he was the one who had the ultimate say ? I tell you why, because he didn't know how do go about then & he still doesn't know. Just wait till all the other scrap-heap ex PM's start getting bored. It's only us ordinary stupid people who seem to see through the fog that is academia.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 19 February 2011 2:48:12 PM
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