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Worrying and hoping about Australia's future : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 22/4/2010

Will a cultural diversity statement move us forward or maintain the status quo?

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analysis in support of racial inequality relies exclusively on evidence of male privilege.
not a single fact is ever obtained from a situation of women's empowerment.
but male privilege is all washed up, all that's now required is to update the instruments of governance.
racial inequality is irrelevant, a concern without a scintilla of merit in the modern world.
protagonists could make a better contribution than as museum exhibits in the hall of permutations of patriarchy.
women's rights and racial equality are celebrations not a cause to turn with shame to the past.
embrace diversity don't be its dishrag.
Posted by whistler, Monday, 26 April 2010 5:19:34 PM
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CJ, I use the same definition of racism that everyone else does,ie a destructive Mental disease affecting White people and only White people, a pathology that clouds the mind and colours people's judgement to the extent that it threatens to destroy our society. So when I call you an Anti White Racist and state over and over again that "All my enemies are White" and that "We have a treason problem, not a race problem' can see where I'm, coming from now.
Squeers, Stepehen Jay Gould was a giant in his field, our understanding of the way Molluscs have evolved was altered by his expertise in the area, there was nothing about snails that he couldn't tell you and people were willing to pay to hear or read his thoughts.
He also thought a lot on civil rights, the arts and Race/human relations and was by all reports a fine singer, though I doubt he made much money from it.
I also have a field of expertise, House Painting, what I don't know about the trade probably isn't worth knowing anyway, lots of people agree with my thoughts on the subject and are willing to pay me for my work, just like Gould and his Snails.
I also think a lot about Race, human relations, the Arts and civil rights, when I write posts on other websites I find that thousands of people have the same ideas and agree with me, it's even been suggested that I could write for money if I wanted to, though there's not much money in it.
Anyway Stephen Jay Gould must have inspired millions in the Third world, I mean surely it wasn't just other Jewish academics who, as is common to that race, were able to expand on his ideas.
There must be literally thousands of Indigenous African scientists enlarging on his theories and really pushing the boundaries, ALL THINGS BEING EQUAL.
Who would you say, Squeers is the African equivalent of Mr Gould?
Which African has done so much in so many diverse fields to further your understanding of the world?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 1:02:57 PM
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Thanks, Jay.

<< I use the same definition of racism that everyone else does,ie a destructive Mental disease affecting White people and only White people, a pathology that clouds the mind and colours people's judgement to the extent that it threatens to destroy our society. >>

Funny, I'm pretty well acquainted with the various definitions of racism in English, and absolutely none of them say anything about diseases, pathology or "White" people. I've never heard the term used colloquially in that sense, either.

Some dictionary definitions:

Macquarie Dictionary

<< the belief that human races have distinctive characteristics which determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule or dominate others >>

Oxford English Dictionary

<< the theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race >>

<< a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. >>

The Free Dictionary

<< a belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one’s race is superior and has the right to control others. >>

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

<< a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race >>

<< belief in or doctrine asserting racial differences in character, intelligence, etc. and the superiority of one race over another or others: racist doctrine also, typically, seeks to maintain the supposed purity of a race or the races >>

Note that under any of those accepted English definitions, the claptrap that you post here would be considered racist. You can't claim not to be racist simply by altering the accepted definition of the word to suit your hateful agenda.

Who's this "everybody else" that you claim to use your idiosyncratic defintion of racism, anyway?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 1:59:28 PM
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So CJ, you don't think you're a "Better Type Of White" than I am?
I say I'm White and that race is real and it matters,
You actually deny that your Whiteness matters which means that you find it an inferior concept, White people who believe that race matters to you are inferior, you wouldn't throw away something you thought was good would you?
I thought I was regarded as, "incoherent", "Racist","Scum", etc on this board,if you denigrate someone you are by definition taking a superior position.
You define a Racist in exactly the same way as I do and everyone else who takes an interest, you're painting me as a Genocidal Supremacist and I'm painting you and all the other Traitors as Genocidal Supremacists.
Race IS real and it DOES matter.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 3:14:18 PM
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Jay of Melbourne,
you're a legend in your own mind, mate; yet your claptrap is no doubt appealing to many (though surely not for it's literary merit?).
I've always felt that there's a large racist cohort in this country, and certainly PC is but a thin veneer over a lot of hateful undercurrents. Yet you are deluded if you think the non-racists you despise are only a few thousand, just as you're deluded if you think you're ever going to be guru to more than a small handful of ignorant extremists.
Most racists in this country, I suspect, have a very mild case of it, a hangover from more primitive times, that's easily whipped up into fear and loathing but lacks real malice. In the end reason and compassion would prevail over your kind of vitriol, which after all is patent rubbish.
But I won't waste more words on you, except to advise you to read on the subject--and I don't mean 'Mein Kampf'.
Posted by Squeers, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 3:23:19 PM
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Tut tut..when you insult and Denigrate me it means I WIN,
Gandhi was really onto something wasn't he?
Squeers, The African Stephen Jay Gould Equivalent..chop-chop, focus please!
Any African Genius of note will do, maybe an Indigenous African who has invented something we use every day.
I'll make it easier, find an Indigenous Asian born Equivalent of a Genius polymath like Stephen Jay Gould who has altered the way you view Race, biology and culture.
I am of course just stirring, I don't seriously expect you to come up with names, it's completely unrealistic goal and I apologise for making you look silly.
So, Jay three, everyone else Nil.
Cya on the next "Bash Whitey" thread :)
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 27 April 2010 5:46:36 PM
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