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The Forum > Article Comments > Worrying and hoping about Australia's future > Comments

Worrying and hoping about Australia's future : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 22/4/2010

Will a cultural diversity statement move us forward or maintain the status quo?

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Dear old OLO!! Stay as sweet as you are...

It IS indeed infested CJ, but you can't blame Leigh, he was born like that.
Posted by Ginx, Thursday, 22 April 2010 11:26:30 PM
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You've hit the nail on the head Ozzie.
He's paid to do what he does, he's one of thousands of such people in this country who make a living out of the denigration of White People, promotion of White Genocide by Racial assimilation and deconstructing the old form of pan European Multiculturalism we worked so hard to develop between the 1940's and 1980's.
Name one person in this country who makes a living arguing the opposite position.
There are none.
If someone were to speak openly and publicly about their love of the White Race, their desire to avoid Genocide by assimilation with millions of non Whites pouring into White countries and only White countries they'd be ignored, then ridiculed, then attacked.
Your comparison to the Nazis or more particularly the Soviets is appropriate.
One regime.
One race.
One set of opinions.
A perfect state,FOREVER.
Death to anyone who disagrees with the Eternal Reich of Political Correctness.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 23 April 2010 6:43:17 AM
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Jay of Melbourne,

Yes. Self-hatred seems to be peculiar to white Australians. There are plenty of them on OLO. I am, of course assuming that the people calling white Australians racists are all white themselves. However, I recently winkled out an Australian-hating immigrant on OLO, who had been keeping her immigrant status a secret, so perhaps the likes of CJ Morgan and others who insist on calling others racist are non-whites themselves.

However, many Left white Australians do hate their fellow-Australians to the extent of preferring to see an Australia with anything but our traditional culture, even if it means allowing in to the country people who turn up on boats illegally, via criminals known as people-smugglers.


The likes of Andrew Jakubowicz have plenty of assistance from the Australian self-haters mentioned above. He and his Australian quislings all live in their own little world, smugly feeling that everybody in the real world is going to accept their seditious nonsense
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 23 April 2010 9:58:57 AM
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CJ, Leigh, etc.,

I hope that OLO keeps getting infested by all manner of ratbags, racists, axe-grinders and perfectly sensible people such as myself. As Salman Rushdie wrote, somewhat defensively, the rights of freedom of speech and freedom of expression mean nothing if they do not include the right to offend. Just think of the alternative: ........

Yes, it would be a bland, but totalitarian, world where we were limited to saying only nice things - or nothing at all. Frankly, I WANT to know what crackpot ideas are festering away out there (hi, Jay, Ozzie), if only because occasionally they have a tiny grain of truth hidden in their piles of bullsh!t, and it's these that we have to seriously confront, sooner or later, whether we want to or not.

A confronting argument forces us to examine what we have hitherto taken for granted, and to understand and/or rebut it with better arguments. Getting angry and hurling ad hominems from one mountain top to another can be a lot of fun but they don't resolve anything, and hinting at banning discussion can be the first step on the long road to the gulags, or worse.

Joe Lane
Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 23 April 2010 10:22:25 AM
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Oh, Joe; I do wish I was 'sensible' like you:)

Your comment is right on the knocker, though - apart from your use of 'ad hominem'. It seems to be the only Latin known by posters, and it gets very tiring. Give me name calling any day.
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 23 April 2010 10:30:22 AM
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Anybody who sees people primarily as "white" or "non-white" is a racist. QED.

Joe - I agree with most of what you say. I'm certainly not calling for "banning discussion" from the racist contingent, and I agree that we should keep it civil.

Ginx - come back, OLO needs you!
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 23 April 2010 11:14:34 AM
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