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Worrying and hoping about Australia's future : Comments

By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 22/4/2010

Will a cultural diversity statement move us forward or maintain the status quo?

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Sorry, Whistler, obviously I meant 'legislatures'.

You're right, separation does not equate with segregation, but it certainly CAN. Hence, Apartheid.

So now we are talking about a women's caucus ? No problems, provided that women also have full rights to be involved with a common legislature. But surely, if a 'legislature' barred women as members but allowed for some input by way of the decisions of an (external) caucus), then yes, we are talking about segregation, and unequal rights of men and women.

Are you proposing a men's legislature, a women's legislature, AND some over-arching legislature that pulls it all together ? i.e. a superior one which finally decides on legislation, and to which the other two are actually caucuses which 'advise' it ? Nationally, and in each State and territory ? So 27 legislatures around the country ?

Good luck !
Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 25 April 2010 1:45:46 PM
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Same people, same discussion.

Lets face it, people like Leigh, Jay, Ozzie and Proxy feel threatened by outsiders. What that reflects is their insecurity. It doesn't reflect on anybody else. From what I've seen in Oz people of many different races can get along perfectly fine. There's just some people that want to turn everything into a race issue because it suits their persecution complex. The difference is that these days those people are white. These people are bacically saying, "The big scary ethnics are out to get me, they want me to convert to their religion, marry them and give them my job ... oh and houses are now too expensive." Whinge, whinge, whinge .. etc. The only problem is that 99% of the ethnics just want to live in peace and aren't doing anything to the whinger group. But of course, the whingers won't believe that.

And on multiculturalism, accommodation is one thing, but submission is another. Any practice that entails inequality shouldn't be accommodated. But people can be free to believe what they want.
Posted by jjplug, Sunday, 25 April 2010 4:50:44 PM
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thanks Loudmouth, it's women who are talking about a women's caucus, in a majority of the world’s democracies.
i have no experience in parliament and would expect those who have to nut out the details but i would anticipate a model for the parliament of an equal rights republic to rebadge the Senate as a women's legislature to which women elect representatives and the House of Representatives as a men's legislature to which men elect representatives, each with exactly the same rights to initiate, review, amend, accept or reject legislation enacted with passage through both.
a cabinet of equal numbers of women and men responsible exclusively to the members of their legislature would reconcile the business of the parliament and provide the republic with leadership.
sovereignty would reside with a council of governors-general comprised of equal numbers of distinguished senior women and men and the courts would recognise women's and men's jurisdictions.
state and territory legislatures would follow suit, a second legislature would be reprised in Queensland, their stake in the federation maintained through women's and men's lines of communication.
cultural values from wherever in the world which violate the standard of equality set by parliament would be unwelcome, all else would be received universally with equity and tolerance, again to the standard of the parliament.
if an equal rights referendum was held last Saturday the results would already be in.
Posted by whistler, Monday, 26 April 2010 12:25:47 AM
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.....aaaaahhhhhhh! A breath of fresh air!!

Thanks jjplug!
Posted by Ginx, Monday, 26 April 2010 1:30:09 AM
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jjjplug. I'm threatened by other White people, White Race Traitors want to silence me and throw me in jail for my views, non Whites are in the main tolerant and accepting of Ethnocentric views, I dare you to prove me wrong.
Read my lips "All my enemies are White". You are the threat, you are the problem, you support a Genocide of White people, I've never heard a non White migrant gloating or mocking us on our low birthrate and falling populations but you and those like you seem to think this is all so funny.
I again point out the fact that non White people have little to no capacity to, nor even interest in influencing the future of White Australia. Apart from demographics,they are simply not capable of changing the face of this country without help from Self Hating/Self Serving White people. Just as they have had little to no influence in shaping the past, beyond those small contributions facilitated by Whites they have no part to play in shaping our future.
It doesn't matter if there's one million Whites and 34 million not, we'll still be running the country, they'll be even poorer and we'll be even richer.The only way to ensure a progressive,ethical and just society based on the current model is to keep it majority White, a White minority is a bad thing in a non White country, we don't co- exist with non whites we enslave them because as a group we're smarter and more innovative than they are, this is just racial reality, it's a self evident statement backed by history, if you need further proof.
Ask yourself, why would you want the White population to gradually disappear? What do you and your descendants gain from that scenario?
What's in it for your grandchildren?
Do you really want them to go back to the barbarity, slavery and corruption that has characterised our past or do you want something better?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Monday, 26 April 2010 9:07:32 AM
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Jay of Melbourne: << The only way to ensure a progressive,ethical and just society based on the current model is to keep it majority White, a White minority is a bad thing in a non White country, we don't co- exist with non whites we enslave them because as a group we're smarter and more innovative than they are, this is just racial reality, it's a self evident statement backed by history, if you need further proof. >>

Jay, that's a classically racist statement, yet you claim not to be a racist. In the interest of dispelling confusion, would you mind articulating exactly what you understand to be racism?

I'm reading and writing in English in this forum. What language are you using?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Monday, 26 April 2010 9:53:54 AM
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