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Worrying and hoping about Australia's future : Comments
By Andrew Jakubowicz, published 22/4/2010Will a cultural diversity statement move us forward or maintain the status quo?
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Posted by examinator, Friday, 23 April 2010 11:58:33 AM
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True tolerance of cultural diversity can only be achieved with tolerance for equality between the
primary components of culture, women and men. Equality between women and men can only be achieved with governance conducted by agreement between women's and men's legislatures and committees. The process is simple, a referendum will suffice, the outcome certain. Posted by whistler, Friday, 23 April 2010 12:03:05 PM
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CJ In YOUR opinion I'm a Racist, because you don't agree with me.
Aboriginals are starting to talk about Black and White in both a positive and negative light. I'm talking about Black and White in both a positive and negative light. Self Hating Leftists only speak of Black in a positive way and White in a negative way, this is the only way they can see things because their whole mindset is based on Hatred. Do you remember what the Communist fanatics of the African National Congress used to do to their fellow blacks who collaborated with the Whites and worked against the interests of Black people? What happened to the Afghans who collaborated with the Russians and worked against the interests of their fellow Afghans? No other society outside the White countries tolerates people who work against their own interests and the interests of their community. CJ your view is held by a few thousand people across the country, no more than that, you won't listen to anyone with a different point of view, you shut your eyes,repeat over and over "They're just a bunch of Jackbooted Thugs" and pretend that everyone else on the planet agrees with you. Nationalism and Ethnocentrism is the way of the future,it's the next step in the developing world, all over the world people are rejecting globalism and Communism and all the other "Wordisms". Kids in Mongolia are spraying Swastikas on walls alongside the words "Shoot The Chinese", Baathism, the Pan Arabic movement inspired by National Socialism is rebuilding,in Hungary the socialists have collapsed, the Greens are collapsing's over, time to move to the real next phase of our social evolution. There will be an African Hitler in our lifetime, I'm sure of it. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 23 April 2010 12:06:29 PM
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Examinator, stop talking about WW2, it's none of your business.
You've just spent, what? Ten minutes or so writing that opinion piece, which is full of inconsistencies and misinformations and which is not even prefaced with "In my opinion".... Ask yourself, What's in it for me? What to you get out of a your "opinions"? Will they give your children a better life? Will flooding White countries and only White countries with millions of non Whites make your children richer and more powerful? Are you going to set up your kids to be the Plantation owners or the Slaves? Because that's what Non Whites want for their kids, Wealth, Prestige and Power, that's why they come here, the only reason. You assume refugees are stupid, that they're victims and due to circumstances outside their control they are cast adrift in the world. The fact that there are so few people roaming the world is remarkable don't you think? Sri Lankan Tamils can got to Tamil Nadu in India and get state benefits, housing, rations and a small monthly stipend in a peaceful and stable environment, yet some choose to devote all their resources to breaking the law and migrating illegally The Boat people aren't tragic, they're just ambitious,they're the smart ones who want money, Power and Prestige for their children and will stop at nothing to get it, just look at the Vietnamese and tell me I'm wrong. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Friday, 23 April 2010 12:27:26 PM
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Perhaps some of you could stop being bitchy and consider the article?
Is anyone interested in defending(or offering a critque of) 'multiculturalism' as a government policy(which the author advocates) with its associated bureaucracy? Why do we need it? NB I'm not referring to multicultural societies but the institution of the idea through government agencies. Perhaps someone could suggest a model society we could imitate. Posted by mac, Friday, 23 April 2010 1:04:16 PM
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A model society would be one that envisioned a final state, it's a fundamentalist point of view, socialists are fundamentalists in exactly the same was as Theologans.
Nationalism will be the next step for Australia, there's no way the Republicans will succeed unless they become Nationalists, nobody is going to fight for "Multiculturalism" or "Diversity", they will however fight for a Nation and a National identity. Once we've got enough people consistently supporting one set of values we can start talking about tolerance of other value systems, as long as they don't damage the progress of society. Multiculturalism is a dream, we're talking many decades, maybe a century or more before we can start considering a Multicultural society where all value systems are considered equal. Furthermore society is only going to go backwards and slip further into pathological behavior such as what you people call "Racism" if the focus continues to be on suppressing Nationalism and both Indigenous and White ethnocentrism. That brings up another point,we have to resolve the fundamental issues that arise from colonialism. Colonialism is ongoing, we are still a British military occupation, hostilities toward the Indigenous Australians are ongoing. Until we deal with this Black/White issue we can't move forward, until White Australians accept that very label "White" we're stalled. watch this video, it'll give you a better understanding of what I'm on about.We'll discuss further. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 24 April 2010 6:11:24 AM
Like wise I fail to see how acknowledging the truth about this country's antecedents abominable actions and dealing with them is harmful to my self image. In fact showing empathy for the victims and those who are suffering today as a consequence of those actions is bad. In fact most people would say it shows maturity and understanding.
Whereby the opposite approach is simply perpetuating a grievous series of wrongs. Logic dictates that we as individuals should suffer as a result of these wrongs. But equity (fairness) suggests we acknowledge the wrongs and *fix what we can*.
Common sense suggests that the Germans should not as individuals who were born after WW2 should feel personal shame. Equally denial and indifference is not appropriate either. Restitution has been paid now their *responsibility* is to ensure it doesn't happen again.
In that way we in Australia have a similar responsibility. In our case it involved white supremacy and the decimation of all that was aboriginal. I fail to see that denying that responsibility to ensure it doesn't happen again is consistent with the refusal of refugees on the base of colour or ethnicity, celebrating the worst of the original colonists or fixing what we can.
Then again in depth reasoning and a fair go for ALL isn't the stock and trade of intellectually lazy and emotionally hyperactive posters on On OLO