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Sacred masculinity : Comments

By Warwick Marsh, published 1/4/2010

We must reject the demonisation of the masculine, or the feminine, and work towards the renewal of healthy manhood.

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I hope you got approval, from the matriarchy to write this.

But as in the story of Iron John, the boy must first steal the key from under his mothers pillow.
Posted by JamesH, Thursday, 1 April 2010 8:53:54 AM
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Oh, It's April fools day!

"We are spirits in a material world"
I always thought that was Madonna....

'men are natural leaders and natural achievers.'
Rehehehehealllly. Tell that to all the men lead by psychopaths. If they were all natural leaders, who would do the foot soldier work?

'great fathers are the key ingredient to great families'
So if the father dies, well, it's all over then huh? Nothing great can come of a family with no father?

'Generational renewal is the best way to change the world.'
Sounds like some 'renewal' is needed in the church if these are the attitudes that dominate.
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 1 April 2010 10:39:17 AM
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There is a tone of misplaced martyrdom and victimhood in this piece - as well-intentioned it might be in advocating for men.

"People forgot that there was such a thing as a good man, or a bad man, and began to label all manhood and fatherhood as evil."

Who has forgotten? Who is labelling manhood and fatherhood as evil? This is an exaggeration at best, mis-interpretation at worst. Picking a few quotes from radical feminists from the 60s does not a 'trend' make nor is it relevant in the modern age.

There is a tendency for beat ups such as in the case about the man being denied access to kids due to downloading child porn (for eg.) then suddenly that becomes a manhating issue? I don't think so.

Give women and men some credit in being able to distinguish good from bad as it applies to different cases.

As Bettina said "no gender has a monopoly on vice".

Fatherhood and motherhood are only "good" when they are not "bad".
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 1 April 2010 10:47:34 AM
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Warwick rightly points out that the children are the winners when they have a father prepared to lead and to love. Feminism is about meism (selfishness) and has done a lot to destroy children's lives. Prisons are full of men who have never had a father at home to guide them.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 1 April 2010 3:53:50 PM
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Men in prisons?
How is it the fault of women if the father abandons them and their children? You assume a lot about women and only wish to paint all women and motherhood as evil.

Children benefit from the love of both parents but if one is abusive they would be better off with the good one regardless of gender.
Posted by pelican, Thursday, 1 April 2010 4:06:26 PM
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I did not blame women for men being in prison. In most cases it is selfish men who are not prepared to father their own children. These men are just as selfish as feminist who want to deprive children of a father.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 1 April 2010 4:11:19 PM
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