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Rudd: intelligent, wonkish, cautious and polished : Comments

By Michael Giannopoulos, published 5/2/2010

The 2010 election won’t be particularly meaningful; there is no viable alternative to the Rudd Government.

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Michael, you are easily pleased. Heaven help us if the vast majority accept such mediocrity without Labor being forced to lift its game beyond its unprecedented level of rhetoric.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 5 February 2010 8:58:20 AM
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Firstly we need to understand that the belief in policy action because of man-made global warming is a politico-religious belief with no basis in reality. It is just a recycled version of the mediaeval religious belief in selling indulgences on the supposition that we’re all going to die because of man’s sin. Anyone trotting out this deluded rubbish, and the related idea that human productive activity is morally bad, should be rejected and condemned out of hand for being hypocritical, anti-human and irrational.

Secondly, the two major parties are ninety-nine points similar in that they believe in different versions of national socialism and unlimited government power to regulate and intrude into any and every aspect of life: farming, manufacturing, tertiary industry, primary secondary and tertiary education, roads, rail, electricity, telecommunications, family relationships, sexual relationships, the climate, water, food, what kind of light-bulbs you can have in your own home; substance use, employment, unemployment, health, debt, credit, pregnancy, abortion, you name it. Two tribes of essentially similar control freaks, they of course try to paint their one percent of difference as being the be-all and end-all of social and political life but the fact is that there is no significant difference between them; and the shallow and superficial analysis of those who think there is, lacks critical explaining power where it matters most.

The critical difference in Australian politics and society today is not between the two major parties but between those who get their income from peaceful, voluntary and productive activity - based on the ethics of individual liberty and private property - versus those, including the political class and their dependents on both the right and left wing, who get their income by exploiting and expropriating the labour and property of the productive class using legal political violence or threats of violence.
Posted by Peter Hume, Friday, 5 February 2010 10:20:26 AM
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KRUDD has not only failed to deliver on his election promises but has caused ordinary Australians severe financial hardship. Although he inherited a sound economy well into the black,he has ruined the Australian Economy by creating a huge debt for future generations to pay off and as a result is has now raised the retirement age for Australians to 70 to try to minimize the effects of his economic mismanagement of the nation's economy.It will take many years to fix Australia's now 300 billion dollar debt. Then he wants to have a ETS which is just another Tax to help reduce global CO2 emmissions which will impose a great financial burden on Australians when Australia produces only 1% of world emmissions even if you accept the cause of global warming argument as fact and the dodgy theory behind it is being disprooved daily and no major poluting countries such as China and India will do anything.
At least Tony Abbott has a policy of direct action on climate change and will do something constructive to try to mend the damage done to the Australia Economy by Labor. I hope the Australian Public are not so stupid as to believe that RUDD is the only credible option. I know I will not vote for him at the next election. He has done too much harm to this country to date.
Posted by Hellfire, Friday, 5 February 2010 10:53:57 AM
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I think you should seek some counseling , have you had a bad fall ?

I really can't think of a PM who has done so much damage to our land in such a short time .

Kevvie 07 has embarrassed our Country in the face of the whole World with his Farcical Stunts pre and at Copenhagen ; the little kid who lost his lollies at Copenhagen , what a joke . Little wonder he hid for 5 weeks when he came back .

It might be easier to figure what he has done , well he did apologies to the Aboriginals so thats ( 1 ) then there's the Vic Bushfires "We have got to Rebuild and guess what? Work starts tomorrow !"
What Happened almost nothing one house not completed yet , thats a cruel "Joke" Can you imagine what it would be like living up there in Winter , Old Caravans , Tents and Leanto's some with no Power or Water or Sewerage so thats (not quiet 2 )*( and 8 weeks away is freezing weather).
Then there is the "Farm Land Confiscation Stunt" , Did we really know that this is what Devout Christians do ?
So that's ( 3 )

Then the Murray Darling.......has to be "Saved" this millions of years old drain through semi arid desert was saved by waving a cheque book in front of Drought suffering Farmers surrounded by dead animals and filching their Water Licenses off them for a few shekel's making their Enterprise about as useful as a used dunny roll , another Christian ideal ? So that's ( 4 )

Then there was another Apology , darn it all I can't remember what for? Whatever it was , thats ( 5 )

So thats 5 outbreaks in two yrs so that's one out-brake every 20.8 days.
Phew wonder he dropped his Marbles at Copenhagen .
Posted by ShazBaz001, Friday, 5 February 2010 1:01:53 PM
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Yes, Ruddy's polished indeed, highly polished. But of course, he's only polished, because someone told him that a polished surface is more slippery, & therefore much harder to pin down.

He's very slippery, but that may be because of the slime, rather than the polish.

I wonder if this piece is actually an application for a job in young labor, or a students union?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 5 February 2010 1:46:03 PM
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It’s a mistake to believe that Workchoices brought down Howard. There are many people who sung the praises of workplace agreements because they were actually better of. And, anyone who says he or she would be worse of is a liar or just a Labor ideologue.

John Howard himself lost the election for the Coalition and also his own seat; he got too old, too big for his boots and too dictatorial. The new Coalition with a new leader will prove to be a viable alternative to Labor, particularly if they can get rid of Malcolm Turnbull. If, as this author claims, there is no alternative to Rudd, gawd help us!

On the matter of border protection – or lack of it in Rudd’s case – we have now had 10 boats of illegals arrive in the first 36 days of year 2010. Rather than do anything turn these boats around, the Rudd government is weakly extending accommodation on Christmas Island to accommodate more illegals. Since the Ocean Viking fiasco, there has been no move by Rudd to do a single thing about illegal arrivals. He is content to let them keep coming.

And of course there is the totally useless (in terms of carbon reduction) great big tax: Rudd’s ETS.

This author will find that there is much more to the next election and a few musings of a law student
Posted by Leigh, Friday, 5 February 2010 1:53:36 PM
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Labor is actually blessed with a lot of good politicians at the moment, but the PM is not one of them. Mr Rudd is everything that's wrong about politics today - a shallow media tart who thinks that a lot of activity and symbolic gesturing will, somehow, be seen by the electors as progress. He is the "hollow man". Yet Labor has real talent in the likes of Gillard, Tanner, Emerson and many others. Even Wayne Swan is scrubbing up okay.

The Libs are a bit short of talent. Abbott is great, but his front bench includes the two Bishops, Abetz, Andrews and others who rest on a reputation that wasn't much chop in the first place.

With Labor, the team is strong but the leader is a dud. With the Libs, it's pretty much the other way around
Posted by huonian, Friday, 5 February 2010 4:52:43 PM
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Oh Gawd,the election is not due till November and already we have an ALP lamb bleating words of praise KRudd&Co - pitiful.

And Rudd polished - yeah,like a fresh turd.
Posted by Manorina, Friday, 5 February 2010 7:03:25 PM
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Let's look at the facts:

1) Malcolm Turnbull's demise painfully
demonstrated how deeply divided the
Liberal Party is. Tony Abbott is their
3rd attempt at solving the problem.

2) Abbott's policies to date have been
shallow and opportunistic. Indulging in
words which can have no conceivable
effect but which attempt to give the
impression that he's a fine person with
firm but compassionate moral values.
His favourite denunciation is of course
the ETS, asylum seekers, and all the old
fears that characterised the Howard years.
Its the perfect form of politics, it costs
little and fools some of the people some
of the time.

3) Trying to convince the voters that the
ETS is a great big tax - is simply an
electoral trick. And, nonsense.
Even Howard supported an ETS.
Yet Abbott would prefer not to tax the polluters -
which is what the current government is proposing.
He would prefer to have the tax payer pay.
Because taxing the polluters is bad for business.

4)Blaming the stimulus package for our "Big Debt,"
overlooks the fact that it's thanks to the
stimulus package that has helped weather a serious
economic downturn due to the global economic crisis.

5)It is a moderate and cautious Labor Government that
is investing in public housing, hospitals, education,
health, roads, and so on. Something that the previous
government neglected during its years in office.

6) It's foolish
that the Opposition is trying to bamboozle the voters
with a belief that a "new" Opposition has begun. While
appointing the same tired party hacks to its front bench,
with the same Howard-style policies that Australians
rejected at the last election.

You can't keep doing what you've been doing and expect
different results.

It's time the Opposition got wise - and gave us policies
that can provide - a
real alternative to the current Government, otherwise
as the author of this article correctly sums up -
the results will be those of the last election.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 February 2010 7:21:14 PM
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Please, this is far too serious a situation for an eight paragraph joke.
Posted by individual, Friday, 5 February 2010 9:37:36 PM
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Dear Individual,

Stupidity is not a crime -
so you're free to go!
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 February 2010 10:21:54 PM
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manorina, Gold, I was waiting for someone to link the "polished" leader of our country to what he really is.

To the other bleating ALP lambs, PM Rudd did not win the last election, PM Howard lost it. It wasn't some David and Goliath contest, PM Howard just ran too long a race.

What was the margin of the Great Landslide you all seem to think shifted Australian politics to the extreme left? Less than 2%, and its easy to shift back mate.

Rudd had no policies just some goals, e.g. getting rid of Workchoices, hardly a policy - and now we're seeing the results, slowly slowly of the insidious union movement creeping back to its old tricks and bullying. Apologizing to the aboriginals, hardly a policy was it? What have been the benefits so far? Vapor is all it is.

Australians fundamentally dislike a bullshyte artist and con man, we'll tolerate it for a while, till the handouts end, then when we get told, hey you all need to be taxed this and that way - sorry, we'll move on.

Abbot may not be perfect, but obviously he worries the ALP hence the continuous attacks and frothing at the mouth of all the lovies - he dismisses AGW, good on him, maybe you all need a shake up and now let's have open debate, no more sniping and peer reviews eh?

Penny Wong has moved to enigmatic confabulator, but can't quite get the rabbit out of the hat, it's all different when you actually have an opposition doesn't it Penny?

So yes we should expect the little political clubs to all want the ALP back in, so the handouts and cosy hugs continue, have there been any more best and brightest glad fests since the first one?

ALP, just more vapor, no substance.
Posted by rpg, Saturday, 6 February 2010 6:37:41 AM
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Foxy, you are badly infected by ALP hype and out of touch with reality and living in Disneyland if you believe your post to be at all factual.
KRUDD is just a diplomat with no actual political experience and aspirations and pretentions to become some sort of world statesman which he is not. He became PM because the Aussie Press is mainly populated with journalists who wish to create the News rather than report it. They painted Howard as too old and presented KRUDD as the solution.The Stupid electors of this country believed it and through out a government that had fixed the Aussie economy after years of the previous Labor Government's mismanagement. Now after only 2 years of KRUDD it is in the worst shape ever in the history of the country.All KRUDD has done since getting into office is form committees to investigate this and that. He has done nothing constructive and in the process has created a huge debt for the future.
huonian, There is no talent in KRUDD's team. Mostly talentless people. Have a close look at what their experience is and you will change your mind.
Manorina and rpg you are both spot on.
The Australian Public is at last waking up that they have been screwed by KRUDD and CO and Tony Abbott is the new hope for the future budgie mmugglers and all. At least he proposes direct action on Climate Change not a huge tax that will not reduce CO2 one bit.
Posted by Hellfire, Saturday, 6 February 2010 7:32:00 AM
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Just remember at the forthcoming election you don’t need to vote for anyone!!

You don’t need to vote for whichever party you might consider to be the lesser of two evils; you CAN put in a null vote.

If it doesn’t really matter which party wins, then why bother voting for either of them?

Oh, and don’t vote for the minor candidates either, because the way our discussing compulsory preferential voting system has got it rigged, your vote will trickle down until it counts for whichever of the two big dinosaur parties you put first!

Neither of the potential winners have got ANY claim to responsible governance. So it is beholden upon everyone who is concerned, and that means the vast majority of us, to lodge a null vote!
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 6 February 2010 9:31:46 AM
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If this is the mood of the Australian public, the goose is cooked for Labor. I usually sit back and listen for a while, before I put in my two bobs worth.

I voted for Rudd not because of work-choices but because he held himself out as a morally upright man, and a regular attendee at the Anglican Church in Annerley Queensland. I thought the actions of John Howard were morally bankrupt, and when both of them attended Hillsong Church by video-link taken by over 200,000 Christians all over Australia, Kevin said he would abide the Constitution of Australia. He came over as genuine and the other bloke appeared to be Christian only skin deep.

Despite requests to do so Rudd has not fixed the High Court or Federal Court of Australia. He has not insisted that New South Wales abide the “Kable Principle” and restore its Supreme Court to a fully functioning Ch III Court under the Royal Seal of the Australian Sovereign. He still has the High Court with Menzies’ Rules, restricting access to the aristocratic few. He still has the law in Section 78 of the Judiciary Act 1903 allowing only barristers and solicitors to appear representing people in every Court exercising federal jurisdiction.

He still has a Judge exercising the judicial power of the Commonwealth, when he promised to uphold the Constitution, and S 79 states that the federal jurisdiction of every court shall be exercised by such number of judges as Parliament prescribes. Neither court or judges has a capital letter on it.

Worst of all he has not asserted the paramount power of the Commonwealth. He has continued Howard’s policy of appeasement to State Governments. He has not set us free to enjoy Our Commonwealth as One Nation, united in one body politic, and remains the captive of Canberra based lawyers, and those who would establish a republic as a lawyers paradise on earth. Wake up Kevin. Give Brendan O’Connor a mandate to fix Australia’s illegal gambling dens, called Courts using the Australian Federal Police. He and they have a duty to do so
Posted by Peter Vexatious, Saturday, 6 February 2010 10:23:08 AM
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Australia is in an indescribable mess because Kevin Rudd is as weak as water, and as ineffective as a neutered tomcat. Even mice have nothing to fear from Kevin07.

This is because he is essentially an opportunist, without any inherent moral fibre, and I am believing that now the Liberals got rid of their opportunist, immoral, morally bankrupt atheist leader, and installed a Christian by one vote, that the majority sixty five percent of Australians who say they are Christians will again change the government.

They would have changed it in 2004, and Kevin Rudd worked this out, if Latham had been a Christian. The arrow shot into Labors heart in 2004, was shot at Latham’s open atheism. Seven weeks out from the 2004 election, the record shows that lead by the Labor Party was the same as Kevin’s winning margin in 2007. The only difference was that the Labor Leader was openly Christian. Rudd’s shot at leader started in December 2004 with an article published in the Courier Mail and later on OLO.

The rats in the legal profession are faced with enough federal legislation to sink their monopoly without trace, and in the Trade Practices Act 1974 and Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act 2001 are provisions empowering every Australian to be a Commonwealth public official and do the job the Australian Federal Police should be doing but will not.

We need a snarling fully armed entire federal Christian cat, ( not feral cat) prowling the corridors of power in Canberra and in every capital city in Australia using the Laws of the Commonwealth to rain on every lawyers parade. We have a Constitution that has a Sovereign representing Almighty God. She had Her commission modified by S 116 Constitution, to give Roman Catholic Australians equality before the law. This is denied in the Coronation Oath 1688 ( Imp), but in Australia our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters are fully empowered subjects. We need a strong leader to restore democracy, by applying the letter of the law. If Tony Abbot promises that and delivers, he will win
Posted by Peter Vexatious, Saturday, 6 February 2010 11:00:36 AM
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Hellfire, you are wrong in one big aspect, "krudd the dud" does indeed have extensive experience in government. He was bureaucrat #1, when labour was in power in QLD with Wayne goss as premier. A more corrupt, incompetent government has never been known. Google "", see what complete, total & utter evil you find, try it, all of you please.

Mark Latham was right about one thing, the labour/green coalition is rotten to the core, beyond any hope of redemption.

Ludwig, i have a better idea for you, vote for minor parties or independents & then direct your preference against the sitting member in all electorates, then none of them would have a safe seat, or do, any more than 1 single term. Just think about it, none of them, would ever get their grubby hands on a superannuation payout.
Posted by Formersnag, Saturday, 6 February 2010 1:15:17 PM
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Peter Vexatious, I do not agree that Christianity necessarily make a good person. Christianity does however if followed provide some very good basic principles to use in life and teaches nothing bad. Nevertheless like all other faiths it is all man made and does more to devide people than it does good. However I have met many religious bigots in my time I would not give the time of day to and attending church one day a week and then not abiding by the principles taught does not make anyone worthy of anything. I agree with your comments apart from the Christian bit. What we need is decent experienced people in politics who have the country's intry at heart and not their own.
Formersnag, I understand you completely however a Diplomat is a Public Servant and that is what KRUDD was although he was in a position to provide advice. That does not give him political experience at all yet alone the credentials to run a country as PM.
I especially believe that the Superannuation for Politicians is a rort and should be done away with by a scheme that does brings them into line with community standards
Posted by Hellfire, Saturday, 6 February 2010 2:13:36 PM
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Dear Hellfire,

Just because you say so - doesn't make it
so. You should do a bit of research -
otherwise - you will lose the little
credibility that you currently have.

A few corrections:

Kevin Rudd's career has been quite varied, unlike
that of the previous Prime Minister's - John Howard.

But let's start at the
beginning. Kevin Rudd gained his BA (Asian Studies)
degree with first class Honours from the Australian
National University in Canberra. He was appointed to
the Australian Dept. of Foreign Affairs and served
in the Australian Embassy in Stockholm and later in
the embassy in Beijing. He was the Chief of Staff
to the Queensland Premier,The Hon. Wayne Goss and
later drove the Government's Reform Program as
Director General of the Cabinet Office.

A Mandarin speaker Kevin Rudd was appointed by the
then Prime Minister Paul Keating and the State Premiers
to chair an Inter-Government Committee to develop a
National Asian Language strategy for Australian schools.

Kevin Rudd worked as Senior China Consultant for KPMG -
a role that focused on opening up trade and business
opportunities for Australian Corporations in China
and Taiwan. He was the Shadow Minister for Foreign
Affairs. He has written extensively on Chinese politics,
Australia-Asia relations and Globalisation.

Kevin Rudd has had far greater political expertise then any of
his Australian political counterparts, and certainly more
than many American Presidents - when they first took
office. You really should follow Tony Abbott's advice -
Here's what he nearly said:

"Learn from your parents mistake
Use birth control!"
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 February 2010 8:13:09 PM
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"Heaven help us if the vast majority accept such mediocrity without Labor being forced to lift its game beyond its unprecedented level of rhetoric."

That's Australian politics in a nutshell Chris;

We accept phenomenal mediocrity from our governments until they become so bad, or try to push something absolutely intolerable to the voters that we, kicking and screaming, are forced to vote for the opposition.

I guarantee you that nobody would ever risk the mad monk until Labor screws everything up completely- I'd wait at least until 2013 before everyone votes for Liberal- Monk or not.

The sad part is that with compulsory voting, political apathy and a doom-and-gloom mindset about the other party getting into office are so deeply ingrained that the mediocrity is very much tolerated regardless just so long as the other side doesn't get into office.
Posted by King Hazza, Saturday, 6 February 2010 10:07:13 PM
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Come on Foxy. I only know 3 people who think he's good. You, Belly & him.

A low rent BA, & years as a public servant, & bureaucrat doesn't make you qualifed for anything except stuffing up bureaucratic jobs. He did a lot of that in Queensland.

Extensive writing on chinese politics don't mean much either, any idiot can do that, & get it all wrong. Ruddy can't understand china too well. So far, he has set our relationship with them back about 5 years.

That't what happens when your ego blinds you to all facts.

I hope we get rid of him very soon, for the sake of your new grandchild, & mine.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 6 February 2010 10:48:34 PM
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Doomed either way. Damage done far too many years ago on all the fundamentals, by both parties, to bother debating political parties and leaders.

If I were a Senior Advisor to the PM for just 'one day' I would commence the ball rolling to change legislation on the following;
(a) Exports: Fully get behind and support our Farmers and Graziers to grow and export primary products. Request Govt and Banks to fully support Australian innovators and engineers to manufacture and export products overseas. Focus on our Exports firstly.
(b) Wages: Reduce all public service wages to $100,000 and under at all levels ie those working in offices and not on the ground risking their lives o/s or on the streets here. Plough capital into medical, education and crime areas for a few years.
(c) Defence: Return all soldiers from o/s to assist reduce crime levels in our capital cities and towns.
(d) Plough all these savings/capital into our own climate change community meetings, medical, education and crime areas for a few years.
(e) Change Australian legislation that dates back to the early 1900's: currently loopholes still exist allowing crooks and criminals to rip off and commit murder and other crimes against innocent, honest, law abiding, and hard working Aussies, and in so doing, allows crims to walk free and lines the pockets of the legal system.

Just for starters.....
Posted by we are unique, Sunday, 7 February 2010 1:17:34 AM
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I am so looking forward to rubbing your conceited little noses in it after the next election. All you rudd haters are exhibiting all the worst signs of shameful, elitist, born to rule syndrome. Insulting the voters of Australia, calling them stupid, gullible and ignorant is hardly going to get them over to your side.

This is all just wishful thinking and desperation from the fascists, as evidenced by the choice of people skills and barnaby goose. A more unelectable pair there has yet to be. And I thought no one could best latham. Give it a few months and labor will be looking at winning the poisoned trophy of control of the senate.

My favorite capitalist robot wrote
<<"those - who get their income by exploiting and expropriating the labour and property of the productive class using legal political violence or threats of violence.">>
Which made me laugh so much since that is exactly what every single capitalist does or wants to do. Without the law and the state and the hired thugs called police do you really think ANYONE would respect your "property" or your hoarded riches or your wage slavery?

"Politicians are like nappys -- They should be changed regularly and for the same reason."
Posted by mikk, Sunday, 7 February 2010 1:22:32 AM
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So, from the majority of posters, it appears obvious that Krudd is in fact 'a dud' and, all that is needed for a change of government is a good strong leader for the coalition. May I suggest Mal Brough.

As for the 'minority' of labor supporters, it is quite obvios, by your lack of representation, that you are simply praying that Krudd does'nt loose badly enough to be voted out of office.

Now while that may please you lot, it leaves the rest of us 'up S-t creek without a paddle' so as to speak.

But just remember, all the money that JH managed to save, this is after repaying the then record debts of the previous labor government, has now been wasted and, they have some how managed to rack up yet another record debt in what must be record time.

The Krudd 'failed trophy case' must be almost full. Only problem is, they are all turned 'face down' as he is to embaraced to show them off.

But hey, he's still a very wealthy man, so why should he care, it wasn't his money in the first place.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 7 February 2010 6:53:14 AM
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Michael's article is a pretty good summation.

There are better leaders within the current Labor Party but one hopes most Australians don't just vote on charisma (or lack of). Mr Rudd is a bit lacklustre because he has been a bureacrat for too long and spent most of his years in Foreign Affairs - the pillar of bureacracy and elitism. Rudd is who he is, he perhaps is not aware of his public persona and sometimes tries a bit hard to be seen as chummy and thus fails on most levels. Perhaps the fact he tries is testament to some level of awareness.

Leaders need to be a bit creative and look outside the constraints of the global shackles with which we seem so keen on restraining ourselves. Creativity and outside square thinking does not generally come from someone who has spent their formative years in academia and in the Commonwealth Public Service. This does not mean that Mr Rudd's experience is null and void, quite the opposite, his credentials might make him a good Foreign Affairs Minister. Mr Rudd is not the only member of his party, albeit he will influence public perceptions as the leader.

In summary this article hits the nail on the head, and repeats what we all know sadly to be true, governments are not voted in but out. And they are only voted out when they step well and truly in it - as the Libs with Work Choices and a continuing series of faux pas' such as Tampa etc.

Work Choices was one of the big issues but not the only one, only high paid public servants and those in the mining industry were better off under this scheme. Those on lower incomes (hospitality, retail and unskilled labour) were not in a position to negtiate fairer working conditions and in fact were worse off under WC.
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 7 February 2010 9:17:24 AM
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I’d have to agree with Peter Hume, there is much, perhaps too much, similarity in the two major parties. The difference is perhaps in style and execution, and that the Liberals have a slightly better track record in delivering sustainable outcomes which sadly, does leave us with “tribal allegiances”. That said what are the possible “show stoppers” in the next election?

It seems that the major policy platforms of health, education, economy et al, are destined to follow tribal lines, possibly because the major policy platforms are vulnerable to populist spin from both sides.

Climate change policy however, does offer a point of difference. Not so much in the acceptance or otherwise of the need for action, or even the response to climate change. The difference is in the depth of commitment.

Abbott has “wriggle room”, a shallow commitment with very low cost for the first couple of years. Rudd on the other hand has deep commitment; his ETS is on the line, possibly with a double dissolution as a consequence and at a time when the whole basis for AGW is being seriously examined.

In the UK this week a BBC poll indicates a rapid decline in public support for AGW, as one pollster commented, “The rate of decline is very unusual”.

If this sentiment is reflected in the Australian public, the ALP/Greens position becomes more untenable whilst the Liberal position becomes proportionally stronger.

In such a scenario, the electorate might weigh a complex, expensive and risky ETS solution against a softer, less permanent, cheaper option of direct action, particularly if public sentiment perceives AGW as requiring the application of “reasonable doubt”.

MSM heavyweights in the UK, the BBC, Spectator and even the Guardian have this week begun touch the post Copenhagen reality. Except for The Australian, this has yet to happen in Australia however, regardless of which entity breaks ranks, MSM or politics, there remains enormous and growing potential for differentiation.
Posted by spindoc, Sunday, 7 February 2010 9:29:24 AM
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We've all had our say - and after all's
said and done - I personally find it
heartening that despite our differences
in opinion - what comes through quite
clearly is our combined concern in building
a stronger future not only for ourselves,
but for future generations.

We may disagree on who to vote for and why -
but I firmly believe that the voters will get
it right in the end.

For me this discussion has run its course -
it's going to be an interesting year as events
unfold closer to election time - I wish you
all well - until then ...
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 February 2010 10:03:23 AM
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Foxy, I am totally aware of KRUDD's past employment and still say he has nothing to qualify him to be PM. Never was a government minister and got thrown in the deep end as PM without any of the management skills necessary for the job. The way he has performed in the job confirms this. Enquiries and committees and no results or delivery on most of his promises. They remain just that PROMISES and the ruining of the Aussie Economy.
I'm no Howard fan either having resigned from the Liberal party when as Treasurer he introduced retrospective tax legislation which I believed totally immoral. I've not found an acceptible Party to belong to since then. However when you consider the facts Australia would be better off under a coalition government. First Whitlam wrecked the economy and the Coalition fixed it over time. Then the Hawke/Keating governments wrecked the economy and the conservatives fixed it and now KRUDD has caused more damage to the economy than any before him. Anyone can see that we can not afford to have another Labor Government based on this track record of when they are in power.
And in case you think I belong to some wealthy background I do not and am probably one of the lowest income people in Australia. If I can see what is wrong with Labor the all should.
I thought Malcolm Turnbull may have been the new leader for the Coalition but he somehow got fooled into accepting the Labor position on Climate Change and got the boot thank goodness before Australia got lumbered with an ETS. Tony Abbott seems to have the coalition in step with the wants and needs of the Aussie Public. So I believe he deserves a fair chance. He is not perfect but will have a better team than the current Labor one. I for one will vote Liberal and hope KRUDD gives us the chance to vote him out sooner rather than later.
Posted by Hellfire, Sunday, 7 February 2010 10:31:01 AM
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On this subject there is one poster who made a serious error. That was linking Hawke and Keating. Hawke a Pastors Kid, spent his whole life taking revenge on Christianity, and his father. Keating enacted all the Christian and Democratic principles into the Trade Practices Act 1974 and Criminal Code Act 1995 ( Cth). Howard as a lawyer spent his whole time opposing those reforms. Rudd should insist they are applied. He will be defeated because he has not done so. He will say this third sorry, after the next election. It will prove meaningless, but so have the first two.

I will detail the amendments:

Keating in S 4D Trade Practices Act 1974 ; made a law making it illegal for any business to exclude the ordinary people from participation. In the Evidence Act 1995, (Cth) he defined all Crown activities as business, including the courts. You the people are absolutely, by S 45 Trade Practices Act 1974 entitled to be present in every court, as the judges of S 79 Constitution. This franchise has been stolen from us by the Parliaments of the States and Commonwealth, but restored by Paul Keating’s government.

As any other person, Paul Keating’s government gave us all the right to seek an injunction when our rights are infringed. This phrase was enacted by Howard’s Government in the Australian Securities and Investment Commission Act 2001 so when a bank acts unconscionably, an injunction should lie as of right.

Paul Keating’s government made it a criminal offence carrying 17 years imprisonment for a Judge to deny the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is a law. S 268:12 Criminal Code Act 1995 ( Cth), but Howard told the Australian Federal Police never to prosecute them. Rudd has an ineffective Australian Federal Police too. He appointed a Queenslander as Governor General. She is a good country girl and former Law Professor, but she takes no steps to execute and maintain the laws of they Commonwealth. S 61 Constitution and S 8 Australian Federal Police Act 1979 read the same. Rudd still has a little time
Posted by Peter Vexatious, Sunday, 7 February 2010 11:32:10 AM
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In these responses, as in the article, one finds little but the expression of tribal loyalties and a large dose of confirmation bias. Laborites rail at Workchoices (what an oxymoron that was), Tampa and so on as explanations of Rudd's victory (but forget that Rudd's done bugger all about them), while, laughably, the Libs insist the election was only lost because of Howard's hubristic linger-too-long presence (here we see the born-to-rule mentality expressing itself).

For my part, as a citizen who hoped for some action on the Education, Health and Climate-Environment fronts, I am bitterly disappointed in Rudd. The developments in Education will be counter-productive until the competition-choice paradigm is dispensed with; in Health, progress (towards what?) is glacially slow and there appears no enthusiasm at all for ending the iniquitous private health rebate; and on Climate the government has almost completely spat the proverbial dummy while Wong monotonously intones the mantra of whatever is the party position at the moment. The Rudd government stands, above all, merely for the continuance of middle-class welfare in all its perfidious forms.

So what has changed? So little. A few symbolic apologies and pronouncements (yes, they were needed) perhaps, and a barely watered-down Workchoices system. Blather, mostly punitive in tone, about accountability of schools. Lots of triumphalism about avoiding the recession - tragically premature. At least (or at best?) Smith's replacement of the appalling Downer to improve our image internationally.

But actually, the ability of either political party to make any substantive changes to the hegemonic consumerist ways of a massively indebted nation - with its strong sense of entitlement - is virtually nil. The Libs got Turnbull, who for all his arrogant, narcissistic, irascible, impatient ways did represent a sort of enlightenment in the party; but quite soon they engineered his demise in order to resurrect Howardism, some of the most incompetent and pernicious ministers of the earlier era, and fools like Joyce. With this regression, Liberal and Labor loyalists alike should be able to see that the infinitely bland, and false, Kevin07 will survive at least until 2013.
Posted by Rapscallion, Sunday, 7 February 2010 1:19:34 PM
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Helfire aside from his 'anti' stance raises a good question "what constitutes appropriate experience for a PM?"

In many ways Rudd is better experienced but in practice? Sure he isn't as much of ideologue as the perhaps Australian's arguably worst/backward looking (a function of dogma instead real life experience) PM. His view encouraged division and suffered inevitably from his own overused diagnosis "hubris" in "*his* legacy".

Interestingly Leigh is IMO correct that Howard didn't lose government on 'work choices' per se, but rather it was a symptom of a greater malaise, he and his whole government had lost the plot.They were ruling. (1st Lord Acton's dictum comes to mind.)

Rudd needs to be careful he doesn't over play the ETS, lest it becomes his 'work choices'.

Having said that Spindoc's literal reading of the BBC headlines re the gaining scepticism in UK to AGW is more wishful thinking and media hyperbole than drama and as relevant. It's still in the 75% range of believers.

The old expression Oppositions don't win elections, governments lose them. Will probably hold here firstly because labor hasn't lost it yet. Secondly it hasn't done anything noteworthy yet either.

However, if the Libs were in power now they would lose it anyway.
Largely because we are looking at the ossified past courtesy of the jump started political dead front bench, save the odd popularist lunatic or fanged fringe dweller. Now they're fiddling with the label indicating a lurch right to feral conservatism.

This raised the obvious cynicism our choice is between flashing neonlights that say and do nothing V a 1980's living dead preview with old hat not-so-special effects
Viva King Belly preferably with clothes, "princess" foxy and her frog.
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 7 February 2010 3:42:40 PM
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Yes pelican,

Those on lower incomes (hospitality, retail and unskilled labour) were not in a position to negtiate fairer working conditions and in fact were worse off under WC.

Meanwhile, brickies, chippies, sparkies, plumbers, concreters, plasterers, painters, in fact, most traddies thrived.

Consultants, advisors, lawyers, doctors, accountants all thrived.

In fact, almost anyone with skills to offer had several jobs to choose from and as such were not worse off under WC.

The fact that the low skilled were worse off was a small price to pay for a booming ecconomy don't you think! Esspecially given the level of support available for one with poor skills to better themselves. Opportunities very few took advantage of.

But I really think this line sums it up perfectly

>>> Liberal and Labor loyalists alike should be able to see that the infinitely bland, and false, Kevin07 will survive at least until 2013.

The word 'survive' being the worrying factor here!
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 7 February 2010 4:35:13 PM
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Well at least I have a memory long enough to recall that even Howard was looking like a one-termer at this stage of his first term.

There were hoards of people bleating about losing their guns and "disarming the population" plus the after-effects of the massive cuts to services inflicted on all the vulnerable parts of the community.

He only survived because of the relative disorganisation of the Opposition, his significant majority buffer and clever electioneering by constantly referring to the deficit.

I think Beazley actually won more primary votes than Howard but these were in the seats he already held.

Rudd will probably go the same way. If he can get the message of the handling of Global Financial Crisis (which most still ignore) out there more effectively and let grandstanding clowns like Barnaby Joyce loose on the community he should survive.

Abbott will be spending much of his time explaining away both his own stumbles plus those of his inept front bench over the coming months rather than coming up with any real policies.

Of course Workchoices was the main reason for Howard's loss. Despite the hopeful denial of some posters, the polls all pointed to this as the main factor for the scale of the loss.

If you believe otherwise, you could really do Rudd a big favor by actively campaigning for their return.
Posted by wobbles, Monday, 8 February 2010 1:41:30 AM
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"Learn from your parents mistake
Use birth control!"
Advise from a Granny, yeah right ..
Stupidity is not a crime, you're free to go..
Why is when people are at a loss to come back with constructive criticism that they think ridicule is a clever tactic. By all means if you're so hell-bent to prove my points wrong then at least put up an argument. If you can't then ask someone on your own level which appears to be the norm for Labor voters. When I rile people it is not to get some queer personal satisfaction, it's with the faint hope that the reader takes a step back & actually dissects my statements & then thinks of what my points are rather then just look at the poster's name & instantly put up a barrier. You may be old enough to have grandchildren but anyone can let nature take its course. Many people are seen as successful because they make money but are they really ? Many write & sound very articulate but do they actually exercise wisdom ? Most large company managers keep talking up growth despite the fact & more than surplus evidence shows that growth is killing the planet. How good a manager do you have to be to keep advocating growth. I only hope that very soon a smart operator will discover a tactic to turn plain sustainability into profitable practice.
I'm certain it can be done as soon as sense yanks the power away from stupidity i.e. greed. I can sense a lot of retired Public Servants taking part here on OLO & they invariably clash with those who create the wealth of which the Public Servants live. How many academics can you list that are not on the public payroll & make their contribution to society via their own competence in business ? Are they articulate enough to employ people themselves rather that rely heavily on Government funding ? Yes our present Prime Minister is articulate but he's unable to use his one expertise to turn around the rot that is bureaucracy.
Posted by individual, Monday, 8 February 2010 6:30:04 AM
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Hi Wobbles,
You may be correct about one thing and that is that workchoices was partly the reason Howard lost the last election. However thanfully workchoices is dead and gone and will not be ressurected.
The ETS will most probably be KRUDD's workchoices because it will accomplish nothing and only severly impact to our detriment on our standard of living. Double our electricity cost and add at least 10% to the cost of our fuel bill. CO2 has been prooven beyound doubt to not be the cause of climate change. Have a look at the following website
As far a politics go I do not like either of our two major political parties and the main minor party is a one issue party joinded at the hip to the ALP in the past. In the future who knows. I would be for a system where party politics did not exist and a government was formed being all inclusively by all members of parliament elected as independents. This would put an end to the low standard of debate and the pointscoring against eachother of the main players. Probably way to idealistic but would be a better representation of the electorate
views on issues as all politicians would not be restricted by a party line on issues. But as this is not to be at present Tony Abbott seems to be the best option as future PM purely for the fact that he opposes the new ETS Tax.
Posted by Hellfire, Monday, 8 February 2010 6:37:41 AM
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I am not sure what your point is as your comments only go to support mine.

Tradies were by and large not employed under AWAs, many are also small business owners and run their own show. Some on building contracted sites were on AWAs I believe but enjoyed higher wages because their skills are in demand. Tradies have enjoyed higher wages in the past few years because of supply and demand factors. Mining workers enjoyed the same hike in pay because of demand for labour and high export demand.

They are not low income earners.

As I have repeatedley said, AWAs were highly damaging in those sectors mentioned previously.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 8 February 2010 7:20:41 AM
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I agree Hellfire: as we all know and live it; paying GST and dozens of other taxes that were supposedly implemented to knock off the deficit when Howard first became PM. Am still annoyed that this tax is being paid out continuously; forget any new 'major' additional tax to pay for the current PM's mismanagement.

There have been plenty of opportunities to reduce spending costs and allocate funding to primary areas. The defence situation requires closer consideration and reduction of costs; as does the despatch of the AFP staff o/s. These are only two areas where the current PM could have reduced spending to improve the nation.

On every occasion labor has been in power I have witnessed and lived through the battle of high costs on essentials; food clothing mortgages etc. The introduction of the first home buyers grant was ridiculous. All that caused for first home buyers [all ages and many young people] was a huge debt that many are now unable to meet as a result of real estates pushing up the prices another 30,000 as soon as the govt announced it. Many of these people will now find themselves unable to meet their repayments.

300 Billion+ again in deficit under a Labor govt. Again, another tax to be imposed upon us
Posted by we are unique, Monday, 8 February 2010 10:40:13 PM
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Do you really believe a Carbon Tax will be any cheaper to the consumer than an ETS?

This is a system that allows emissions to continue without any upper limit and any costs to the polluters will be entirely passed onto - "guess who".

Before any limits are set, the polluters will ramp up their emissions to higher levels so that any return to normal levels will be seen as a reduction and be rewarded.

Both systems are flawed but only one has a compensation system built in.

That's why the Carbon Tax system was investigated and rejected by the Garnaut Report.
Posted by wobbles, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 12:37:05 AM
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Wobbles, You are seriously in error in thinking I support any carbon tax. I do not believe in a carbon Tax. This is what an ETS is and I do not support it in any way.
If you log on to the web site I recommened in an earlier posting you will find sufficient evidence to realise that climate change has been a cyclic thing and that CO2 is NOT the cause of global warming. KRUDD and TURNBULL are both wrong on this issue which is why Turnbull who would otherwise been a great future PM lost the leadership of his party.In any case even if carbon emissions was the cause of global warming and Australia reduced it's emiisions to zero it would have no effect worldwide while major nations like China increase their emmissions by more than our total emmissions every couple of weeks. My vote is we do not need to do anything but Tony Abbott's policy to plant trees ets as direct action to reduce our Carbon footprint has my vote just in case us climate change skeptics have not got it right.I'm definately for more trees as they are the lungs of the earth and turn CO2 into O2.
A Tax on Carbon Emissions (ETS) as proposed by KRUDD and Co is just a TAX on Australians for us to bear with no proof it will reduce carbon emissions at all.It would only be a tax that is passed on to an already overtaxed public.
Posted by Hellfire, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 8:34:29 AM
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BTW, Why is nobody suggesting a tax cut for people &/or business reducing their carbon footprint? What ever happened to, trying a carrot, before using the stick as a last resort?
Posted by Formersnag, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 11:33:53 AM
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Rudd and Wong cannot accept their spendthrift holiday is over. Australians, according to recent polls, are overwhelmingly rejecting the mean and tricky con these two merchants tried to pull on the Australian public.

Any 'green' who still accepts global warming is manmade is tied to the irrational nature of their viewpoint, faces future public ridicule and completely lacks any credibility with the Australian voting public.

Their legacy might well see the demise of green popularity as sensible people leave their now apparently corrupted movememt ... unless it's self-appointed masters and political leaders resign and vacate the media ... en masse.
Posted by keith, Tuesday, 9 February 2010 12:51:11 PM
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