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Comment History for jocelynne

The Forum > User Index > jocelynne > Comment History

» 5/07/2012 7:05:47 PM in earlier post, i ought to have noted that some (many) austrlaians, persons from north am.....
» 5/07/2012 1:11:57 AM absolutely! give all australian children - all students in australia - the opportunity of .....
» 14/05/2012 12:19:19 PM perhaps we should be asking whether australia's recognition of the vatican as a 'state' is.....
» 8/03/2012 10:44:09 PM even the title ACCESS Ministries should raise concerns on the part of people who accept th.....
» 22/01/2012 3:30:13 AM meaghan - what a great article! every good wish, jas.....
» 18/09/2011 4:54:51 PM cont. If as a Member of Parliament, one perceives a 'cover up' or failure to address a ma.....
» 18/09/2011 4:53:55 PM The question is, what is the purpose of parliamentary privilege. Surely in the end the ind.....
» 7/07/2011 2:37:38 PM Sex/gender is central to criminal assault at home and other forms of domestic violence. Wo.....
» 27/06/2011 11:40:51 AM c - thank you for a thoughtful and considered article recognising, amongst other important.....
» 21/06/2011 1:13:13 PM is it odd that no one raises the question of 'merit' when a man is appointed to a board, c.....
» 21/06/2011 1:02:29 PM yes, we can expect the jury to restrain itself from looking at social network sites, just .....
» 30/05/2011 11:05:19 AM what a wonderful and wonderfully written article. no place for patronising here, either - .....
» 23/05/2011 1:15:19 PM [Deleted, referred to above.].....
» 23/05/2011 12:23:43 PM dear veritas thank you for your comments. just a note - all women have at one time or ano.....
» 14/05/2011 2:00:52 PM it is extraordinary that the united nations is taking such a 'laid back' approach to what .....
» 12/05/2011 9:49:15 PM the importance of the federal parliament recognising the realities of women in paidwork wh.....
» 12/05/2011 9:37:53 PM cont. the reality of present day society is that the family is constituted by many forms o.....
» 12/05/2011 9:37:16 PM i doubt many single parent mothers 'dump' the child on their parents (mother) so that they.....
» 4/05/2011 2:52:15 PM more research has been done into nuclear energy than into any other form of energy. more m.....
» 3/05/2011 9:47:58 AM it is pleasing to learn that state and federal governments provide funding for green group.....
» 23/04/2011 3:32:42 PM yes, what is astounding about the entire episode and nixon is that when he died he was lau.....
» 14/04/2011 11:16:36 PM one of the problems with the revolution in iran in 1979 - which was an attempt to return t.....
» 11/04/2011 2:26:58 PM the urge to see reagan as an exemplary 'leader' is astounding! so many americans appear to.....
» 28/03/2011 2:47:57 PM k and h - the lib-dems have had it in the united kingdom, whatever system of voting is use.....
» 14/03/2011 4:03:20 PM what a pity that this article projects the notion that the young woman concerned is 'the f.....
» 14/03/2011 3:53:03 PM international women's day is 102 years old, not 100! why do recitations of the day this ye.....
» 28/02/2011 7:15:42 PM gosh! i cannot believe it! a genuinely (generally) rational discussion about the issues fo.....
» 31/01/2011 9:53:47 PM what is so strange about this sort of video/performance is what it says about the man who .....
» 24/12/2010 10:18:40 PM Imposing or undertaking sexual intercourse with a sleeping woman is against the law in Aus.....
» 11/10/2010 6:12:09 PM dear online opinion - really saddened to see susan prior go - and wishing her the best of .....
» 4/10/2010 9:53:51 AM thank you helen for a timely article - acute in its thinking and concise in its writing......
» 4/10/2010 9:49:25 AM if military personnel (or others) are charged with war crimes, then they should be tried b.....
» 18/08/2010 1:39:16 AM what, amongst other matters, is strange about this article is that way back in the 19th ce.....
» 18/08/2010 1:25:05 AM at least in this campaign women members of parliament are visible, saying something (wheth.....
» 19/07/2010 7:51:55 PM debenhams, a large department store in london and other united kingdom locations, has decl.....
» 19/04/2010 8:46:16 PM part 3 women in parliament stand on the shoulders of the strong, courageous, brave women w.....
» 19/04/2010 8:45:25 PM part 2 the women's movement has fought for centuries to have women's voices heard (and li.....
» 19/04/2010 8:43:32 PM part 1 what a pity that the magazine *grazia* didn't give space to an article on what wome.....
» 19/04/2010 8:16:01 PM neither australians nor aotearoa/new zealanders should have been at gallipoli in the first.....
» 16/02/2009 3:16:49 PM why is it always said that with this type of checkingout and paying for items there will b.....
» 16/02/2009 3:12:16 PM not a bush fan, but i thought this article/review was quite interesting; sure, the man did.....
» 5/11/2007 10:25:07 AM medicare was not set up in the 1800s! nor indeed in the first half of the 1900s! as 'medib.....
» 24/09/2007 11:07:14 AM sadly, alp in government during teh 1980s did follow/implement too many regressive policie.....
» 24/09/2007 9:45:24 AM what about chavez (venezuala) and castro (cuba)? they have absolutely nothing on the tyran.....
» 24/09/2007 9:41:28 AM rosemary follett was the first australian to lead a party to government as a woman leader .....
» 17/09/2007 10:13:50 AM what on earth do you then suggest parents do in such a horrible, horrible situation? just .....
» 15/09/2007 9:37:00 AM also the notion that submissions via *get up* were 'standard' is nonsense. mine was one of.....
» 15/09/2007 9:36:59 AM also the notion that submissions via *get up* were 'standard' is nonsense. mine was one of.....
» 14/09/2007 11:06:53 AM hey, what? yindin, did you actually read the article? why on earth would you want to have .....
» 14/09/2007 9:23:10 AM that a person sends an e-mail does not mean s/he has an empty head or is unappraised of th.....
» 31/08/2007 10:27:24 AM amanda thank you for this thoughtful article. perhaps the victims/survivors should being .....
» 30/07/2007 1:09:25 AM have read no h(arry) p(otter) books. saw one of the films (the first) and apart from quidi.....
» 13/07/2007 10:45:49 AM re 'honest (sic) john' - people have forgotten that this was ever a term of derision. it w.....
» 10/07/2007 2:27:42 PM apols - graeme, not graham.....
» 10/07/2007 2:26:34 PM graham - the award system was far better for small business - it meant that an employer co.....
» 9/07/2007 1:17:24 PM patmalar - thank you for this cogent and timely critique of the current 'plan' (which appe.....
» 9/07/2007 1:02:51 PM continued ... australia once was a country where everyone was seen as having a right to th.....
» 9/07/2007 1:02:17 PM graham - thank you for writing up the results of the survey. it constantly amazes me that .....
» 6/07/2007 12:16:49 PM since governments are under so much pressure to succumb to gm technology/farming/crop prod.....
» 4/07/2007 9:58:46 AM on this theme, see Melissa Chan's 'At the Premier's Literary Awards', short story in antho.....
» 2/07/2007 1:20:56 PM there are many ironies re education, the current federal government approach, and the righ.....
» 28/06/2007 4:42:48 PM davop - touche! great response!.....
» 28/06/2007 10:20:58 AM harry - thank you for this article and drawing to attention the royal commission on aborig.....
» 27/06/2007 3:14:27 PM the major difficulty for those confronting these sorts of workplace bullies lies in not co.....
» 27/06/2007 1:07:23 PM melody - thank you for this really *good* article and for ensuring that burma gets some sc.....
» 25/06/2007 10:12:05 AM apropos reasons (a) and (b) in a previous post for forming a view that lawyers are all bad.....
» 25/06/2007 10:04:09 AM a real problem is the way in which australia runs its ('our') foreign affairs policy in th.....
» 22/06/2007 4:20:24 PM feminists *do* protest loudly against female genital mutilation. western feminists work to.....
» 19/06/2007 11:51:47 AM give hilary a break! after all, how many blokes are in parliament/congress because their f.....
» 18/06/2007 10:06:03 AM clarification the 'sa' is for south australia in the earlier post clarifying that sa - as.....
» 18/06/2007 10:05:47 AM clarification the 'sa' is for south australia in the earlier post clarifying that sa - as.....
» 17/06/2007 4:59:37 AM Thank you for clear article. Problem is that Australia has become a cypher for the current.....
» 15/06/2007 9:57:38 AM margaret what a *good* article. would that anyone in government and the justice system co.....
» 14/06/2007 12:02:24 PM jolanda i trust there isn't a next time (of bullying against your children). if there is,.....
» 12/06/2007 9:51:33 AM Helen - Bravo!.....
» 21/05/2007 12:37:59 PM yes, jill greenwell - a good and timely article. the rot has set in with a vengeance. two .....
» 21/05/2007 12:16:55 PM yes. and when they award themselves huge bonuses and salaries. as in - wait for macquarie .....
» 13/02/2007 11:28:22 AM vinaka malenko many thanks. and good wishes to all the wonderful women of fiji!.....
» 22/01/2007 10:28:40 AM to those making insightful contributions re wilfred burchett's career, life and times than.....
» 5/09/2006 4:45:05 PM dear thalia anthony - what a wise and perceptive article, both an intellectual and a good-.....
» 27/03/2006 11:14:18 AM for all who do not want australia's legal system to become even more bogged down in religi.....
» 20/03/2006 11:08:36 AM dear sharon beder - thank you for your sensible and incisive contribution on this very imp.....

82 comments in total: 82 article comments, 0 general comments.

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