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Indonesia bans sex outside marriage as parliament passes sweeping new criminal code

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Indonesia bans sex outside marriage as parliament passes sweeping new criminal code

Three cheers:

Down comes the rainbow flag in Indonesia (And coincidently, Israel).
Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 6:57:06 AM
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How will this affect sex workers and the red-light
districts? Will sex trafficking and prostitution now
become technically illegal and punishable?
Money, money, money ...?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 9:21:06 AM
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And? Who cares? Perhaps Indonesia is trying to protect itself from the decadent West and the sicko perverts who go there for sex.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 9:34:26 AM
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Perhaps you're right, Indonesia is trying to protect itself from the more infamous coital activities of the West. And what of Thailand, and worse, the Philippines, Sex adds to their national economy. As far as I can see, all the Indonesian Government has achieved, is to drive institutionalised sex underground.
Posted by o sung wu, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 2:36:31 PM
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o sung wu, diver dan

If I went to Indonesia this wouldn't worry me, nor either of you, I suspect. Indonesia is a mainly Muslim country that probably doesn't want to go down the gurgler the way post-Christian Australia and the rest of the West is going.

Good on them. Foreigners looking for cheap nookie can save the price of a fare, and support their local ladies.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 3:14:07 PM
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"If I went to Indonesia this wouldn't worry me, nor either of you,"

I'd say you got it one there ttbn. ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 4:11:35 PM
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The sex ban is the least alarming aspect of this atrocious new criminal code, as in practice it will just mean Don't Ask Don't Tell.

Of far more concern is the outlawing of insulting the president, and the broadening of Indonesia's already blasphemous blasphemy laws.
Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 4:15:17 PM
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Indonesia bans sex outside marriage as parliament passes sweeping new criminal code.

And opens the door for blackmail, intimidation and more corruption.

I wonder how many politicians and businessmen in Indonesia have ever had sex outside marriage, or indeed mistresses? How many posting here on on The Forum cheering for the new law have never ever had sex outside marriage?
Posted by Cossomby, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 9:34:14 PM
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It was reported today that accusations must come from within the family concerned, which would not normally effect tourists.
Posted by rache, Thursday, 8 December 2022 12:12:23 AM
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Anyone who saw the TV series 'Australians & British abroad" or something to that effect will understand why Indonesian Authorities made that decision.
The decadent West's zero culture is frightening to say the least ! The downfall it is causing to this civilisation for want of a better description, is well underway.
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 8 December 2022 5:32:53 AM
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More important and insulting to Australians than Indonesia's banging ban is the news that another Bali bomber, Umar Patek, has been released on parole after only 10 years of his 20 year sentence. And Australians keep on going there.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 December 2022 8:37:16 AM
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This is when muslims have a "voice" to parliament.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 8 December 2022 10:38:02 AM
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There was a comment on TV that Bali being Hindu will not have that law.
There is even a custom that engaged couples live together for a period
before their marriage with the approval of their parents.
More of a worry is the stricter Islamic trend.
A ramp up of Islamic Ultra religious practise could be a problem.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 8 December 2022 1:00:54 PM
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Just don't go to Indonesia, ever.
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 8 December 2022 9:24:52 PM
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P.S. Only fair that our unmarried Prime Minister and his partner, Jodie Haydon, also boycott Indonesia.
Posted by Maverick, Thursday, 8 December 2022 9:33:29 PM
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"This is when muslims have a "voice" to parliament." What a RACISTS statement, but can we expect anything less from this far right Trumpster?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 8 December 2022 9:42:14 PM
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Good advice for the people who might be effected, including our PM and his bit of squeeze.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 8 December 2022 10:05:43 PM
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"When Muslims have a voice to Parliament.."

As opposed to Evangelicals and extremists having a voice in ours?
Posted by rache, Thursday, 8 December 2022 11:40:59 PM
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And Australians keep on going there.
Real Australians aren't like that, only the opportunistic okkers !
Posted by Indyvidual, Friday, 9 December 2022 8:13:12 AM
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This is not a practical concept.
One might as well try to ban breathing and thinking.
And while we are about it, why not ban alcohol?
Oh! That has been tried already.
When inroads in to personal freedoms are made, I suspect that someone with religious zeal is lurking in the wings.
That is a BIG worry.
In a well run democracy, religion and government must be totally separate.
A small positive I can see is that the reporting of such 'misdemeanors' can only be done by particular persons?
Not just anyone can make a report?
If that is so, it is a glimmer of hope.
Also, the 'digression' would need to be proven?
How will it be possible to confirm it took place?
Will it be 'camera, lights, action'?
This provides yet another chink of light in an otherwise dark void.
It might even lead to an increase in the sale of 'artificial' aids and devices.
That should make retailers happy?
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Friday, 9 December 2022 11:59:22 AM
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The Indonesians are reinforcing their Islamic values, while Australia and the West are throwing out their Christian ones.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 9 December 2022 3:04:36 PM
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Indonesians gets to make their own laws
Foreigners don't have to like them.

Probably 80% of people affected are sex tourists anyway.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 9 December 2022 9:15:04 PM
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What a RACISTS statement,
Which race are Muslims ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 12 December 2022 10:13:07 AM
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Hey Indyvidual,
It's actually surprising that haven't invented a new word to call people who dislike a particular religion in the same way that 'racism' applies to people who dislike a particular race.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 12 December 2022 10:30:00 AM
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Word meanings change over time. The word 'racists" is an example, once it had a narrow meaning only, ie a discriminatory opinion pertaining to a particular race, back in the day when a bloke like you called people of colour "jungle bunnies", that was easily identified as racists. Today the word has taken on a broader meaning to encompass prejudices against minorities in society who are different or simply hated for what they are, not necessarily race based, Muslims for example. in this instance would you prefer to be called a bigot rather than a racists.

Okay; "This is when muslims have a "voice" to parliament." What a BIGOTED statement, satisfied.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 5:18:34 AM
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when a bloke like you called people of colour "jungle bunnies"
News to me that only people of colour occupy the concrete jungles or are you just saying that so you can bleat racism again ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 13 December 2022 2:09:16 PM
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Bigoted means fixed in one's opinions and inflexible.

Thus, the village idiot is by definition a BIGOT.

Also, racists is a plural noun where the village illiterate means racist. As the VI bases everything on race he is also a RACIST.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 5:25:25 AM
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What the village illiterate is too dumb to understand is that the Muslims in Indonesia are not all of one race. Islam is a religion, not a race. Also, not all Indonesians are Muslim.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 5:29:23 AM
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"Concrete Jungle" and "Concrete Jungle Bunnies", have two different meanings the 'Concrete Jungle' refers to the city, being jungle like constructed mostly of concrete. on the other hand 'Concrete Jungle Bunnies' refers to people living in that city. It was first coined to describe blacks living in American cities, the inference being they had transferred from one jungle of vegetation in Africa, to another jungle of concrete in America, "bunnies" was added disparagingly to give these blacks and air of low intelligence to boot.

Sometimes its "Concrete Jungle Monkeys" the inference there is monkeys being of lower intelligence primates, then like monkeys black people are also monkey like and of lower intelligence. Take your pick.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 7:06:48 AM
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shadowminister,, you are rather odd, I must get to you, that pleases me, because you spend an inordinate amount of your forum time attacking me. If you're not inferring I'm a paedophile which you often do, its some other crap calling me a fw or some such thing, liar, village idiot etc. GY the moderator seems to give you a great deal of latitude, which others don't enjoy, that's up to him, its his forum, not for me to judge. The worse I call you is "Shonky" rather than "Shadow" which seems to be rather mild compared to your libelist attacks. You are always the instigator on any thread, whilst I simply ignore or occasionally retaliate. As a forum troll you will persist until you secure a negative response. Maybe like some petulant public school boy, you then have the grounds to run off to the headmaster with a complaint. In my opinion you enjoy a certain freedom on here, so carry on regardless.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 7:36:53 AM
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The western civilization is currently depleted of values and convictions and allows anything to be present as they now believe this is true freedom. The opponents of social human values do not like laws reflecting human decency, so they scream at restrictions on sex, but fail to recognize a far deeper problem and that is freedom of expression. A person is only totally free if they can share what they think from their conscience. True freedoms have values common to every person.
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 8:11:05 AM
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What bollocks, you are almost always the instigator and don't hold back on libelling me either. You also frequently lie through your teeth and have in the past accused people of various things including paedophilia and have been banned for abuse many times.

So stop being such a crybaby and try being a human being if you want to be treated as one.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 10:57:48 AM
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As the New Year approaches, I intend to give all my adversaries on this Forum a clean slate, starting 2023, you included. As has been my practice for many years, but should you choose to continue in the vain you have adopted this year, and for the couple of years you have been a Forum member, then I may well retaliate in kind, but not necessarily to your extent.

BTW; Your overuse of the word "BOLLOCKS" makes you sound like some former petulant English public school boy, something King Charles might say with a plum in his mouth...."I do say...BOLLOCKS!" Maybe occasionally you could use the words, nonsense or rubbish (they mean much the same) to add variety to your posts. Is that helpful?
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 1:31:53 PM
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Given your penchant for lying about posts years ago, your claim of cleaning the slate rings hollow.

Secondly, while I understand my posts may sound plumy, for those with an education past std 7 this should not be a problem.

For example, your post says "continue in the vain" which should be "continue in the vein".
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 15 December 2022 8:09:29 AM
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I wouldn't be concerned about if its "vain" or "vein", not if I had made such a dumb statement less than 24 hours before far right extremists murdered 3 people in Qld;

Village idiot,

Looking for conspiracy theories under the bed? just like the racist twit you are.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 11 December 2022 1:51:12 PM

You are a forum classic for getting things wrong;

How abut your stupid claim that 'Cry baby' Porter was in for $10+ million in compensation, a grovelling apology from the ABC, and 100 ABC staff sacked to pay for it all.... AND BTW; " Christian Porter has nothing to worry about, he will probably be our next Prime Minister." so YOU claimed. SM you are a scream.

Whose the village idiot now?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 December 2022 10:19:38 AM
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So much for wiping the slate clean. There you lying through your teeth again.

You are a LIAR and a FRAUD.

No wonder you are banned from the site so often.

You are definitely the village idiot.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 15 December 2022 12:03:31 PM
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January 1st 2023 shadowminister! No early start for you. By chance were you ever in contact with the 'Train Mob' anti-vaxx, conspiracy theories, etc etc maybe they were even Trumpsters, who knows. What ever happened to dear old Shadow Minister, didn't he vanish from the Forum about the time of the Christchurch massacre, maybe he's banged up in a jail in New Zealand. Is he any relation?
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 15 December 2022 12:54:07 PM
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'Indonesia bans sex outside marriage as parliament passes sweeping new criminal code'
- this doesn't really affect us much, but this here might.

New Zealand bans smoking for life for those born after 2009

And you all wonder why I say they those who rule over us wish to have absolute control over peoples lives.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 16 December 2022 11:41:37 AM
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Hi AC,

Its very much a yes and no issue.

Dr Barnsley’s research indicates as much as 70 per cent of Aussie non-smokers support a cigarette phase-out akin to New Zealand’s.

The tobacco industry, however, would always campaign against it, she claimed, saying: “When you kill a large percentage of your customers, your survival relies on recruiting new ones.”

Yes from the general public and no from those who profit from it.

Just today I was walking into the shopping centre and some bloke outside having a fag, blew smoke all over me.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 16 December 2022 12:53:52 PM
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Being a LIAR and a FRAUD again I see.
Posted by shadowminister, Friday, 16 December 2022 1:14:14 PM
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"Dr Barnsley’s research indicates as much as 70 per cent of Aussie non-smokers support a cigarette phase-out akin to New Zealand’s."

Well that's democracy for you, nothing at all to do with letting people decide what they want for themselves.

First you bring in ID and increase the price, removing the branding, increase the price, outlaw it in certain public and private places, increase the price, stop the advertising, increase the price, reinforce the bad health benefits, increase the price and then once you have a clear majority - use that majority to dictate what the remaining smokers should do, according to your original plan and beliefs.

- As I said nothing at all to do with allowing people to decide for themselves.

It feels like a Muslim approach to conquering their adversaries,
'make treaties when you are weak until you are strong enough to disregard them'.

I'm not saying smoking isn't bad for ones health or that non-smokers aren't potentially impacted by it as you were this morning.

- I'm just pointing out that 'democracy' and 'allowing people to decide for themselves' are two different things.
Democracy has been weaponised to support whatever the rulers dictate, as I always said it was.
And who's in charge or what a individual wants doesn't even matter.

- I'm not becoming 'radicalised' though as some would suggest.
I'm just able to think for myself and judge things on merit.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 16 December 2022 1:45:07 PM
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