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The Forum > General Discussion > Bringing Terror to Australia

Bringing Terror to Australia

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Hi Foxy,

AC is right, he's only telling it like it is, re USA. Where I disagree is America is a one party state, it has no "two sides of politics", rather one side with two heads.

Thanks AC, a bloke who can really see through Uncle Sam and all his BS.. The last US President to step out of line was the bloke before George W in 1776.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 October 2022 1:27:27 PM
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Perhaps you have had a bad day, but I can't believe that you are serious.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 5 October 2022 9:53:23 PM
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Hi Paul1405,
"Where I disagree is America is a one party state, it has no 'two sides of politics', rather one side with two heads."

- Can't really disagree there.

Hi Foxy,
"Then what are you doing in the West?
Perhaps you should be living elsewhere?"

Running away from your home country to join another's because you don't like how things are at home is a bit of a cowards game in my opinion, though I'm sure there are plenty of genuine situations where doing so is pragmatic.
Keep in mind however that the home country will never become a better country if all the well-educated and wealthy leave at the first opportunity.

The easy path might be to run away, whilst the harder path may be to stay and stand up for what you believe in.

What am I doing here?
- I was born here, and have indigenous and Anzac ancestors.

You once spoke about 'tolerance' and I countered by saying that there are pro's and cons to everything.
I showed you that 'intolerance' is just as important; depending on the situation.

You could point a finger at all the worlds problem nations.
But if the nation that leads the world has problems of attitude and character this may in fact be a much bigger problem in the grander scheme of things.
One may expect poor behavior from smaller less-significant countries, but the leader always has the attention of others and needs to lead by example, not by threats, bullying, underhandedness and intimidation.

Again, this world will never change for the better if the way the US engages with other countries doesn't change first.
The character of the United States includes a predisposition for global conflict in continuity.
If the US was a regular person it would be considered a dangerous sociopath capable of anything, would be locked in a mental health facility and prescribed medication so that it can't harm others.

When looking at problems between the West and others, you need to look carefully at 'causes' and 'effects' and not mistaken the two.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 5 October 2022 10:47:06 PM
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Hey ttbn,
"Perhaps you have had a bad day, but I can't believe that you are serious."

I never said I thought it was a good idea for the sons and brides of ISIS to return home to Australia, but I'm not sure there's anything we can do about it.

As soon as they can get away with it (without huge public backlash) I'm sure they will send them back to Australia, they've been talking about it for years.

And after all, the government seems to be far more interested in bringing them home than Julian Assange, as an example.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 5 October 2022 11:01:42 PM
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Armchair Critic,
I find her one of the most not deliberate hypocritical posters !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 6 October 2022 6:28:54 AM
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Of course something can be done about it. The government can stop being stupid and refuse them entry. For all its faults, the previous government did exactly that.

As for the dear little children, the case of a woman reporter being told by little darlings barely of school age that they would kill her for not wearing a hijab is well known. They are already tainted with Islamic extremism, hatred, and misogyny.

There is no place for these people in Australia. They were told at the time that they would not be allowed back by a responsible government. We now have an irresponsible government saying that they will be allowed back. We already have too many enemies inside Australian in the lunatic left and, sadly, the ALP government; a government that the majority of voters did not want, despite failures of the Coalition.

If ordinary, decent Australians could be refused re-entry to their own country during Covid, these horrible creatures surely can.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 6 October 2022 7:33:37 AM
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