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Racism In Australia

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Thanks Shaggy Dog, Paul, Is Mise, and everyone else,
for your comments. The more I read, and see, the more
I realize how little I know. I guess we all have our stories
and experiences. And as far as our Indigenous people are
concerned I'm seeing that I still have so much more to

George Orwell wrote in "1984"- "Who controls the past controls
the future. Who controls the present controls the past."

Hopefully, we as Australians all, will be able to work together
towards achieving equality and wealth for us all to share in
this best country in the world.

In the meantime I've been given a new book to read.
"The Story of Russia." by Orlando Figes. I am hoping that
it will help me understand the current events of what's going
on there.

Again Thanks for sharing your experiences and thoughts.
All these recent events are doing my head in.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 10:19:13 AM
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The "dynamics of language". What a load of rubbish, pinched from the ravings of the leftovers of a group that has been concentrating on bringing down the Western democratic system since the 1960's. Language isn't dynamic; it is manufactured by people, and used as a weapon. The manufacturing of goods in Australia has been replaced by the manufacturing of non-existent problems (racism, man-made climate change, 'deadly' pandemics no worse than the common flu, false meanings for established language). Add your own examples, if you are not one of the suckers who have fallen for the tricks of activists intent on enslaving you, mind and body.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 24 September 2022 10:22:08 AM
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Why did these 'researchers' try to equate having 'negative views' with being racist? Because they had an agenda (ie find as much racism as possible) and just looking at actual racism didn't yield the required numbers.

So, to fool those anxious to be fooled, they create a new paradigm and pretend one equals t'other.

I have negative views about the Han Chinese because of their treatment toward the Uyghur. How that makes me racist is something only those who fall for this rubbish would explain.

Paul has negative views toward the British. Racist?

Foxy has negative views toward Israel. Racist?

As to Foxy's Grant article....just how the experiences of his ancestors advances the enquiry into Hawthorn is something only those of a certain ilk would think.

Grant presumably was raised in some deprivation. But this nation gave him the opportunity to become a millionaire, gave him the opportunity to have the career he sought, gave him the opportunity to have a megaphone vastly exceeding that of ordinary Australians. How that shows the nation is racist is something only those who just want to shout racism at every opportunity to show their supposed virtue would assert.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 24 September 2022 12:31:09 PM
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A few corrections:

Foxy is not against Israel. She is against the government
policies that treat Palestinians so cruelly.

As for Stan Grant and how much this country did for
him? Stan Grant achieved what he did through sheer talent,
hard work, belief in himself, in his strength, his resilience,
and his determination and refusal to be what others said he
was. People that tried to take everything away from him.
And Bravo for him that he did it!

As he's stated, " I learned at school the hard lesson of life.
I lived in a world where white lives mattered and I was not

"White was normal and I wasn't normal."

"I was about 15 years old when we moved to Canberra, and my sister
and I were the only Aboriginal kids in the school. For a
moment I thought I belonged. I was wrong."

None of us can truly understand what someone else has gone
through if we too have not walked in their shoes or experienced
what they have. All we can do is try to help and understand
their pain.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 2:12:52 PM
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I think pain is an overused word to describe what many folk have been through.
Some adversity in early life can be an asset in later years, the old adage "if it doesn't kill you it can only make you stronger" has some truth in it.
Life is not a game of equal chances, it is more about what you make of that which is served up to you.
Stan G obviously made the most of what he was served up, good on him and others like him but recognizing the fact this can be done in Oz with a dint of hard work, application, and a bit of luck, is the fortune of living in such a country.
We do, most of us anyway, get served up a variable but goodly sized serve of opportunity in Oz. We can use it or waste it. It is our choice.
Take it easy.
Posted by Shaggy Dog, Saturday, 24 September 2022 2:49:40 PM
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Hi SD,

We all have stories to tell and experiences to share.
Some have had it harder than others. And I think it
only fair that we do try to show empathy to those who
are still doing it tough today. The following link might
be appropriate on Stan Grant:,r=HtmlFragment
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 24 September 2022 3:03:33 PM
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