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Think of your average Joe Blogs, we spend all this money on him on health and education, and he goes out into the world gets a job, nice car, a woman, kids & mortgage.
- Times change and he loses his job -
Then he's at home, can't get a job, woman's disappointed, tense environment so they start fighting, kids are going without, so they're playing up. He starts drinking and getting agro, can't take it, sells his nice car, can't pay the mortgage so he loses the house, relationship falls apart and now separation, starts taking drugs, missus and kids are now on welfare, he's off to alcoholics anonymous and anger management, got court coming up because he got caught with drugs, getting welfare too, occupational psychologists etc, etc.

NO, NO, freaking, NO.

See all that bad stuff that happens?
That big downward spiral.
All these costs and services that we all have to pay for.
You can wipe a massive amount of those costs to society out before they even exist.
If only the poor bloke was able to get a job when he needed it.
He wouldn't have lost everything.

Answer - 'The job you have when you don't have a job'
How else we going to pay for all this free healthcare and education?
Meaningful things that we value, if we don't offset those costs by including 'job' into these base-level standards?

Try not to think of problems as problems.
Think of them as an opportunity to use our brains and find a solution,
- Solutions that are just waiting to happen.

Turn liabilities into breakevens.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 16 May 2022 6:33:29 PM
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I must confess I don’t see why all this fuss about owning a house. I have never felt the need to own a house – or anything else for that matter. You can’t take it with you when you’re gone.

I never inherited anything either. My mother wrote me a letter many years ago telling me she was willing the house and everything else to my brother because I could always get by on my own.

She was right.

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Monday, 16 May 2022 9:17:00 PM
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"Corny Banana" - I like it!

According to him we should now be marrying animals. After getting the boot from his own party he started his own, absorbed Family First and then managed to sink both without a trace by getting only 1.47% of the vote.

He now spouts his nonsense on Sky under the slogan of "Common Sense".

A true legend.
Posted by rache, Tuesday, 17 May 2022 1:18:29 AM
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"The Greens are troubled people, not mad, but not normal either. Like all left-wing apparatchiks, they rely totally on ideological theory to project political and social reforms. In so doing, they reject rational thought. They are the latest, but probably not the last, in a long line of self-appointed prophets whose mission is to save the world. Their message is viewed as holy writ. Anyone who rejects it is condemned for apostasy." (Brian Wimborne, 11/5/22)
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:30:10 AM
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McGowan, the pro-Chinese WA premier, agrees with the Greens that China is no threat to Australia. The real threat, this halfwit says, is our own defence minister, Peter Dutton, for commenting on the CCP spyship!
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:49:21 AM
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We need a leader who can lead
Who'll be there for us in times of need
So choose wisely who you pick
Or you could end up with a real prick

Eenie. Meenie, Minnie, Moe
We don't want someone who's just for show
We don't want pain and lots of tears
And be stuck with a misfit
For the next three years
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:51:44 AM
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