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Its Another Holiday

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Explanation unnecessary.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 1:15:31 PM
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mhaze, your last post is a crock of sh!t, made by an apologist to hide the truth. I give you an 80% decline in the native population and a 10,000% increase in the whites over the first 113 years of European settlement, and you try some nonsense of a distortion based on so called "better research", by whom fella, by whom.. YOU. I say a people with primitive weapons were decimated, by those with far more advanced weapons say at a ratio of 10 to 1, possibly higher, but again you try to negate those numbers to suit your narrative. Now if the Aboriginals had AK47's with an army of one million, and the Whites were armed with pea shooter, I might agree with you. I'll agree, disease was a far more effective killer than the gun, but let's put that down to the mysterious "Indonesian fishermen", more deflection on your part.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 3:05:12 PM
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Copied from a Facebook post today !
Keep in mind that these are 200 pop. islands with 90% of family home all day.
One would think all that rich & diverse culture would be in full swing in these circumstances.

On a recent media release by TSIRC I learned that out of the 15 divisions (outer island communities) there are only two (2) childcare facilities established.
I nearly fell off my chair!
No wonder there is such a huge gap in our children’s education.
I don’t work for education and I haven’t seen the stats but I see and hear what goes on in community in my region, and I see the great deal of culture shock when kids get to TI or even mainland.
Early education is an essential part of a child’s growth!
Families lo outer islands youpla need to make noise get behind youpla councillors work together to get this service established!
Like really how long has it been?
How many councils?
How many terms?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 5:25:41 PM
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Not my numbers, those of pro-native historians like Reynolds and Ryan. I get that you don't want the truth to be true when it doesn't suit but alas, it remains true.

Reynolds numbers were 20000 natives killed in warfare against 2000 whites. I think those numbers exaggerate native deaths but they are probably in the ball park.

BTW the whites didn't have AK-47s. How bad is you understanding of history?

"let's put that down to the mysterious "Indonesian fishermen""

Well they're only 'mysterious' to those who prefer their history in comic-book form....

You are so tiresome Paul. You have this jaundiced history fixed in your mind and when its pointed out that its based on fable rather than fact, you always throw these tantrums.

Again Reynolds is on your side of the issue, although he bases his views on fact not fable. He's already been outed for doctoring quotes so as to the detriment of the British. His numbers are widely accepted. They may not suit your narrative and fantasies but I'm not sure that's relevant.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 5:28:56 PM
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historian Henry Reynolds
I tend to take history a tad more serious !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 5:29:50 PM
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Lack of comprehension mhaze, I was being facetious in saying Aboriginals with AK47's and a million man army, Whites with pea shooters, not the other way around, are you just thick, try reading it may help? You are the apologist, when I present something which doesn't suit your pathetic narrative, you present some alternative "facts" of your own, then claim to be Mr Congeneality.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 6:16:13 PM
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