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Its Another Holiday

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Yes mhaze there were the Frontier Wars, where some Aboriginal people desperately tried to resist the European invasion and generside. Some Europeans were killed, but the number was small compared to the mass extermination of Aboriginals. The native population in 1788 is estimated at 770,000 by 1901 their number had been reduced to 190,000 through introduced diseases and murder. On the other hand the white population went from 1300 to 3,700,000 in the same period. Before you ask look it up.

Its histories revisionist like you that prevents reconciliation between white and black Australians.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 10:41:16 AM
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Its histories revisionist like you that prevents reconciliation between white and black Australians.
And, the Paul1405's are responsible for steering decent non indigenous to racism !
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 11:34:32 AM
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"Its histories revisionist like you ..."

This isn't revisionist history, its just history that people like you are blissfully (deliberately?) ignorant of.

Pro-aborigine historian Henry Reynolds estimated that there were 20000 aboriginal deaths in the so-called Frontier Wars. All up.

He also conceded that there were at least 2000 European deaths in that 'war'. Hence my post. Not revisionist history, just better understanding of history. As usual.

Remember that Reynold's number isn't based on research but on guess-work. He steadfastly refuses to provide any corroborating evidence. Better research suggests his black deaths numbers is an exaggeration.

There were so few documented deaths that another pro-native historian, Lyndal Ryan, was reduced to fabricating newspaper articles to try to boost her number of natives killed in Tasmania.

Many of those who are ignorant of the truth such as yourself assume that the deaths in the Frontier Wars was a major cause of the decline in native numbers. But the evidence doesn't support that....not that the lack of evidence has ever been a problem for you.

The major reason for the decline in aboriginal numbers were:

* disease - not just from diseases bought by the Europeans but also from Indonesian traders.
* inter-marriage with the off-spring trying to deny their aboriginality (until recent times when being aboriginal became quite lucrative)
* decline in the birth-rate primarily due to the practice of native men selling their women to whites for bread and grog.

Again, there were clearly lots of black deaths in the Frontier Wars. But there were also lots of white deaths.

But that doesn't support your narrative, so you'll ignore it. But we don't all have to be deliberately ignorant of the truth.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 12:25:32 PM
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Hey Paul,

Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 12:34:28 PM
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At last, a really intellectual contribution. Well done.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 12:47:28 PM
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Is Mise,

You mean you're not going to ask me to explain it
to you?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 26 January 2022 1:13:23 PM
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