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Live Exports from Tasmania

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Whatever- just giving you the drum on whats going to stop it that all.
Its always going to driven by the industry. I have done the hard yards for six years getting off shore contacts who would come in build train people set up farms donate to animal welfare.

Nobody wants to know about the fix. They are too busy showing pictures to pull at the heary strings of the good public to keep a paid job.
Bugger finding a solution to really STOP the trade.

Oh no too busy running around playing politics while live exports tripple.
oh hey they do tell people not to eat meat.
Thats a big help! it gives media the chance to rubbish us all.
It also gives costello the chance to bring out new laws to gag people.
Sorry Alex but if they wont help with identifying new areas for plants and do something that will actually help I will continue to call the a bunch of hypicrits.
Nothing I can do alone.
I got good contacts with heaps to invest but I cant do the whole of Australia alone.
No they will go on playing their litle games convicing themselves they are making a difference.
As I said if we dont control the industry we wont ever stop it.
I am sick of the political front.I will probably be banned off here anyway soon because I pointed out there are posts all over calling us racist pigs. One lone decent lady said it wasnt right it was left up.
HER comment was taken off . What a joke! the racist pigs comments are still up all over the forum.
Enough is enough.
I am only so sad I could not help the Animals but its clear the others are not serious.I morgaged my home to keep the project going.

Its useless. THEIR useless! They know it all.
Mean while more and more go overseas to barbaric deaths!
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 19 September 2007 11:53:48 PM
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Hi all
Not sure if this is of any interest, but the Tasman Group (slaughterhouses) in Tasmania, (at Longford in the northern Midlands, I think) and I think its Victorian operation too, are heavily promoted for sale in TasCountry. There's no indication of who an agent is but the Meat Workers' Union State Secretary, Grant Courtney, is extensively quoted as is David Byard who used to be part of the TFGA. . I can't send a URL because I don't think Tascountry has one.It also says hundreds and thousands of animals are shipped interstate from Tasmania every year.
Posted by Alex0814, Thursday, 4 October 2007 11:34:41 PM
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