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The Forum > General Discussion > Should Covid vaccinations be continued?

Should Covid vaccinations be continued?

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Yes he does Steele! He has Craig Kelly, Pauline Hanson, Fat Clive and the medical expert Dangerous Doctor Donald to back him up. Why do you think Pine-O-Clean is on special at Woolies this week, ha ha does that not tell you something, its got conspiracy written all over it according to the Sons of Liberty, does the name Al Gore not ring a bell with you? BTW, what size light does DDD recommend for the up the clacker treatment. I tried one of those little torch jobs from the $2 shop, I now have a slight problem, can you recommend a good laxative? There is an up side, when I open my mouth I can see in the fridge without turning the light on, that's something of a cure.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 6:47:37 AM
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There is a simplicity to this debate which is conveniently overlooked.

COVID can kill in many ways, but it’s favourite is the infestation of the lungs with tiny blood clots.
Blood clots are extremely painful. You get COVID, then your lungs will fill with blood clots.

Why is there even an argument about long term effects of vaccines?

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 1 September 2021 8:47:58 AM
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"A doctor in rural Oklahoma said the number of people overdosing on the deworming medication ivermectin was so high that emergency rooms were filled to the brim.

The situation is so dire that people with gunshot wounds have to wait their turn to get treatment, Dr. Jason McElyea, an ER physician affiliated with hospitals in Sallisaw, told KFOR, an NBC affiliate in Oklahoma..."

Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 4 September 2021 7:18:21 AM
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Hi Steele,

After Dangerous Doctor Donald proclaimed disinfectant as a "miracle" cure for Covid, hundreds in the US were admitted to hospital with disinfectant poisoning. Its believed a 100 Trumpster died, how many in Australia? I noted at the time several Trumpster posters dropped off the Forum, like runner.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 5 September 2021 7:44:30 AM
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