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The Forum > General Discussion > The Nazis Next Door: Part One. 60 Minutes - channel 9, - 8.30pm 15/08/2021.

The Nazis Next Door: Part One. 60 Minutes - channel 9, - 8.30pm 15/08/2021.

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Is Mise,

As long as you keep on harping on about the swastika
symbols and asking for the differences between them
I shall continue to give you links in the hope that
you will finally understand what's actually being
said - not what you think is being said.

It's your fault. You keep asking. I keep replying.

You keep it up - so shall I.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 10:13:04 AM
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Why bother, you can’t tell the difference and you’ve already blown your continuous giving of references because you don’t read them yourself, otherwise you’d have known that the direction that a swastika is facing doesn’t mean anything.

You don’t have to keep replying as you’ve shewn yourself to lack knowledge, not surprising in one who watches ‘38 Minutes”.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 10:30:39 AM
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Is Mise,

Your attempts at trying to put me down says more
about you then it does about me. You're displaying
an extremely insecure personality. I'm frankly
merely trying to be polite in replying to you and
it's an occupational habit for me to correct any

May your day be as pleasant as you are.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 11:13:46 AM
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You mean that you didn’t post that the direction that a swastika faces is not significant?
Dear me, I must hav misread you.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 12:19:13 PM
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Is Mise,

You are committed to misunderstanding me.

And -

"It is I, with respect,"

who can't be held responsible for what you understand.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 1:53:47 PM
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Most British are WASP's because of Elizabeth I so it's little surprise that WASP's have the most to lose from multiculturalism in Western countries that were established by the British. If it wasn't for the British the US and Australia wouldn't exist British WASP's have a right to feel ownership. Anglo's have a right to the Anglo-Sphere. Of course those that wish to take what British WASP's have will need an approapriate deterritorialization to "justify the theft"- enter "racism" and "multiculturalism".

Foxy seems to believe that all the land on the Earth should be equally distributed among all the people independent of how much work each community does and how responsible they are. This would give irresponsible dumb ethnicities the advantage over smart ethnicities- personally I don't consider that any ethnicity is more intelligent- even though IQ tests may say differently- but policies such as this don't help. Thought has always been important for survival. Those that breed more shouldn't get more. Communists use cultural hegemony- "culture to destroy culture" and ethnicity- ostensibly to rebuild from the ashes- they aspire to be the biggest dictator/ bully- this is Lockean- of course this means they need to destroy the most powerful ideology that being the western world. It's interesting that when Alexander III came to power with liberal policies the Communists used this to engage in further violent actions to destabilize Russian society. Russia is still suffering from Communism today and will be for some time.

The fact is there are many levels to world society even if people such as Foxy refuse to acknowledge monolithic components such as family and ethnicity.

We should reject Foxy's aspirations of Communist Multiculturalism.

I don't care about Roger Griffin- or whatever the "latest fashionable expert" Foxy pulls out to justify her taking of my stuff. This sounds like classic Burnham Managerialism- adding further weight to Foxy's Communist Credentials.

Foxy should perhaps take her bag bed back to the bridge by her lonesome and think about her actions
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 8:51:03 PM
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