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The Forum > General Discussion > The Nazis Next Door: Part One. 60 Minutes - channel 9, - 8.30pm 15/08/2021.

The Nazis Next Door: Part One. 60 Minutes - channel 9, - 8.30pm 15/08/2021.

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Hi Foxy,
I was being part-serious, part-sarcastic.
- And there's actually a lot of points behind my small comment.

Firstly this is what happens when government takes a position of bowing to all the leftie groups
e.g. Constant talk of white privelidge, and promoting minorities;
Diversity quotas (give jobs to people who ARE NOT white)
Critical race theory, as well as promoting every minority or weird issue over mainsteam or normal issue.
That it's ok to be Black and proud, but NOT ok to be White and proud.
That all men are rapists etc.

When you push nothing but this constant load of BS
- Then some young white males are BOUND to push back.
You should remember who built this country, fair share of foreigners no doubt, but MOSTLY WHITE MALES.

They're the reason why we have what we have.

What's your problem with them exactly?
That they are white and proud, well they get punished for it don't they?
- there's no problem if you're black and proud, you get endless benefits, right?
What that they support socialism?
- Half this country supports socialist ideas, so that's not a big deal in itself either right.

That they want to put Hilter on their wall?
- Well they're hardly anymore dangerous than University protest group organisers that like to start protests in the middle of pandemics.
- And they're paid and their training was subsidised by the taxpayer.
Take a look at the bigger picture.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 17 August 2021 7:24:21 AM
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Tell me is this groups beliefs any worse than beliefs occurring inside Mosques?
- Those people get to talk their extreme religious points of view, with a free tax break subsidised by the taxpayer.

What's more dangerous - Islam or National Socialism?
- The Nazi's don't want to kill me, I'm white but Muslims do want to kill infidels, that's all of us.

Why mention the Christchurch attacker, simply because he's white right?
I don't think that guy was a NAZI, I'm not exactly what blend of nutty he was.
But I do think there were positives, (shame people had to die for them)
- Like if your nutty people try to kill us or pose a threat to us, then our nutty people might try to kill you or pose a threat to you.

If that's what it takes for crazy Islamists to think twice...
- Not that I support it, lets make that part clear.

Maybe its because of a standard of pulling bumcheeks apart any time a Jewish person is offended by anything?
That Australia bows to Jewish anti-semite lobbyists more than it loves its own sons?
Especially it's white ones?

Going by front cover of any ad or brochure I pick up these days;
- the average Australian man is either Black or gay
- and the average Aussie woman is Chinese.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 17 August 2021 7:28:52 AM
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Hi AC,

Excellent posts and your reaction is exactly
one of the ones that we need to broaden this
discussion. If you re-read my posts - I was
merely reporting what I had seen and heard
and all I wanted to do by starting this
discussion was to open a debate on the issues.
I'm glad that you responded.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 August 2021 9:41:32 AM
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cont'd ...

However, I also need to remind you that ASIO
considers these young blokes as "a real and
growing threat to Australia," because they
do advocate violence. They are not just
harmless white men. And as history has shown
young men can be radicalized and kill people.

The Christchurch attacker who gunned down 51 people
in 2019 is known to have been radicalized online
by a far right group.

And these young blokes are already armed, and in training
and apparently plotting a white power race war.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 August 2021 10:49:57 AM
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Well, I'm not advocating this ok;
But what if they start to feel like society doesn't care about their concerns;
That with growing ethnicity they'll never have a voice in their own country
That foreigners have a voice and all the benefits
But they have neither a voice nor benefits and the few rights they have are trampled upon, because they have some magical white privilege thing
What do they do, do they just take it?

Now I could argue that whether a group is right or wrong
- be they fighting for either a supposed right or wrong reasons;
For whatever reason they may feel backed into a corner and that they have no choice to stand up for their rights.

For me, I think things start getting real hazy when people start to think that:
'The ends justifies the means'
- Because that's the mindset of terrorists.

I believe everyone has the right to live however they choose so long as it doesn't have a negative or detrimental (harm) impact on others.
- And generally speaking I wish for the best for everyone.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 17 August 2021 5:53:53 PM
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Hi AC,

Again - I wish the best for everyone as well.
However these guys are advocating violence
and harm to others and therein lies the
difference. And they are breaking the law
by doing so.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 17 August 2021 6:11:39 PM
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