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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?

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No, people don't reman in ethnic groups for centuries - they fade into the background. Aidan.

Bosnia & the middle east kind of prove you wrong as usual Aidan. How many more centuries will it take?
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 4 August 2021 12:21:36 AM
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I was explaining what happens in Britain. Bosnia and the Middle East are not in Britain, and therefore don't prove me wrong at all.



The British Library has moved away from the British Museum and there's not much to see there anyway (unless you're referring to the old building). Yorkshire's pretty big - what sort of history are you looking for?

The Stonehenge tunnel (a key component of upgrading the road that runs very close to Stonehenge) was blocked in the courts a few days ago.

FWIW I disagree with that theconversation article: I think having Mixed categories is quite a silly way of doing it. More sensible would be just to say: Tick all that apply.

Posted by Aidan, Wednesday, 4 August 2021 2:30:19 AM
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Hi Foxy,

I don't dispute Britain has a wealth of history and is well stocked with old castles, moats and other interesting places for the sightseer and tourist. There's plenty to see from 1066 and before. 'Escape to the Country' great show although I can't understand why some people would want to live in a house where you bang your head on the ceiling every time you walk into the joint, or have a bedroom 4 foot square and calling it a "spacious master bedroom". BTW I enjoyed Tony Robinsons Time Team' and Hugh Christopher Edmund Fearnley-Whittingstall (now there's a Pommy name for you) with his 'River Cottage' program. No one can do those kind of shows like the Poms.

Back on topic, the question; "Is Britain A Mongrel Nation?" two ways to look at it, are they made up of a lot of cross breeds as in "mongrels", or were/are they "mongrels" towards other people as in "her comes those mongrels". I believe history has been kind regarding British expansionism/imperialism, that could be because the Poms wrote the history, a rather sanitized version it was. Its often said the British were "better" than the Spanish, well that hardly a recommendation. One could say the British Empire was more benevolent towards conquered people than the Mongol Empire, that also leaves me rather
nonplussed. Then if one is admiring the wonders of some musky old castle in Nottinghamshire one does not have to think about such things. That's not a criticism, history is made up of facts, but as someone once famously said, there are also alternate facts.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 4 August 2021 7:38:08 AM
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Is Britain a mongrel nation, not really but parts of it have been mongrelised.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 4 August 2021 9:25:02 AM
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Britons made the same mistake as all other nations that eventually felt compelled to feel remorse for their legacies in other places !
Unfortunately for the whole World this has led to exploitation & ultimately to objection to the hypocrisy that followed.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 4 August 2021 9:47:12 AM
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Good Morning everyone,

Thank you for all your responses to date.
I'm really loving this discussion and
appreciating the various opinions and
different perspectives.

Basically with this discussion I was on my
own search for why England was referred to
as a "mongrel" nation by some people (including
the English themselves). Why did they use the
nickname "mongrel"? I'm slowly finding out
that the term refers to a "mixed race" of people.

I'm not sure how accurate that is regarding the
English. To me Britain is still clearly English
but perhaps the reference refers to the immigration
into England that has happened since World War II.
But I'm not sure how large the percentages are
to make a difference to the overall population mix.

Has anyone seen the 1984 TV Mini Series - "The Jewel in
the Crown?" I was given it as a birthday present on
DVD some years back. It deals with the final days of
the British Raj in India during and after World War II.

Excellent series and worth getting to see it.

Again Thank You all for your thoughts on this subject.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 August 2021 10:03:23 AM
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