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Individual view on covid vaccine
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Posted by Cumberland, Saturday, 8 May 2021 10:46:33 PM
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"The point and issues, that it is not good enough to say, it's voluntary, and if you want, take it, and if you don't, don't." Why isn't it good enough to say it's voluntary? Just because you say so? You need a reason for saying that what I say is wrong. You don't seem to be able to do that. This time it is your penultimate paragraph that makes no sense. And, your last one confuses consent (to vaccination, supposedly) with "covid policy". These are two different matters. I believe that the government has made a total dog's breakfast when it comes to policy. I think that you are just repeating what you have seen or heard from an obsessive, conspiratorial nutjob. I've always been critical of both the federal government and the state governments. I also believe that it is mainly sheer luck, not lockdowns and other assaults on our freedoms that have seen us fare better than most other countries. You only need to look at Victoria to see how stupid lockdowns are - 800 deaths with less than 50 in the rest of the country. But, I have to say that I think you have gone way over the top, and have made some very unnecessarily wild statements that no reasonable person could agree with. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 8 May 2021 11:34:31 PM
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You have made the claim that; "Pfizer's ex-Vice President, a senior scientist in all kinds of vaccines, said he thinks anyone taking it will be dead in 3 years?" I presume you are referring to something Michael Yeadon has said. Please provide evidence of that fact, otherwise it is incumbent on the FORUM ADMINISTRATOR Graham Young to remove this and other erroneous comments you and others are making about Covid-19 vaccines. This Michael Yeadon has become some kind of folk hero of the ultra right. Along with others he made without evidence, the oft repeated, outlandish claim that Covid-19 vaccine given to women could cause infertility and pregnancy problems. I have a young pregnant niece in Sydney, now worried about her unborn child. I advised her NOT TO HAVE THE VACCINATION, not because i think the vaccine will do her or her unborn child harm, but because of people like you spreading false rumour is causing her undue worry and stress that could affect her and her unborn child. Graham, I hope you read this comment, and respond accordingly, I can see the "3 years dead comment" causing great distress to some posters, particularly Foxy who has had health issues recently, and has already had the jab. Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 9 May 2021 6:29:36 AM
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"For starters, it's not a vaccine, okay? It's an irreversible permanent genetic modification, that has not been approved by ordinary law, but only on an emergency basis, even though safer and more effective treatments are available, without paying zillions for IP rights to Pharma."
- He's right you know. What I'd like to do here is present a 'Sheep Test'. Now I showed you a video where it was reported that vaccinated people can inadvertently cause the miscarriages of unvaccinated women. Those supposedly comes from Pfizer's own documents. If you all want I'll email Mike and ask him where the info he reported came from? Until then right what I want to know is how many people here knowing that taking the vaccine could potentially kill your neighbours unborn child, are willing to ignorantly sweep that aside like an unsubstantiated rumour, and with full faith in the vaccine and pharmaceutical companies that made them as well as blinkers on to any possible adverse reaction; - Will go ahead and get the jab anyway? How many of you have so much faith in this, that you'd be willing to sweep any warning info aside, and blindly risk killing your neighbours unborn kids anyway? Sheep Test Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 9 May 2021 6:47:41 AM
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"What do you want?" Sheep - "Vaccines" "When do you want it?" Sheep - "Now!" Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 9 May 2021 6:51:48 AM
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Morrison is reported today as saying that our international borders will remain closed indefinitely. He is still thinking in terms of zero cases, and he doesn't believe a total roll-out of the vaccine will make any difference.
Isn't this the same PM who told state premiers that they can't keep closing their borders? And how do closed borders fit with allowing possibly diseased Indians to pour into Australia on the 15th. of this month? And what about the breathless daily reporting of another case of covid brought to us by another "man from overseas"? Perhaps he is waiting for a miracle to give us our lives back. But, what's the point? By the time we stop breathing to fulfill his zero carbon dioxide madness, there will be no plant life left, and no people to need it. Anthony Albanese is the only thing keeping this man in his position. No vote for the Coalition until he has gone. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 9 May 2021 9:37:50 AM
it's not a vaccine
it's a medical experiment
it doesn't stop you getting the virus, getting sick or transmitting it
the lockdowns have no scientific basis
most of those getting sick with it are 'high-calorie malnourished'; while the safe and effective treatments include cheap, generic, drugs and 'nurtaceutials'.
people are not being told that it has not been approved by the FDA, that the clinical trials have not been done, that the patient is the guinea pig in a medical experiment, that the process usually take 10 to 15 years to make sure it's safe, that the animal trials in the last mRNA attempt ended with all the animals dying within 2 years, that it has the highest rate of adverse events of any vaccine in history, that it causes death, abortions, and injury that medical experts all over the world are warning against it and being censored, that safer, more effective, cheaper and healthier alternatives exist, and that the WHO is politicised, and has consistently called it wrong or without scientific basis over and over again.
it is being coerced by threats against our rights and liberties including travel, employment, business, being able to mix in socialise, and so on
that the scientific basis of covid policy is lacking and in contention, and has never been demonstrated, including masking, lockdowns and "vaccines".
Therefore it is not a sufficient answer to these facts, to say, in effect, if you don't want it, don't have it.
My last paragraph assumed you were suggesting a greater good argument justifies covid policy, which has Nuremberg problems.
That would have to be about the dumbest comment I've ever seen anyone make on the internet.