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The reason for the holiday season

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That's the reason we keep telling children it's happy Easter Egg Day: so that they never find out what a crucifixion was.

But now that the LNP has introduced deviant behaviour as a new norm in society I reckon it's time to let the cat out of the bag.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 4 April 2021 3:44:05 PM
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"So yesterday" . . . . . That's so groovy.

Or guess who went to uni during the 60s . . . . . So groovy.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 4 April 2021 3:47:19 PM
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My daughter-in-law tried telling my six year old grand
daughter about Jesus and the crucifiction and the fact
that He died for our sins. Her reaction was that He
didn't even know her. Then she asked if that meant
that she could now be naughty whenever she felt like
it - 'cause it was allright.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 4 April 2021 4:49:08 PM
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"Most kids wouldn't know what a crucifiction was.
That's so yesterday".

Kids haven't known for a long time what a crucifixion was - until they were taught. Now, many, if not most of them, will never know because they are not taught. The whole idea of Christianity is "so yesterday" for the masses. The entire Western system on which it was built is also yesterday stuff to the masses, ignorant of the alternative - which they haven't been taught about either.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 4 April 2021 6:17:31 PM
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Foxy and ttbn,

Me thinks you two are a bit muddled.

Maybe you should think happy thoughts: "Happy Easter Egg Day everybody!"

Or as the LNP deviants would think and say . . . . . . Actually they don't think, they just drool as they work themselves into a frenzy with images of hot chicks and office desks (waiting to get it as they would like to think).
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 4 April 2021 6:55:13 PM
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Hey Mr Opinion,
"Just make sure you tell your grandkids it's Happy Crucifixion Day, not Happy Easter Egg Day."
- Yes, forgive me for leaving out Crucifixion Day.
Each to your own.

"Better you tell them instead of some multicultural at the local supermarket telling them."

Truthfully I think the kids I know would probably just give them a weird look
- or act like Foxy's granddaughter, or maybe go tell a parent a stranger was trying to talk to them.

- For everyone -

Personally I think it's kind of wrong to force religion on kids.
Better to teach them good ethics and principles and adequately prepare them for the real world.
And when they're adults let them decide for themselves.
- But there's no harm in knowing the religious stories related to Christmas or Easter.

My friends 6 year old, I lie to her all the time, and she knows this but it still keeps her guessing.
- I do it so she becomes smart enough to know when others are lying or trying to take advantage of her.
But if its something important, I'll always tell her the truth, no matter what.

- And sometimes I'm hard on her.
She showed me something she coloured in for a competition the other day.
I said "You've got little to NO CHANCE of winning with that".
She wasn't happy but she didn't show it.
I said to her mum (loud enough for her to hear) when she scowls at me
'I'm only being harsh because I KNOW THAT she can do HEAPS better'.
'Some of the other kids are going to spend ALL DAY trying to do it perfect not going out the lines, she's gotta do better if she wants to win'.

A couple of days later she brings me this new picture, something she drew herself
She did a great job too, and I commended her on all the parts of her drawing and colouring
- It's been given 'worthiness' status and has been put up on the wall with a few of her other good ones.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 4 April 2021 7:24:15 PM
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