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Merry Christmas

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Hi Jose'

Have not read a great deal about Pontius Pilate during my Biblical studies of the past.

Thought I would investigate your claims regarding Pilate. Emperor Tiberius did indeed recall Pilate to Rome after Pilate had successfully quashed a rebellion amongst the Sumerians. For what reason Pilate was recalled is not known, but having given 10 years service in Judea, it may have been a reward from Tiberius as a favourite, unfortunately Tiberius died before Pilate reached Rome and his nephew Caligula become emperor, history records nothing more of Pilate from that point on. Your account of Pilate committing "suicide" may have some validity as many prominent Romans disappeared during Caligula's short but bloody rule.

Stories of Pilate converting to Christianity and even becoming a martyr, are based on Christian text from the Middle Ages which dates the claim at a minimum 500 years after Pilate's death. Matthew 27: 19, why Pilates wife would have taken an interest in Jesus is hard to explain, as most certainly she would not have been a follower of Christ, or even interested in the local religion. The Roman authority was based in Caesarea and not Jerusalem, and Pilate and his wife would have been extremely religious in the aristocratic Roman tradition. It must be said Romans were tolerant and interested in the practices of other religions. Rome itself was a cosmopolitan mix of people and religions.

Other than the four accepted Canonical Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, it would be interesting to read the unacceptable Gospels such as that of Peter, Philp, Thomas and even Judas. They would certainly contain some interesting material.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 29 December 2020 1:25:42 PM
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Yes Paul, Monty Python humour these days is cancelled.
What a pity, the idiots do not know what they have done !
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 29 December 2020 3:05:26 PM
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Bazz, I rate 'The Life of Brian' as the funniest mover ever made, and the Pontius Pilate scene the funniest in the whole movie. The Catholic Church banned Catholics from seeing the moving, so as a good Catholic I ran off and watched it asap. I have a copy so I've watched many times but no matter, it never fails to be funny.

BTW, What ever happened to Biggus Dickus, didn't get a mention in the Bible.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 29 December 2020 6:24:59 PM
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"Could not the Gospels have been based on accurate Christian oral tradition?"

Or does such a concept interfere with your agenda, Paul?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 29 December 2020 7:40:07 PM
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Hi Is Mise,

I suspect that " ..... accurate .... oral tradition" is a very rare phenomenon.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 29 December 2020 7:55:09 PM
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Issy, what pray tell is my "agenda"? Other than to seek what is reasonable, rather than accept material at face value. Many Christian scholars who have studied the gospels in depth, far greater depth than any of us, say they are not to be treated as "history books". Many of the characters and places motioned are real and unquestioned, including the existence of Jesus Christ.

As for the gospels being "based on accurate Christian oral tradition" I think Joe has answered that assumption well.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 30 December 2020 1:13:12 PM
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