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Merry Christmas

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Yes. 'we built this country' - Indigenous people, Chinese, British, Pacific Islanders, Indians (a.k.a. Afghans), Maltese, Italians, Greeks, Hungarians, Yugos, Balts, Turks, Lebanese and Arabs, Vietnamese, Filipinos and Filipinas, Cambodians, Indonesians, Thais, Kiwis, Africans, Latin Americans, even the occasional Yank.

Yes, Australia is the proud home of people from all over the world. They have built Australia between them, all manner of Australians.

Is that what you meant ?

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 7:02:17 PM
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And don't forget the Chiners (= non-Australian Chinese) all half million of them (ie. your 2% of the resident population at last census count) who were planted here by the Chinese Communist Party as the advance party for the upcoming Chinese invasion. You know, your and your pro-China mob.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 7:19:11 PM
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Loudmouth the revisionist- interesting.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 7:26:32 PM
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This should upset a few people...

The song ‘Advance Australia Fair’ was first written in the late 19th century by Scottish composer Peter Dodds McCormick – whose pen-name was “Amicus” which translated to “friend” in Latin.

Some extra verses for the brave...

When gallant Cook from Albion sail’d,
To trace wide oceans o’er,
True British courage bore him on,
Till he landed on our shore.
Then here he raised Old England’s flag,
The standard of the brave;
With all her faults we love her still,
“Brittannia rules the wave!”
In joyful strains then let us sing
“Advance Australia fair!” 

While other nations of the globe
Behold us from afar,
We’ll rise to high renown and shine
Like our glorious southern star;
From England, Scotia, Erin’s Isle,
Who come our lot to share,
Let all combine with heart and hand
To advance Australia fair!
In joyful strains then let us sing
“Advance Australia fair!” 

Should foreign foe e’er sight our coast,
Or dare a foot to land,
We’ll rouse to arms like sires of yore
To guard our native strand;
Brittannia then shall surely know,
Beyond wide ocean’s roll,
Her sons in fair Australia’s land
Still keep a British soul.
In joyful strains then let us sing
“Advance Australia fair!”

With Christ our head and cornerstone,
We'll build our nation's might,
Whose way and truth and light alone,
Can guide our path aright,
Our lives a sacrifice of love,
Reflect our Master's care,
With faces turned to heaven above,
Advance Australia fair,
In joyful strains then let us sing:
Advance, Australia Fair!
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 7:34:39 PM
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Many thanks for starting this thread, ttbn.

I wish you, Graham, and everyone on OLO a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Though I see no reason to believe in the god hypothesis as an explanation of the universe and everything in it, like you, I see no reason to deny my Christian culture.

My religious instruction teacher at primary school in the Queensland bush has remained one of my lifetime friends. He later became a bishop, an archbishop and served as primate of the Anglican Church in Australia for ten years before retiring with the lifetime title of Bishop.

Though I live in Paris and we have not seen each other for many years, we still communicate together regularly via the internet.

I enjoy the spirit and atmosphere of Christmas, the awesome architecture of the magnificent cathedrals, the silent beauty and intimacy of the little old abandoned stone churches in the French countryside.

When I was a child growing-up in the Queensland bush, Christianity was for me an inspirational means of expression of the spiritual (abstract) dimension of my human nature.

When I retired, I had the time to resume my quest for a god, persuaded that I would eventually become convinced there really was one, but exactly the opposite occurred. I finally saw the light. I realised it was simply a super-natural explanation of the universe that subsequent generations, including my own, have inherited from primeval man – embellished, of course, with all the frills of modern inspiration and scientific compatibility.

I no longer need Christianity, but I am very grateful for it. It has helped me through life and made me the person I am today (for better or for worse).

Before closing, I join my voice with all the others here on OLO in wishing Foxy’s husband a speedy recovery from his back injury. I hope it’s not too painful and that he is receiving effective relief and good care.

Unfortunately, I guess that’s just the sort of thing that happens when you fall head over heels in love with your wife !

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 23 December 2020 10:52:35 PM
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I'm sure that everyone who contributes to OLO will jon me in wishing Dr Anthony Fauci a happy eightieth birthday today:

What a wonderful, courageous man, and what integrity - and what a contrast to that vile mongrel who is supposed to be his 'superior'.

Posted by loudmouth2, Thursday, 24 December 2020 12:14:46 PM
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