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Merry Christmas

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Hi Joe,

The early Jerusalem Church had reconciled with orthodox Judaism after the execution of Christ by the Romans for sedition. That assumes there was a fundamental break between the followers of Christ, and the orthodox Jewish religion of the time, but there is no evidence for that, in fact Christ accepted the Torah as did James, it would be heresy not to. James was a leader, not just of the Christian sect, but was a respected leader in the Temple until his murder there sometime around 65AD, most likely due to politics more so than religion, although both were intertwined.

At the time of the Jesus birth Mary would not have been any older than 14, she most likely lived to an old age, into her 50's. Joseph the "old man" was most likely in his early 20's, it would have been an arranged orthodox Hebrew marriage as was the custom, and the pair would have been related in some way. Given Mary's tender age it would have been the first marriage for her, and possibly Joseph, Joseph would not have been taking a dead brothers wife also the custom of the time. Joseph could have had a previous wife (deceased, maybe due to child birth) and he could have had children, which would become siblings to Jesus, through their father Joseph (male line). If Joseph had died after the birth of Jesus it would have been Joseph's brother who would have taken Mary as a "wife" and she could have more children to him, children were identify then through the father, therefore seen as cousins to Jesus and not half brothers and sisters. Although both Mark and Matthew make reference to Jesus have both brothers and sisters. Me thinks relationships at that time were somewhat different to what we accept today.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 27 December 2020 9:27:00 PM
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Hi Paul,

Thanks for that, it makes some sense. It's amazing how much information is available from those times.

Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 27 December 2020 10:29:29 PM
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Hi Joe,

Yes interesting stuff, for example the way Pontius Pilate is presented as a weak vacillating man, nothing could be further from the truth. Roman history paints a very different, and I'd say truthful picture of Pilate, he had the full confidence of Rome, so much so, as to be placed in charge of the unruly province of Judada for 11 years, by one of the best Roman Emperors Tiberius. The guy was a real head kicker, and the notion that he carried on with, "will I, or wont I" nail this bloke to the cross would be garbage. Pilate was a man of swift justice, Christ as a common Jew, would have been dispatched to a crucifixion by Pilate without giving it a second thought.

Although I much prefer the Pontius Pilate from 'The Life of Brian'
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 28 December 2020 6:00:59 AM
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Pontius Pilate committed suicide when Caesar sent a possie to bring Pilate to Rome when it was discovered he was putting to death innocent people. Remember Pilates wife was not happy with the death of Jesus and probably through her it had got back to Rome [Matthew 27: 19]. By the end of the first century wives of Roman officials sent to England also had become Christian.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 28 December 2020 6:45:14 AM
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There's not much Christmas spirit shown by businesses refusing customers' cash then adding a charge for the use of cards. If they won't take cash, take your business elsewhere; leave a pile of stuff on the counter for them to out back on the shelves.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 28 December 2020 8:08:57 AM
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All ery interesting but could not the Gospels have been based on accurate Christian oral tradition?
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 29 December 2020 9:17:58 AM
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