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Fake News

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If you want to complain about 'Fake news', maybe the first thing you should do is define it.

Sensationalised headlines designed for sales and profit.

Deliberately false, misleading or bias opinions or statements that are written with an intention to make up the readers mind for them on any particular topic, as opposed to informing the reader on all the facts of said issue and allowing the reader to make their mind up for themselves.

90% of all news is propaganda, and political correctness or some kind of unspoken rules have made it all generic.
It's mostly narrative and conjecture for the readers benefit.
From the smallest most mundane stories to the biggest and most important stories;
Reporters calling themselves journalists, without doing any background research on a story.

I can find plenty of fake and manufactured news stories on a daily basis on the biggest geopolitical issues by the biggest news organisations; and news stories which are arguably not even news stories at all, which tell you absolutely nothing of what actually happened
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 16 November 2019 5:11:14 PM
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<<Margaret Court is entitled to her opinion. As are those who disagree with her. And disagreeing with her views is not Fake News.>>

You didn't read my post carefully. I defined Fake News as 'false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting' (Collins Dictionary 2019. s.v. fake news). It is Fake News to call Margaret Court homophobic, which means 'having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people' (Collins Dictionary 2019. s.v. homophobic).

My post demonstrated that Margaret Court stated she loved homosexuals and has some in her church in Perth.

You cited 1 Corinthians 11:3-10; Ephesians 5:22; and 1 Timothy 2:12 to try to demonstrate Court's hypocrisies as a female preacher. These 3 examples were used by Peter FitzSimons in his article:

You provided zero exegesis to prove your points. Let’s examine the verses:

+ headship in marriage (1 Cor 11) has nothing to do with whether a woman should teach. In fact one of the verses in that section specifically states an example of women in ministry: 'But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head – it is the same as having her head shaved'. You provided no explanation of what 'hear head' means.

+ Ephesians 5:22 deals with a wife submitting to her husband as to the Lord and says NOTHING about a woman teaching.

+ 1 Timothy 2:12 states: 'I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent'. This verse has caused angst among exegetes for 2,000 years because of the words 'have authority', based on the Greek authentein (used only this once in the New Testament). It has the connotation ‘to domineer’ and in context probably reflects the role of women in promoting errors of the false teachers. You provided none of this information.

You excluded verses that teach differently from what you want to push against Margaret Court as a woman teacher. Elsewhere the Apostle Paul affirmed the ministry of teaching by men and women: 1 Corinthians 14:26 and Colossians 3:16-17
Posted by OzSpen, Saturday, 16 November 2019 5:15:00 PM
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Dear AC,

That's why it is important to use a variety of
reputable news sources, not only from major media outlets,
but independent media sources as well -
to be able to get a more accurate picture.

And fact-checking also helps.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 November 2019 5:20:47 PM
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Armchair Critic,

<<If you want to complain about 'Fake news', maybe the first thing you should do is define it.>>

I did in, Posted by OzSpen, Saturday, 16 November 2019 8:28:40 AM,

Fake news is 'false, often sensational, information disseminated under the guise of news reporting' (Collins Dictionary 2019. s.v. fake news),

Why does Margaret Court refuse to support homosexual marriage? She has told us her support is for the Bible's teaching: ‘my belief as a Christian is marriage the Bible way’,
Posted by OzSpen, Saturday, 16 November 2019 5:23:12 PM
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There are many things in the Bible that many people
would not take literally in today's world. I was
merely quoting some regarding the status of women
to make a point.

You claim that Margaret Court is not homophobic
because she said she loves homosexuals and even has
some in her church. That's commendable.
However, she does not recognise
their right to marry because marriage according to
passages quoted from the Bible tell her it's between
a man and a woman. And believing in something that
the Bible tells you - is not being homophobic, because
she actually loves homosexuals. She just does not want
them to be able to marry.

There are many passages in the Bible -
that we could find that would be questionable today
if we were to take them literally.
But - as long as we believe them - it's OK?
And if people were to call us names as a result of those
beliefs - then they're at fault, not us. Okaay.

Each to their own. None of us are to blame. We're all
entitled to our beliefs. Does that also go for those
who believe that Ms Court IS homophobic - because she
has CHOSEN to not only believe but to
express her beliefs so publicly? And also she's asking
to be treated equally by Tennis Australia while denying
equality to others?

So many interesting questions.

Doesn't the Bible also preach love, compassion, and
tolerance? Perhaps I'm reading the wrong edition?
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 November 2019 6:00:19 PM
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cont'd ...

For those not in the know - being homophobic
is having or showing a dislike OR PREJUDICE
against homosexual people.

Homophobia is often rooted in conservative
religious beliefs.

Ms Court fits into that category.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 16 November 2019 6:17:48 PM
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