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Strangr how regressives have always spoken about conservatives using the politics of fear. Now we have them using young kids as 'useful idiots' trying to scare the carbon out of people. So so funny if it was not so abusive.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 24 September 2019 5:49:57 PM
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One degree centigrade of warming over 170 years (puts Greta's melodramatic prattle in perspective). No push to develop nuclear power technology. Ocean fertilisation experiments banned by UN (insanity). EVs and solar still constrained by the available battery technology. The development of cheap solar has been good, but coal is still the cheapest round the clock electricity by far.

I was interested in AGW debate until it was hijacked by the left looking for a way to beat up on capitalism after the repeated failure of socialism.
Posted by Fester, Tuesday, 24 September 2019 6:54:23 PM
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Well we failed, my wish was to just talk about IF the climate was changing
Runner, far from alone, used it to preach his hate of everything not related to his warped view of Christ
Others insist on either linking it to man made climate change, or defending it from that
Is the climate changing
Leave the politics in the bucket at the door, enter the discussion armed only with you view it is or is not changing
Once there, most surely will think yes, tell us about the benefits of climate change
Then the bad out comes
I am not asking anyone, to drop their views on what is taking place, or why, but refraining from my own view being seen here
In the end I seek explanation for my question, answers as to its good points and bad
Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 25 September 2019 7:25:34 AM
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You need to learn to take yes for an answer.

The very first line in your opening post asked..." is the climate changing".

Some have said an explicit "yes".

No one has said an explicit "no" which means an implicit "yes".

So, I think, a general acceptance that the climate is changing.

So your question has been answered. Now what's next?

What's the cause? If its natural then there's bugger all we can do about it so let's set about adapting to it and/or benefiting from it.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 25 September 2019 7:44:32 AM
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The left believe they can win by closing down any opposition, and shouting down any opposition speaker. GetUp believes it is legitimate to use violence against an opponent.

The way to win this madness is keep on calmly telling the facts. Climate alarmism keep on screaming their religious mantra, "We are all doomed" "We will all be burned alive;" playing on the emotions of uninformed children. Stressing them out. They should be planting trees and picking up their rubbish, instead of expending useless energy chanting the Marxist agenda.

There are natural changes in the environment that we need to adapt to. In summer we plant a different range of crops, we take off the heavy coats, and we reverse the process in winter. If we suffer with tornados and wildfire we build housed that can cope with the situation. Man is adaptable to his environment, that is why we have carbon washers on coal fired power stations. Why we are able to use the energy of uranium, and adapt it to not cause harm
Posted by Josephus, Wednesday, 25 September 2019 7:44:38 AM
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The climate changes with the enviornment changing. These are local changes to that local enviornment. Which means that if it changes for the worse due to mankind's involvement them people are to blame. This has occured several times throughout history that the eviornment gets worse because of people.

World wide climite changing though I'm not sold on. Too many false predictions and faulty science to trust the scientist claiming climite change and global warming. Nonetheless, we are building cities and concrete landscapes where there was once something else. The most notable observation of this landscape change is that tempatures rise in those areas with paved the roads, tall buildings and much less greenery.

Is this all there is for climite change? Bigger cities getting hotter? Or is it getting hotter in forests and deserts that don't have much man made I future and pollution involved. I don't think we have the data for remote areas without having to pollute the area by having more people travel there regularly.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 25 September 2019 9:24:41 AM
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