The Forum > General Discussion > Don't Tell Greta, Climate Crazy
Don't Tell Greta, Climate Crazy
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Posted by Bazz, Monday, 19 August 2019 6:06:57 PM
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It takes low sorts people to exploit an autistic child to tell lies for them, and it shows up the climate crooks up for what they are. The hypocrites probably chunter on about child labour and child sex workers. Her parents should be charged with child abuse, and the adult politicians who listen to her should be certified.
Will she really travel on that yacht? Has she or her guardians seen the thing in action? It looks to be a dangerous and uncomfortable way to travel, actually touching down on the water only occasionally. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 10:18:53 AM
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yeah Bazz and as for the emissions for building the boat. These activist could not be more brainwashed.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 11:07:57 AM
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This Thunberg is just like the spoilt brats in Australia, aided by their dumb patents, who bunk off school make a noise about climate change.
They will have no influence on the climate or politicians who they can't even vote for; but taking a day off from a school that is part of Australia's education system, which ranks 39th out of 41 developed country systems, shouldn't make much difference to their lack of education and job prospects. They are going nowhere anyway. If their parents weren't also dumb, they would be out on the streets protesting about the low standard of Australian education and saying “bugger climate change”. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 11:40:10 AM
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Dear Bazz, ttbn, and runner,
Are you guys alright? Looks like you're all suffering from heightened paranoid delusion. The scientific community is not lying to you or trying to do you harm. Anthropogenic global warming is real and is increasingly affecting the world we live in. Personally, I think it's now too late to take effective action against anthropogenic global warming and its consequential climate change and believe we are looking down the barrel at our own extinction event. Are you guys aware that the scientific and scholarly communities of the world are laughing at people like you? I suppose you also believe that the Holocaust never took place and was fabricated by people who are out to get you and that creation science is the real and only form of science that should be taught in universities. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 11:50:30 AM
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'Are you guys aware that the scientific and scholarly communities of the world are laughing at people like you?'
you mean the Chinese, Mr Opinion who are literally building hundreds of new coal fired power stations and are now preaching of the evils of coal? Or are you talking of Australia's Chief Scientist who begrudging admitted that even if every Australian stopped breathing it would make zero difference to the world's temperature. Happy to be laughed at by these hypocrites and all those on the gravy train. At least long after i am buried some might be smart enough to look back at why they are paying idiotic power prices and see how the thieves/deceivers have been able to brainwash young boys and especially girls into this idiotic gw faith. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 12:06:25 PM
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Dear runner,
What the hell are you trying to say? Is this one of you creation scientist things? Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 12:32:23 PM
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'What the hell are you trying to say? Is this one of you creation scientist things?'
maybe Mr Opinion although your silly rant is certainly based on 'something from nothing'. Posted by runner, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 12:34:07 PM
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Dear runner,
You just said "maybe Mr Opinion although your silly rant is certainly based on 'something from nothing'.", which tells us all exactly where your arguments are coming from. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 12:44:14 PM
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Opin, well I have no certainty on whether co2 emissions from
fuel burning is THE problem but we do know that 99% of scientists do NOT believe that we are causing global warming, as it was about 65% believed it. It is just that there is sufficient number of scientists that are nowhere as certain as you appear to be. Have you read the findings of the scientists at Turku and Kobe universities ? What their hypothesis is is not new, it has been around for some time, It might give you a lead into a new area of thought. Anyway, it was interesting to learn about a new explanation for the climategate controversy and the inconvenient drop in temperature around 1980 wasn't it. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 1:08:54 PM
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Dear Bazz,
You just said you know that '99% of scientists do NOT believe that we are causing global warming'? How do you know this? Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 1:20:38 PM
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A researcher by the name of Cook got a team of students to survey
papers submitted I think to the IPCC and only about 60% or so accepted AGW in their papers. It is a well know survey but the warmers didn't want to know. What is interesting to me is the way that anybody who contradicts the belief gets abused and insulted. It reminds me of the way critics of Islam get abused, very similar. Perhaps we need a new term; Climatephobia, or Warmerphobis! Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 1:40:10 PM
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Dear Bazz,
Was this research by Cook published? Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 1:52:21 PM
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Yes, I believe so. It created quite a stir at the time.
Since then the 99% claim is hardly ever heard. Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 1:55:58 PM
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Dear Bazz,
Such an earth shattering publication as Cook's shouldn't be collecting dust on a library shelf. Please do us the honour of giving us the full citation. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 2:24:53 PM
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Mr opinion, here is an offer! You say we are all dead? I will give you a thousand dollars for your house, and you can live in it till you die, If we are all dead it is a good deal.
Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 3:16:39 PM
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Dear JBowyer,
It's a deal! Please donate the $1,000 to The Salvation Army by midnight and I will mail you the house. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 3:33:49 PM
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Once more a thread confirming you can sell the lost right just about anything
And that even science can be ignored when bias shows its head Further suggesting we have zero chance of not being the victims of yet another Trump as those eager to believe anything crowd to be first in line to support the final loss of all freedoms The fossil fuel owners thank you Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 4:58:48 PM
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Ah Mr Opinion, caught you out! Always ready to spend my money but never your own, typical ! You know you would lose mr anonymous, how many profiles do you have here?
Seriously, tell me do you really believe all this climate nonsense or is their a quid in it for you. These doomsday cults have literally been around forever and yet here is another one I cannot work it out. Rational people paying money to such obvious crooks like Al Gore and listening to the imbecilic Daniel Andrews? Got me buggered! Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:15:07 PM
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It is a ploy by the United Nations to bankrupt capitalist economies that rely on oil, gas, coal and steel production, and the meat and dairy industries. Do the research on how the oceans have receded from many of the Pacific Islands. The tide levels have not changed in Sydney harbour in 100 years of recording. Earth plates move up and down over time. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:33:59 PM
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James Delingpole's take on the Thunberg child:
" … a child who hasn’t finished her schooling, whose frontal lobes haven’t formed, who has no sense of humour, whose every utterance is the second-hand opinion of alarmist grown-ups whose doomsday claims she is completely unequipped to assess". Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:40:53 PM
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Dear Bazz,
Why has a young girl got you all in a tizz? If you think she is talking rubbish then fine, say so and drop it. Why is she so dangerous to you, why are you so threatened by her? It just seems utterly ludicrous. You are I assume, a grown man. Behave like one. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:45:21 PM
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Dear SteeleRedux,
Bazz has also gone into a spin over not being able to produce the full citation of Cook's published research showing that 99% of the world's scientists don't believe in anthropogenic global warming. I would ask his fellow climate change denialists on OLO but I think I'll get the same response, something out of a Monty Python sketch: 'Ask him! Ask him! No, no, ask me, no wait ask him! ask him! Yes he knows, no not him ask him!' Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:57:01 PM
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Mr Opinion,
how's the house deal with JBowyer going ? Posted by individual, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 7:27:30 PM
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"Anthropogenic global warming is real and is increasingly affecting the world we live in" Mr Opinionated.
Where did you get that rubbish from Mr O, one of your arty crafty courses. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 8:15:57 PM
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Mr Opinion is deeply concerned about GW but finds pollution something to joke about when he can't find a link to paste as a reply. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 8:20:41 PM
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Opin, don't be silly, do you record the source of everything you read ?
Just get up, put down your phone and do your own research. Why should I spend my time holding your hand ? Zoorrff Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 9:12:43 PM
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The Govt should give in to GW action groups & curb emission by curbing their access to services that result in emission. Cut their internet back to an hour a day, cut their travel by 75%,
cut their food availability by 50%, cut their welfare by 50% etc & let's establish if curbing emission is actually positively effective ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 8:02:56 AM
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Good idea Indy, but you forgot electricity, after all that is what it is about.
Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 12:04:36 PM
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' … a child who hasn’t finished her schooling, whose frontal lobes haven’t formed, who has no sense of humour, whose every utterance is the second-hand opinion of alarmist grown-ups whose doomsday claims she is completely unequipped to assess".'
sounds like a good canditate to run for the democrats in 2020. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 3:20:17 PM
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Dear Bazz,
Unless you can come up with details on Cook and his research results than everyone, including your fellow denialists and creation scientists, will think you have made it up. This is totally dishonest and on a par with plagiarism. It's not the scientific community that is lying to you, it is you who is lying to the scientific community. How do you live with yourself? Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 4:05:42 PM
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' … a child who hasn’t finished her schooling,
runner, Exploiting a kid in that manner of brainwashing amounts to nothing less than child abuse ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 4:59:33 PM
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OPIN, are you really so difficult in understanding ?
I said I did not record where I read it and suggest you look it up yourself. It was a major kerfuffle when it happened so it will be easy to find. Well I just used Google to find info on Cook and it was the top two hits on the page. So lazy just go and look yourself. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 8:19:38 PM
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Having just reread your last post, then it appears you are just a troll
so please do not address anything else to me. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 8:23:44 PM
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Exploiting a kid in that manner of brainwashing amounts to nothing less than child abuse !' yep socialist and Islamist do it daily. Look at the brainwashed school kids protesting against climate change or Palestinians teaching their kids to stab Jews. All totalitarian ideologies use kids. Look at secular humanism which kills millions of unborn. Using a young girl with autism is mild compared with some. Posted by runner, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 8:25:29 PM
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Dear Bazz,
Get your hand off it mate. You made an assertion, you were asked to provide a citation, you, with petulance, decided not to and now you are claiming someone else is a troll. The very bloody definition is someone who stirs without evidence that can be challenged. How blood hard is it jut to prove a link. Copy and paste, two flipping seconds and you are done. Posted by SteeleRedux, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 8:32:35 PM
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Dear Bazz,
You made a claim that a scientist has shown that 99% of the scientific community does not believe in anthropogenic global warming - which is one of the most important issues in human history - and you cannot tell anyone where to find the information. I say that you cannot tell anyone where to find it simply because you made it up and it does not exist outside of your imagination. That is exactly how denialists and creation scientists attempt to win an argument. And when you find yourself cornered in a scholarly debate you toss in the towel by throwing aspersions at your opponents claiming they are a trolls or something in order to escape the reality of your own ignorance. So I say again, you cannot tell us where to find the findings you cited by Cook because no such findings exist. The truth is that the scientific community has confirmed anthropogenic global warming and their findings are counter to your creation scientists' claim that God is in control of everything. Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 21 August 2019 9:23:10 PM
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I suggest that those that believe sea levels are rising have a look at:
Sea levels are falling in the Barrier Reef which is limiting the growth of Corals. Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 22 August 2019 8:38:25 AM
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Dear Josephus,
You have creation scientist written all over you. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 22 August 2019 8:56:45 AM
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I see opinionated is still mouthing off his fantasies of stuff any arts school will preach.
I wonder if he has heard, & tried to block out the Global warming petition project. That is where 31,487 American scientists signed this petition, including 9,029 with PhDs. I'm sure with their skills both he & SR could manage to find this information, even Google will bring it up if pushed. They just might start their education in the real world wit it. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 22 August 2019 10:31:11 AM
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Dear Josephus,
I really have given up on anything that person puts out so I was a reluctant clicker of your link so to speak. Perhaps she had something substantive to say this time I thought. But no. Just this little gem; "The distinctive micro-atoll form is a result of continual exposure to heat and sunlight at extremely low tides, which result, of course, in low sea levels." Wow! So extremely low tides result in low sea levels now? Here I was thinking it would have been the other way around. Silly me. She needs to give it a break and you need to find something more substantive to carry your position. Posted by SteeleRedux, Thursday, 22 August 2019 10:42:07 AM
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My link was originally from our opinion blog in the last lot of topics. She gets blamed by Mr Opinion as being Creation Science, and SR seems to misread her report. Read her report and the comments on the site.
Posted by Josephus, Thursday, 22 August 2019 4:12:08 PM
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Dear Josephus,
I said you are a creation scientist, not her whoever she may be. Trying to send people off on a wild goose chase is a typical ploy used by creation scientists. Better luck next time. Maybe you could check with Bazz, Hasbeen, and your other creation scientists on how to do it better. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 22 August 2019 5:12:25 PM
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Dear Bazz,
I found this on the web: "But among academics who study the climate, the convergence of opinion is probably strengthening, according to John Cook, the lead author of the original consensus paper and a follow-up study on the “consensus about consensus” that looked at a range of similar estimates by other academics. He said that at the end of his 20-year study period there was more agreement than at the beginning: “There was 99% scientific consensus in 2011 that humans are causing global warming.” With ever stronger research since then and increasing heatwaves and extreme weather, Cook believes this is likely to have risen further and is now working on an update." Is this the same Cook you said was telling people that 99% of scientists do not believe in anthropogenic global warming? This Cook also published his findings as: Cook, J., et al. 'Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature', Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 2013. Definitely looks like it's the article you were referring to! Is this what you were talking about? Looks a bit at odds with your creation scientist views and what you were claiming to be a lynchpin for the denialist cause. You better check this out with Hasbeen, mhaze, runner, and the rest of your creation scientists to get the all clear before you answer. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 22 August 2019 6:05:39 PM
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anyone gullible enough to believe the evolution and big bang lies are easy picking for the gw scam. They use pseudo science and lies to confirm their false narrative.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 22 August 2019 6:22:49 PM
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Dear runner,
You have creation scientist written all over you. Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 22 August 2019 6:30:23 PM
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Mr Opinion won’t let his house go for a thousand bucks but I never expected him to.
Here is the challenge: China and India’s increase is more than Australia total increase so the CO2 is going to keep increasing. How long has humanity got before it all ends? Greta says nine years but what do you genii give us? Less or more? Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 22 August 2019 9:23:21 PM
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Travel agents, car manufacturers, commodity manufacturers etc appear not too concerned about the future-they keep pushing their goods & the very concerned about the environment consumers simply keep going in high gear as per normal. No future crisis for them ! Even the Greenies are starting to quieten down & travel all over the Planet. Or, perhaps I got it all wrong by thinking that travel is highly polluting ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 23 August 2019 5:41:28 AM
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Dear JBowyer,
I'm sure Bazz would be happy if you take a look a the Cook article he cited. Here is the FULL CITATION: Cook, J., et al. 'Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature', Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 2013. Cut and paste it into your search engine. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 8:26:40 AM
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Mr Opinion, you are deceived if you believe I am a six day Creationist. I doubt that my source was written by a six day creationist. She is a Climate science researcher. She speaks at the Climate change forum:
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 23 August 2019 8:32:36 AM
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Dear Josephus,
I can spot a creation scientist a mile away. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 8:35:16 AM
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Then Mr Opinion your vision is impaired. Your observation is suspect so who can believe your opinion based on impaired observations.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 23 August 2019 8:40:38 AM
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Just reposted on Opinion blog.
Our pick of The Domain - our blog aggregator Jennifer Marohasy Heron Island Corals: Still Constrained by Sea Level Fall MY mother lived and worked on Heron Island at the Great Barrier Reef in 1955. That was the same year the young Bob Endea [...] Have a listen to her report to the Climate change forum, instead of being an ignorant. Posted by Josephus, Friday, 23 August 2019 8:45:18 AM
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Dear Josephus,
You can remonstrate all you want. You show all the traits of being a creation scientist. Actually the main line of my research enquiry is looking at what scientists and scholars are saying about the environment; that's why I was able to spot you, as well as Hasbeen, mhaze, individual, Loudmouth, runner, and a few others as creation scientists. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 10:05:12 AM
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Mr Opinion, keeping your house and no answers on what you think. Doomsday cults are like that, full of liars and bullies. If it is so serious then celebrities would not be allowed executive jets but they are. In fact you all want us in hair shirts and pay you for the privilege.
We need a revolution and you warmists can be made to live by the rules you want to inflict on us! Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 23 August 2019 11:19:24 AM
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Dear JBowyer,
Are you speaking for yourself or on behalf of your entire creation scientist community? Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 11:24:55 AM
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it is not worth discussing with ignorant little Mr Opinion, as he has a closed mind to facts, and this is a discussion of free opinions based in facts.
Posted by Josephus, Friday, 23 August 2019 1:49:03 PM
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'I can spot a creation scientist a mile away.'
I can spot a person who believes something came from nothing a mile away. They think hearing lies often enough makes it truth. Unfortunately they can't think past their failed narratives which makes truth and facts a useless exercise for them. To think theyn run our education system. Posted by runner, Friday, 23 August 2019 2:53:26 PM
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Runner who created God
How did that entity come out of nothing Posted by Belly, Friday, 23 August 2019 3:31:32 PM
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God is not a created entity, God is the eternal spirit that defined the nature of the universe. Posted by Josephus, Friday, 23 August 2019 5:24:38 PM
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Dear Belly,
You asked the right people there! Josephus and runner are two of the best creation scientists on OLO. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 5:30:49 PM
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Not possible Josephus try harder
My question is valid One here posted you can not make something out of nothing Posted by Belly, Saturday, 24 August 2019 5:41:14 AM
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God is the eternal spirit that defined the nature of the universe.
Josephus, I appreciate your faith but what actually convinced you that this is actually the Truth ? Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 August 2019 7:26:10 AM
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Dear Belly,
Josephus and other creation science people like Hasbeen, mhaze, individual, Loudmouth, runner, etc., love bringing up the ex nihilo argument as proof that they are right because rationally something cannot come from nothing. But where they fall down is they they avoid the fact that it is not possible to provide a scientific discovery of the origin of the universe, something that was proven philosophically. That we cannot discover the origin of the universe has been proven philosophically. They don't raise this because it is counter to their belief that everything was created by God. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 24 August 2019 7:33:42 AM
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ex nihilo nihil fit
Mr Opinion, I can google too AND I found what most aptly describes you ! Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 August 2019 8:23:41 AM
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Dear individual,
One thing has always puzzled me: Why do you creation science people want to be creation scientists but don't want to be seen as creation scientists? Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 24 August 2019 8:29:50 AM
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Because, Mr opinionated "Creation Science" is a theory that the Universe is 6,000 years old. The fact is it has eternal properties that are ever changing. Intelligent man with abstract creative imagination and social moral order has only existed for six to seven thousand years. We are still trying to overcome the primitive hostility men have for each other.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 24 August 2019 11:39:32 AM
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Dear Josephus,
My in-laws are creationists and there is little difference in discussing evolution with them compared to discussing global warming with you lot. The same denial of the evidence, the same obfuscations, the same religious adherence to a fallacy. As to your link you still haven't told me why extremely low tides result in decreased sea levels. Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 24 August 2019 2:10:39 PM
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Dear Josephus,
You just said: 'Intelligent man with abstract creative imagination and social moral order has only existed for six to seven thousand years.' Which I assume you propose, according to creation science principles, was about seven days after God decided to create the Universe. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 24 August 2019 2:51:36 PM
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Mr Opinion,
If there is indeed a God, I'm certain you're one of the many in the blood line who managed to slip past the quality control angel when he created humans ! Posted by individual, Sunday, 25 August 2019 5:16:43 AM
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It is clear that Mr. Opinionated does not read posts properly, his ability of comprehension is poor; as I clearly stated "The fact is it [the universe Romans 1: 20] has eternal properties that are ever changing," in my last post.
I have seen petitions taken outside high schools asking for students to sign against hydrogen monoxide entering our rivers, and hundreds signed the petition. It merely shows they will sign anything without research merely because it is supposed to be destroying our planet. You could set up protest near Kurnell stating the Government is introducing hydrogen monoxide into the Sydney water supply to control the residents; and you would reap thousands of signatures. Climate change is one of those scams. What is really needed is clean up the pollution and adapt to our needs, not worry about the climate. Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 25 August 2019 8:36:52 AM
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Dear individual,
You said: 'If there is indeed a God'. That's a strange thing for a creation science person to say. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 25 August 2019 9:30:04 AM
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The end of snow! Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 25 August 2019 3:31:14 PM
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That's a strange thing for a creation science person to say.
Mr opinion, I didn't realise faith fell into the realm of science ? Posted by individual, Thursday, 29 August 2019 6:01:30 AM
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I don't know where you get the idea that I (and probably others who you name) are creationists. I've never believed in any god, coming from a communist household. Bu if that's all you've got in your tool-box, to label people who disagree with you as creationists, then you are really barking up the wrong tree. So how much has sea-level risen around the world, on average ? Half an inch in fifty years. How much has temperature gone up in eighty years ? Adelaide's 'maximum ever' rose half a degree in January this year over the previous maximum, back in 1939. Half a degree in eighty years. Are Pacific islands being swamped ? No, not really: atolls build themselves, but taking out more ground-water naturally makes the ground sink, giving the impression of sea-level rise. So how much CO2 can the environment tolerate, given that it is vital for plant growth ? i.e. how much do we have to mitigate ? Is it possible to mitigate some of it by planting trees on a huge scale, to soak up CO2 which trees are mostly made from (CO2 + water + sunlight) ? And of course, nuclear energy is CO2-free, more or less. Actually, I'm not sure what the hell creationism has to do with the greenhouse effect. Perhaps, from your privileged position as a first-year sociology student, you can explain that for us. Or, of course, you could accuse all of us dissidents of being Catholic pedophiles, end of story. That should get your rocks off. Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 29 August 2019 5:34:35 PM
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That should get your rocks off.
Loudmouth, He can't, they haven't dropped yet ! Posted by individual, Thursday, 29 August 2019 6:16:59 PM
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Dear Loudmouth and individual,
If you are not creation scientists then what are you? Posted by Mr Opinion, Thursday, 29 August 2019 6:29:19 PM
they thought we would never find out.
After the yacht that Greta Thunberg is sailing to New York arrives
two of the crew will fly back to Europe and two other crew will fly
to New York to bring the yacht back to Europe.
Hmmm, isn't this typical of the the propaganda techniques
of the whole AGW promotion ?
And they wonder why people are skeptical ?