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Don't Tell Greta, Climate Crazy
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Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:15:07 PM
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It is a ploy by the United Nations to bankrupt capitalist economies that rely on oil, gas, coal and steel production, and the meat and dairy industries. Do the research on how the oceans have receded from many of the Pacific Islands. The tide levels have not changed in Sydney harbour in 100 years of recording. Earth plates move up and down over time. Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:33:59 PM
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James Delingpole's take on the Thunberg child:
" … a child who hasn’t finished her schooling, whose frontal lobes haven’t formed, who has no sense of humour, whose every utterance is the second-hand opinion of alarmist grown-ups whose doomsday claims she is completely unequipped to assess". Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:40:53 PM
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Dear Bazz,
Why has a young girl got you all in a tizz? If you think she is talking rubbish then fine, say so and drop it. Why is she so dangerous to you, why are you so threatened by her? It just seems utterly ludicrous. You are I assume, a grown man. Behave like one. Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:45:21 PM
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Dear SteeleRedux,
Bazz has also gone into a spin over not being able to produce the full citation of Cook's published research showing that 99% of the world's scientists don't believe in anthropogenic global warming. I would ask his fellow climate change denialists on OLO but I think I'll get the same response, something out of a Monty Python sketch: 'Ask him! Ask him! No, no, ask me, no wait ask him! ask him! Yes he knows, no not him ask him!' Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 5:57:01 PM
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Mr Opinion,
how's the house deal with JBowyer going ? Posted by individual, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 7:27:30 PM
Seriously, tell me do you really believe all this climate nonsense or is their a quid in it for you. These doomsday cults have literally been around forever and yet here is another one I cannot work it out. Rational people paying money to such obvious crooks like Al Gore and listening to the imbecilic Daniel Andrews? Got me buggered!