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Julian Assange Arrest
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Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 April 2019 7:59:51 PM
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Comment above sent by naughty dog "SCRUFF" in error. Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 13 April 2019 10:56:02 PM
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Hey Foxy,
Just wanted to show you this: From The Age: Julian Assange is no journalist: don't confuse his arrest with press freedom You see? Right on queue. It's a character assassination. "In 2015, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists got hold of more than 11 million documents leaked from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca. But the ICIJ did not simply publish and be damned. Instead, it compiled a team of journalists from 107 news organisations across 80 countries, who then spent more than a year going through that vast trove. " Their argument is that you need a team of 'responsible' journalists to disseminate the information. That regular people should not be priveliged with all the raw facts, that we need news organisations to 'filter' this information first. It's the same argument James Clapper made the other day that I linked also. And so, this is the official narrative just like I told you earlier. But that idea runs contrary to the actual law of the land and the principles enshrined in the US constitution: Go back to the First Amendment again. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Please note the valid hypocricy that if Assange had've exposed abuses the Chinese government was doing and embarrassed their government, he'd be behind a podium recieving an award. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 14 April 2019 4:19:14 AM
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- Also remember CNN spreading a lie at the time it was 'illegal' to view the wikipedia released Podesta files.(Only coporate media who filter it and tell you what to think are allowed to view it)
And here's more: If you watch the video for that article it spreads lies which are EASILY disproved. If these 'qualified journalists' were as good as what we're told they wouldn't make mistakes when it comes to easily disproven facts; it's deliberaty meant to mislead and shape the public opinion of those people who aren't aware of all the facts. It says this at 15 seconds into the video: "Before becoming President Donald Trump was a fan of Wikileaks which hacked Democratic emails in 2016. This is a BLATENT LIE. Wikileaks never hacked the DNC. Here's Assange himself saying Russia didn't give him the emails. I ask again do you think he will get a fair trial? As fellow Aussies, this is the only issue we should be concerned with. Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 14 April 2019 4:55:54 AM
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Armchair, the question is not whether Assange would get a fair trial.
It is whether such a trial should even be contemplated. Us law cannot extend to other countries. If that is accepted we would end up in chaos. Saudi Arabia has a law against women traveling without their guardian's consent. They have in fact enforced that law outside Saudi Arabia so why not here ? Do not drive over 55 MPH or you will be pulled up by the California Highway Patrol. Hmmm Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 14 April 2019 11:39:29 AM
That's what they say to 'demonise' a person.
"Then there was the issue of Assange's FAECES, which authorities said he spread across embassy walls on at least one occasion in an act of open defiance showing how little he thought of his hosts."
They say that stuff, so that you're busy thinking "I hope the dirty bastard gets what he deserves", instead of standing up for him.
'...who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he is not authorised to discuss details of Assange's behaviour"
Yep, always some bs anonymous source.
This is how they 'make' news.
- There's no way to fact check an anonymous source you idiots.
Have you all really become that stupid?
Do you really think he's going to wipe shite all over the walls when they could kick him out anytime?
Why would he do that?
What would it achieve?
You people are dumb.