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The day After the Federal Election

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HASBEEN! stay just as you are
Lost and uniformed that is
You could lend you title to your party, because of folk like you they are indeed Hasbeens
54/46 and your defense is voters are lefties!
Hughley funny if it WAS NOT SO SAD
The day after the election?
Why bother?
calling it now
Landslide to Labor
Massive recriminations in the LNP/Nationals
Then? rebuilding, no easy task but it will happen
Posted by Belly, Monday, 11 March 2019 11:34:43 AM
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rebuilding, no easy task but it will happen
Spot On ! Rebuilding is always the first task for a Conservative Govt after a Labor Govt.
Would it not be wiser to just keep the Conservatives so we wouldn't have to perpetually rebuild ?
There are obviously a lot of hangers-on who benefit from Labor. The Labor Doctrine of "Stuff you jack, I'm alright" is still very much the slogan.
Posted by individual, Monday, 11 March 2019 1:35:37 PM
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Weird things happening with my posts?
indy grab it, that straw floating past,it may be reality
missed you,
My early morning wander around the garden ends at the avery full of budgies
Next is OLO and you furnish the grins
reality, matters you know
now find the amount this country was in debt, on the day the LNP took over
Now find that amount today
you tell me what you make of it
Posted by Belly, Monday, 11 March 2019 2:21:53 PM
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Super Conservatives are pushing thier party over the cliff
Yes, all those who put party politics before anything else are indeed useless bums. I much prefer proposing ideas to better this nation !
We need a National Service & public service salary cuts before anything else.
Posted by individual, Monday, 11 March 2019 7:44:44 PM
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indy thanks, needed that, the morning grin that is
Politics is about mathematics, not hate not lost dreams any extreme, left or right can win even the raffle on election day
This time,and it has in the past been Labors problem,division has its hands around this governments throat
People such as you power that division
Big tent party
What does that mean? well it should be room for every opinion, on that party,s side of the fence
Climate change,a fear campaign about power prices,refugees divide the very government itself
And its voters
Ever Thought you, and I may be wrong?
That what voters think matters
You will,and this government will, after the election
The long march back to the voters will at first be painful,and for me fun
But they will come out the others side stronger and newer
Our country is not turning left, it blinker may say so,but it is leading what will be a world wide rejection of extremism from the right
Watch America Follow
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 12 March 2019 4:49:15 AM
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Bill Shorten PM will not bring the promise of Kevin Rudd, [over 70 percent loved him once] or Hawky [the same number loved him]
He will leave his mark, and the admiration of even some like you
Unlike some in America who think green socialism is the new way,he knows the center and left has other tasks
Oh he will enforce cleaner packaging and true recycling
He will be respected for that
Shorten may lead the world in the matter of refugees, boat arrivals
Any considered thought understands the Malaysian solution would have worked
And if you want to be honest Liberals knew that too, *but value the issue as a campaign tool* too much to end it
Shorten, the world, will end it, centrist and left parties know they must
So they take the heat and hate that generates extreme right governments out of play
So fill me with grins but find the answer to my question you have not yet done so, how much by percentage has our debt grown under this government
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 12 March 2019 5:00:11 AM
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