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Greens Turmoil

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My biggest fear Paul is within that question, forgive me but it remains my honest concern
I do not believe the man is in any way a worth while contributor
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 27 December 2018 3:31:47 PM
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Get Spellcheck!!

Here's one,^CNL^xdm100
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 27 December 2018 7:15:25 PM
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No Issy, and since we have found out you no longer can pull rank with the Spell Nazis, we tell you to stick your spellchecker where the sun don't shine.

Any more order? But we still love you.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 27 December 2018 10:22:25 PM
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I can understand why Belly is supportive of left policies given his (from memory) previously stated malady. Though he's recently indicated his long term support of the left and Bill Shorten. The left is supportive of intersectionalism. If it's any consolation to those with disabilities many of these will hopefully be addressed with improvements in technology over the coming decades. Then those with maladies won't be able to use intersectionalism to justify preferential treatment over the vast majority of Australians. I just hope it's not too late to save Australian culture. Every culture deserves their own nation.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 27 December 2018 10:29:57 PM
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cm MATE! and Ise mise, first the latter, spell check me if it pleases you
KNOW I left my last small country school unable to read or write
I have a spellcheck, not a very good one
I think still, firmly, Grammar is for making pies out of
CM please, tell me what makes your view right mine wrong
How did you find Labor is leftist
Liberal and progressive swear words
Are you posting from America
The hilbilly south?
I am a centrist,saw some, good in Howard pre his war on workers
I look forward to the incoming ALP government being just that a centrist government
Can it be, that my claim the big l Liberals, those who think like you, are the very reason Labor is going to win the election?
Canem Malem your are a bright poster
But look first at the faults of today,s Liberal coalition
Not those reporting/highlighting them
Posted by Belly, Friday, 28 December 2018 5:47:11 AM
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I think if more people thought of the world our grammar's (Grandma's) lived in- the world would be better.
There is a fallacy with the moderate stand- it enables the extreme radical left/ Trotsky permanent revolutionaries. Effectively the "moderate" are "the good that do nothing while evil is done". The moderate allow the radicals to effectively frame the issue- by the assumption of moderation of views- rather than using more objective means. The moderate essentially believe in "diversity of views" without "utilitarian favoritism"- not realizing its despotism. The radicals like to frame politics as left and right but from a Locke/ Hobbes point of view there are four positions- generally equally valid. There are two dimensions (not one)- "Social vs Economic" and "Liberal vs Conservative" (free vs discipline). The social radicals like to label conservative as extreme but they are not extreme from the perspective of change to the community. As transport and telecoms have advanced so has mass globalization- this is the new dimension of politics- it probably wouldn't have occurred without Liberalism of the markets or the accompanying free movement of business drivers such as movement of labour, capital, resources. It's an example of how social and economic forces influence each other. So we now have a three dimensional political system. Patrick Deneen believes that conservative influences such as responsible regulation of businesses or the promotion of traditional family values have been suppressed in favour of change and freedom- Liberalism. The view is rather than think- I have to look after my aging parents/ I have to put my parents into an aged home- "there's an app (business) for that". The view is business services can and should facilitate freedom- without the acknowledgement that children should be responsible for their aging parents. Deneen says that there has been a ratcheting of economic and social freedom at the expense of responsibility- Liberalism at the expense of Conservatism- freedom at the expense of caring. Sadly the fallacy of freedom (and moderates) can only be seen when looking at the issues in detail which few are willing to do.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 28 December 2018 8:13:24 AM
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