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A Job for every one?
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Posted by Aidan, Friday, 22 June 2018 11:40:13 AM
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National Service should be ruled out, as Australia is a freedom loving country.
Aidan, ?? What has a National Service got to do with loving freedom ? Unless of course, you mean the freedom for one to demand welfare but not for the other to expect some effort in return for it ? Isn't that what fired the starting gun for welfare rorting when Whitlam abolished Military National Service & let Australia go full steam ahead to become a Welfare demanding & now welfare depending Nation ? Those unfortunate to not secure employment would greatly benefit from exposure to responsibility & effort instead of getting perpetual training in patience by loitering on the steps of Centrelink. I am not aware of any surveys ever having been carried out as to how many are genuinely unemployed & how many chose to be. I used to work in an environment where people chose to be unemployed because it got them more money than full-time work. We had to get workers in from outside because no apprenticeships on offer were taken advantage of. Now, years later, accusations of no opportunities are ripe & compensations are being paid. I give you one guess when all this rorting started & I give you a hint (the Govt. of the day was sacked). I have yet to see a morally valid objection to a Non _military National Service. Armchair critic has a very valid point (as have I said countless times on OLO) that a National Service should be for all but at this stage it could be implemented gradually instead of welfare. Of course married couples should not be forced to separate & must be excempt. The ages of 18-20 would be an ideal age to reform the indoctrination of the school years & give young adults the chance to become normal people who can think for themselves instead of academic social experts misleading them again & again. If you really digress these proposals you'll find the end result will be a more sensible population. Posted by individual, Friday, 22 June 2018 12:43:13 PM
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Dear Belly,
Here's an interesting link worth reading: It reminds us that former PM Tony Abbott in 2013 promised us the creation of 1 million jobs in the future. Well we're told that this was bound to happen because on average over the last 15 years about 200,000 new jobs have been created each year over the last 15 years. Multiply that by 5 and you've got 1 million. It's pointed out that our population is rapidly increasing, driven by high immigration, and the economy has been growing continually for decades. ABS statistics shows that we are investing big in health and education and have the cash to spend on the Arts and Recreation - which is also creating jobs in that sector. The NDIS together with an increasing demand for aged care is fuelling a spike in jobs in the health and social assistance sector. They predict an extra 80,000 full time jobs by 2020 according to DOSS (Department of Social Services) figures. It looks like professional, scientific and technical job sectors (lawyers, engineers, architects, designers, computer programmers) are jobs that are here to stay. The overall move seems to be toward "services" over "goods" economy. Also the trend is towards jobs in the construction sector - government projects help towards this trend. Part-time work- especially in the retail, accommodation, and food services industries. There is the over all casualisation of the workforce. Manufacturing is of course the single biggest source of job losses and anything particularly repetitive or outine will probably be replace by machines. There will be many changes in the future - however using our brains will result in better outcomes. And as always making the appropriate adaptations and changes and innovations will result in our being successful. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 June 2018 2:28:35 PM
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First let the truth rebut the view Labor never does any thing, Hawk/Keiting bank reform and putting us in world trade, another thought was recently put a minimum income for every one, it crops up now and again, national service? so the worlds problems can be fixed by making every one train for war?country towns could see rivers and streams cleaned, camping spots made ,pensioners fire wood cut lawns mowed, maybe national walking bike riding caravan trails and camps, we do not have to always do things as we have in the past, change can benefit us all tourist trail around this country too much could be done education too could be work for some, learning how to live a better life could help
Posted by Belly, Friday, 22 June 2018 2:35:27 PM
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Things will be even worse when the millenials take over.
According to a CIS poll, 58% of millenials have a favourable view of socialism, with only 18% having an unfavourable one. They believe that the government should have more control of the economy. Bless their hearts, they haven't heard or learned about Mao. Lenin and Stalin, nor Marx and Engels and the millions of people murdered or starved to death by socialism. On their other hand, 73% of them knew about Adolf Hiltler, their Lefty teachers favourite for putting down conservatives (which Hitler was not). 62% or of these naïve people also believe that Australian workers are worse off than they were 40 years ago, which is patent nonsense. And, these are the people taxpayers are giving $16.8 BILLION to universities to educate. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 June 2018 2:57:24 PM
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Rather than blindly assuming things will be even worse, take a few minutes to question your assumptions. The millennials have a different definition of "socialism" to yours, and they understand that you CAN pick and choose policies - you don't have to go for the whole package. Also try to understand that the left don't have a monopoly on political violence and a lot of people have been killed in the name of anticommunism. The only alarming thing is that a quarter of them didn't even know about Hitler. ______________________________________________________________________________ individual, National Service is fundamentally anti freedom because it takes away the freedom of those who are doing it. I'll post a more detailed reply later (probably tomorrow) but meanwhile I want to ask you what environment you worked in where full time workers made less than the unemployed? Posted by Aidan, Friday, 22 June 2018 4:02:49 PM
National Service should be ruled out, as Australia is a freedom loving country. Besides, if the private sector really want to employ someone, it's economic madness for the government to disallow it.
ttbn, where did you get the idea that the Soviet steam trains needed someone extra to blow the whistle? It sounds very unlikely to me, as they had plenty of genuine work that needed doing, plus they were very keen on electrification. I think your claim is a myth concocted by someone who's failed to understand their overreliance on central planning did not equate to a lack of concern for efficiency.
So too in Australia - there is plenty of work that could be done to improve our environment and standard of living, but is not done neglected because it's too expensive. It makes sense for the government to make unlimited minimum wage work available. But work that actually saves the government money is different - it's better to pay that by results rather than time worked.