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True Patriots All

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//NSW Shooters and Hooters politician Robert Borsak admitted shooting eight endangered elephants in Africa.//

Kangaroos are a long way from being endangered, and there's good eating on the buggers. Pretty much all of the environmentalists I've heard say that eating kangaroos is more environmentally friendly than conventional livestock farming, with the exception of Ms. Rhiannon.

It would seem that she is either not in possession of all the facts, or not in possession of all her marbles. Harvesting kangaroos is a good idea which stands to benefit the environment, the sort of thing that the Greens should be getting right behind - pulling silly stunts like this is what turns off voters like me and pushes them towards Labor. Let us hope that if the Batman dons a green cape on the 17th of March, it's just to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Thursday, 8 March 2018 8:29:22 AM
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As expected vested interests are out there with their supportive media mouth pieces attacking anyone who would dare to have the temerity to expose their grubby little industry.

I do not oppose the proper management of kangaroos, what is questioned is how well is the government code being adhered to, and are kangaroos being humanly killed in correct numbers. It seems its wrong to ask questions of those who have something to hide. The end user has a right to all available information, not just a load of propaganda from the likes of the NFF.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 9 March 2018 4:40:19 AM
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//As expected vested interests are out there with their supportive media mouth pieces attacking anyone who would dare to have the temerity to expose their grubby little industry.//

It's not grubby at all. It's a clean, green, eco-friendly little inudstry. Why does that bother hippies so much for god's sake? (rhetorical)

//are kangaroos being humanly killed in correct numbers.//

"The animal activist movie suggests kangaroos are a "disappearing resource", and shows footage of the animals being shot en masse and taking bullets to the head."

"This is a story about one of the world's great icons and the deep, dark secret the kangaroo is getting slaughtered by the hundreds of thousands in the middle of the night"

Well if they're 'taking bullets to the head' then yes, they are being humanely killed. And presumably 'humanly', unless the hunters have been infiltrated by a Terminator sent back to take out a kangaroo which will one day save John Connor's life. In which part of their anatomy do you feel they should be shot in order to dispatch them as swiftly and humanely as possible? (not rhetorical)

And if they're being killed 'by the hundreds of thousands' then yes, they are being killed in the correct numbers. Kangaroo population is estimated to be about 4.5-5 x 10^7. Apparently this constitutes a 'disappearing resource', XD. Sustainable use quotas - which are calculated by Government and science organisations; presumably by people that, unlike most hippies, are actually trained in the science of ecology - are typically about 10-20% of estimated roo population. But it's rare when actual culling reaches even 35% of the allowed quota. So plugging those figures into the calculator, we get a low value of 1.575 x 10^6 and a high value 3.5 x 10^6
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 9 March 2018 7:42:51 AM
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Personally I would call that 'millions' rather than 'hundreds of thousands', but whatever. The point is that hundreds of thousands of roos being shot is well within the bounds of sustainable use quotas and whilst it seems like a vast and shocking figure to idiot hippies, it's pretty meaningless when just quoted as an absolute figure and not compared with roo populations. And it's not some 'deep, dark secret'.

I wonder how many extra sheep and cows we'd have to kill to make up for the meat shortfall if we stopped shooting roos? (rhetorical)

Oh, and why does the time of day at which the roos are being shot matter? (not rhetorical)

"It attempts to provide balance with a shooter talking about the industry code of conduct"

What, no ecologists to put the numbers in perspective and point out that the vast body of expert opinion considers those numbers sustainable? (rhetorical)

"A error-ridden load of crap that will appeal only to PETArds and the easily misled."
-3 out of 5 stars.

I'll be having a roo burger for my lunch and roo bolognese for my dinner just to spite idiot hippies.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 9 March 2018 7:43:15 AM
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Toni, you can scoff all you like, and carry on as you are. Being one total enlightened on this matter, you can thunder away as you wish, "having a roo burger for (your) lunch and roo bolognese for (your) dinner just to spite idiot hippies" I suggest you do it in Martin Place at midday just to highlight the goodness of it all. Burn an effigy of Lee Rhiannon if you feel it will get you on the 6 o'clock news.

What I oppose is not the kangaroo industry, but those that will not countenance any criticisms or alternate opinion. There was a similar reaction when criticism of live cattle export to Indonesia was first raised. How dare you threaten Aussie jobs, all is well behind the curtain of secrecy, so vested interest was quick to say, it was not.

BTW, the only ones who like roo meat are dogs and yuppies, and I'm not sure about the yuppies. The stuff stinks when you cook it.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 9 March 2018 8:52:32 AM
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//What I oppose is not the kangaroo industry, but those that will not countenance any criticisms or alternate opinion.//

So people rather like yourself then?

//BTW, the only ones who like roo meat are dogs and yuppies, and I'm not sure about the yuppies.//

Urban Greens criticising people for having yuppie eating habits? That's priceless. XD

Roo mince is about as cheap as it gets, part of the reason I like it. I reckon I could feed myself quite well for the better part of a week for the price of a single kale and smashed avocado sandwich from the sort of eateries that your mob frequent.

//The stuff stinks when you cook it.//

I think you're cooking it wrong, Paul. When it turns black and starts to smoke you're meant to take it off. Anyway, it tastes better than the crap you urban Greens like.
Posted by Toni Lavis, Friday, 9 March 2018 10:09:20 AM
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