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Same Sex Marriage Bill Passes In Our Parliament

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Hi Foxy, I don't want to slam Lee Rhiannon, I have known Lee for many years. She has been a hardworking and committed member of the party for a very long time, but I take your comments and don't dispute them. Mehreen is a very different personality altogether to Lee. Both are hard working and committed to the cause they represent, but Mehreen offers something new, a person who listens, is very engaging, really makes herself know the issue well before debating. In my book with the valuable experience gained working in the NSW Legislative Council Mehreen is going to make an excellent Senator. I am biased of course, but I would say if you met the lady, spoke to her for a little while on issues that concerns you, you would have no problem voting for her.

I've said it before on the forum. Over the years I've got to know quite a few politicians of all political persuasions, and despite all the scorn and ridicule we heap on them. they are in the main hard working decent people, in there trying to make a difference. To give you an example, I'm more into NSW State politics, Bruce Notley-Smith the Liberal member for Coogee, a seat non only Labor, but The Greens as well have designs on. There is no better local member than Bruce, he puts a hell of a lot into the job. Bruce knows his seat is marginal and it could fall, particularly to Labor, at any election. In my view that would be a shame considering the work Bruce puts in as an MP, but that's politics.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 January 2018 9:26:36 PM
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Dear Paul,

I fully understand what you're saying. Many politicians do
work hard and are in politics for the right reasons - to
make a difference. In my electorate there are several state
politicians who are very approachable and hard working. Two
come to mind - both from the Liberal Party. However our
Federal member is a different story. I recently had the
need to write to him on what I thought was a very simple
inquiry - and I received an "automated reply" - telling me that
he's not able to respond to all inquiries - and that he might
contact me again at a future date. Well it's been several weeks
and I'm still waiting. I'm in a safe Liberal electorate - but
I did expect more from this man.
My inquiry was not that difficult. So it was disappointing.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 January 2018 10:21:05 AM
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Australians have never been better off than they are today, give or take a few variable years.

Imagine where we'd be if we'd never had trade unions.

I'm proud to have been a union member, and sometimes representative, all my working life since I started at 15 on the NSWG Rly.

The only times that I was not a member were when I was in the Army and when I was in a management position with the Defence Dept.
Even when I was not working, being overseas, I maintained my membership and as a retired member, I still go to Union functions.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 15 January 2018 11:52:23 AM
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Is Mise, I'm sorry that I can't empathise. You see I was on the receiving end of what the unions dished out.

What I witnessed, in terms of union actions, was incomprehensible and reprehensible. I could not understand the reasons for all the strikes and turmoil.

Everyone thought the union was there for the good of the workers. It turned out that whilst they made these token efforts in the name of the workers they were lining their own pockets to the tune of millions of dollars.

I remember that mongrel Reynolds, had this shadow hanging over him. It turned out that he was chums with a big builder. I think it was Roberts. (The guy who built the apartment tower at South Perth pub)

It was later discovered that Reynolds suddenly owned one of these million dollar penthouses, just beneath Roberts.

And the corruption just went viral. Yeah, unionism, comrades.

I remember thinking I hope the unions push up the wages so high that ALL the businesses will shut down and go offshore. It would be such retribution, the like of this country has never seen.

We have a million govt departments to cater to any complaints against companies and how they treat their workers. All your doing by adding the unions is making the scumbag union reps and leaders wealthier than yourselves.

People get sucked in so easily. Aussies are amongst the worst.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 15 January 2018 1:36:22 PM
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Hi Foxy, that is unusual and unacceptable.
"I recently had the need to write to him on what I thought was a very simple inquiry - and I received an "automated reply" - telling me that
he's not able to respond to all inquiries."

Yes, an initial acknowledgement of your inquiry is in order. But a follow up, if not from the member himself. at least in the case of a busy minister from an electoral office flunky is the order of the day. In the case of the PM he get 100's of inquiries pwe week not only from his local constituents in the seat of Wentworth, but from all over Australia. Everything from a person who want him to do something about the nosy birds in a Edgecliff park to a crackpot who wants us to go to war with New Zealand. Obviously he can't personally deal with such people, but allows his office to take care of it. I'm not putting your inquiry into that category. If you feel he's not doing his job as a local member, complain to the party itself, and of course vote for someone else next time around putting him last on the ballot paper.

There is one person in Australia, a woman with a calligraphy quality hand writing, who constantly fires off letters to word and local leaders, everyone from the Pope, to the Queen of England. She is amazing. nothing harmful. she writes to them like if they are her pen pals.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 15 January 2018 4:58:19 PM
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Dear Paul,

I think this man's been in the job too long and he
simply takes things for granted. As I said earlier
he's in a safe seat so he'll probably get in again.
However I have no intention of voting for him -
that's for sure. Unfortunately though I don't think
my vote's going to make much difference to him anyway.
He does not have any strong and well known candidates
running opposite him. Which is a shame.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 January 2018 5:55:59 PM
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