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Same Sex Marriage Bill Passes In Our Parliament

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" It has been explained
throughout this discussion that it was 61.6% of
eligible Australians who responded with a "yes"

Then why did you repeatedly post that,
"61.6% of the Australian population votes YES"
when that is obviously false and also make the claim that roughly 6 out of 10 Australians voted 'Yes" which is equally false?

Did you suddenly discover 'eligible', you have previously rejected it.


Are you still having a problem finding a reference to your absurd assertion that the Korean War divided the Nation?
Duck and weave all you like but you posted, as fact, something that came from your own make-believe world of Commo fantasy.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 8:16:10 PM
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Issy, I am not having a problem finding a reference, I'm not looking for one. I told you where my view of the Korean War, sorry police action, came from. If you are not in agreement. well tough.
You have a vested interest in propagating the lie that all Australians were totally in support of that disgusting war. I say they were not! You are looking for moral justification for your own participation. If I was in your position, I would do the same thing.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 8:54:06 PM
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Is Mise,

A few corrections:

1) I posted on page 8 of this discussion that 61.6% of
the Australian population votes yes.
38.4% of the Australian population voted no.

The following paragraphs went on to explain that
- of all ELIGIBLE Australians
who expressed a view on "Should the law be changed to allow
same-sex couples to marry?" The majority indicated that the
law should be changed with 61.6% (7,817,247) responding yes,
and 38.4% (4,873,987) responding no.

I went on to add that nearly 8 out of 10 ELIGIBLE Australians
(79.5%) expressed their views.

Note - I did not say 100%. And the word ELIGIBLE is there
at the very beginning of this discussion.

I also added that - all state and territories recorded a
majority yes response. And only 17 of the 150 Federal
Electoral Divisions recorded a majority no response.

So, NO I did not suddenly discover the word "eligible"
and I certainly did not previously reject it as you claim.

Most people would understand what was being said.

2) The second correction that needs to be made is -
found on page 5 of this discussion where I clearly state
"The results of the postal survey told us what we already
knew VIA OPINION POLLS that 6 out of ten Aussies were in
favour of same-sex marriage..."

You have the right to continue with your accusations Sir.
However, I have the right to ignore them from now on.
And blow you a great big raspberry as I leave.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 9:18:50 PM
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So it was only your view that you posted, fine, but why did you post it as an apparent fact that the Korean War divided Australia more than the SSM debate.
There is absolutely no evidence of truth in your claim that Australia was divided by the Korean War, a war that saw Communist expansion foiled on the Korean Peninsular.


61.6% of the Australian population did not vote "Yes" in the SSM survey, nor did roughly 6 out of 10 Australians.

You have been misstating the facts.

Why don't you bring your librarian skills into play and just give a reference to where the ABS, which you quoted, said "61.6% of the Australian population votes YES"

I think that you made up the quote and are too embarrassed to admit the fact, just as Paul is embarrassed by his own flight of fancy, however, if you give a credible reference, I'll apologize.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 10 January 2018 10:29:55 PM
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"So it was only your view that you posted," no not at all, I said I formulated the view after discussion with others of the time, and reading. Hardly a view I plucked out of the air.

"the Korean War divided Australia more than the SSM debate." To what degree did the SSM debate divide Australia? I believe the majority were rather ambivalent on the matter, and didn't allow it to weigh all that heavily on their conscience. If the no vote had got up their would not have been mass riots in the streets. On the other hand we had a war, sorry again, police action, which seen Australia actively involved in the state sanctioned murder of millions.

Ample evidence, please explain the failure of Menzies Communists referendum, a de fecto vote on the Korean War. If such a referendum was ever going to succeed that was the time for it. If there was mass support for Korea and anti communist fervour, as you claim, then the yes vote would have had a resounding victory, not the case, a very divisive 50/50 issue. You have avoided that little fact.

"a war that saw Communist expansion foiled on the Korean Peninsular." Thank you Captain America, I see you are still holding on to the discredited 'Domino Theory'. The Korean war was a civil war, which morphed into a proxy war between the United States and the Soviet Union, much like the Vietnam War.

Issy, you hold onto your comforting view, it justifies the whole sorry episode and your own personal involvment.

p/s 60+ years later and things are still looking rather grim on the Korean Peninsula.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 January 2018 3:48:49 AM
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""troglodyte" a person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant. Yep... that's it.

"There has not been any issue that has divided our country more than SSM,"

Conscription in WWI
Fools going off to fight the Korean police action
The Vietnam War

Now there's three"

See, you said that Australians and others going to fight in Korea divided the Nation more than the SSM debate, but you cannot give a reference to this, even though you have formed an opinion on the matter.
Surely there must be some small item from a newspaper of the day, Hansard, or even a book that you could reference?

Perhaps you can find mention of a demonstration against 3RAR when they marched in Brisbane and Sydney to the appreciation of thousands of their fellow Australians?
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 11 January 2018 7:47:09 AM
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