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The Forum > General Discussion > Failure of the Gun Laws

Failure of the Gun Laws

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My above post was referring to Foxy's 'discovery'.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 4 July 2017 9:34:39 PM
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Chicago's gun laws are the strongest possible under the slave owners' and Injun hunters' Second Amendment.

In other words as weak as piss.

And the Australian Chapter of the Yank NRA cites rate of changer in Chicago gun deaths while ducking the question of the actual number

For real gun control read about Japan's.

By the way, imagine the fate of the Yanks' Second Amendment if America was a democracy like the State of California.
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 4 July 2017 10:01:25 PM
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"And the Australian Chapter of the Yank NRA cites rate of changer in Chicago gun deaths while ducking the question of the actual number"

Please translate the above into understandable English.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 4 July 2017 10:34:39 PM
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EmperorJulian, "For real gun control read about Japan's"

Is that so? Then how come Japan's Miroku and Howa factories produce thousands of civilian and military firearms annually? Just a couple of examples.
Remington, USA, for instance, imports and re-brands these high quality firearms.

Yet you say that Japan has 'gun control'. Do you even know what Soros' 'gun control' is all about?

Why does that foreign currency healing billionaire keep interfering in Australia's domestic politics Emperor Julian?

Why does the highly secretive Soros outfit and their very secretive mates in Australia (who apparently regularly visit the US for re-briefing) want to disarm the lawfully licensed and firearms registered civilian population of Australia?

Australia's skills in gun smithing have been all but wiped out except for small scale Lithgow. It may well be that there are no new apprentices and haven't been for some time.

Who gains from that? Not Australia, that is for sure.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 4 July 2017 10:51:49 PM
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The rate at which a variable changes (up, down, stationary) is not the same as the value of the variable.

Quoting the changes in the number of gun deaths in Chicago per given period (hour, day, week, year or whatever) as decreasing or increasing ducks the question of the actual number.

10 per annum? 50 per annum? 100 per annum? 1000 per annum? How many? Any number above zero is unacceptable.

Plain English.

The Australian chapter of the Yank NRA on OLO has been referring to the rate of change, ducking the question of the NUMBER.

Check back to what you wrote.



But nobody is that stupid. The gunnies* are ducking and weaving, not innumerate or illiterate.

*Australian Chapter of the Yank NRA
Posted by EmperorJulian, Tuesday, 4 July 2017 11:05:43 PM
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"*Australian Chapter of the Yank NRA"

Can you back that up, or are you just parroting the Greens "misinformation"?
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 5 July 2017 10:32:16 AM
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