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The Forum > General Discussion > What Should Be In OUR Treaty ?

What Should Be In OUR Treaty ?

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Need I ever wonder again how hack journalists ever got away with that 'null hypothesis' tripe.

The reason why there are no records of pixies at the bottom of pixy claimants' gardens is that pixies don't exist. Honestly now, how does one keep records of nothing?

However, there is overwhelming evidence that my Victorian friend's garden gnome deters those panthers that are claimed to be roaming the countryside. We have waited for hours with chicks, drinks and tasty ribs and no panthers crept onto his property. But panthers released by those departing WW2 Yank troops do prowl the countryside 'they' say and the meeja gleefully report. If it is in the meeja it IS fact, right?

Honestly Foxy, you and Paul1405 may need kind volunteers to assist you outside of your abode.

The leftists earn their reputation as dogged opponents of science!
Posted by leoj, Saturday, 10 June 2017 2:20:30 PM
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Yes, I read that 'Report' when it came out, twenty years ago. I noticed that not a single case was tested in any court, nor was any evidence ever presented. Some of the stories were incredibly heart-rending, beautifully composed, almost believable. Pity about the lack of any back-up evidence.

But feel free to believe in whatever you like without evidence: I suppose we all need some sort of fairyland belief, like the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy. They provide some enduring illusory consolation.

Keep believing without evidence, Foxy, and only through your faith in the Conventional Narrative. That sort of unquestioning belief has kept many religious people going for thousands of years, so why not you ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 10 June 2017 7:24:41 PM
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Hi Paul,

There would be copious files on very single child ever taken into care anywhere in Australia. I look forward to their presentation in court. Lordy, am I what ?

As far as I know, there were many witnesses to what happened to Bolt. Of course, in due course we may see the video of it all. Some people may have been familiar with the turds who tried to intimidate him. I hope they are still hobbling :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 10 June 2017 7:29:40 PM
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Joe (Loudmouth),

What a disappointment you turned out to be.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 10 June 2017 8:57:32 PM
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Dearest Foxy,

Well, I suppose we differ over the importance of evidence over belief. I can sympathise with people who believe fervently in something without any evidence - after all, I was raised in a communist household which refused to believe anything bad about Stalin until I was, maybe, thirty. Since then, I've been very wary of any ideology which didn't promote two things:

* have the interests of 'ordinary' people genuinely at its heart;


* build its strength on reality, evidence, some sort of empirical backing.

Yes, it gets a bit lonely NOT believing if you can't find quite enough evidence, but at least one can maintain some skerrick of integrity. And of course, it forces you to keep learning. And you discover many surprises :)

Keep learning, dear Foxy. Don't believe every sob-story you hear.


Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 11 June 2017 9:26:51 AM
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While they make their ignorance and hatred of science obvious, leftists are not always naive Polyannas.

Nor are leftists 'do gooders', although they find false pride and convenience in that camouflage, dumping on others from their elevated moral platforms.

Leftists adhere to their self-loathing and hatred of 'whites' (who arguably have the most diverse and complex cultural inheritance of all), and particularly those dear settlers who came from the UK and brought their traditions of freedom of speech, democracy and tolerance with them. Of course it is also a greasy, cringing, grovelling and deference to anything foreign, which by definition, even totalitarian women hating Islam, is always better than the society and even their own selves that they despise.

Philip Adams and ors have lived very comfortably for years off leftists' self-hatred, recycling the same tired and always wrong (but who cares?) 'dissing' of Australia and Australians.

So, trying to convince leftists to at least stop and think, is asking them to review their image of themselves and world values. Impossible!

But what is very nasty about leftists is their unrelenting challenges to science. By research grants to 'research', sloppy science, that from the outset has the findings already written. Feminist 'research discounts and finally ignores evidence that men too might be affected somehow. Indigenous research? Hey, too easy, just have an 'inquiry' by the publicly funded, semi-autonomous and unaccountable body that has the most to gain from perpetual victimhood. Best that by preferring victim statements from people already conditioned to believe they are disempowered, when the evidence for both may be the opposite.

Cock a leg on science is the pastime of the self-appointed experts who strut the public stage and where the ABC is concerned, are applauded (just get the right audience, young Hipsters from inner 'burbs), cosseted and paid for it. Some have been on the public payroll for their entire 'working' careers.
Posted by leoj, Sunday, 11 June 2017 12:07:02 PM
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