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The Forum > General Discussion > What Should Be In OUR Treaty ?

What Should Be In OUR Treaty ?

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Anyway: What should be in our (note the all-inclusive use of 'our') Treaty ?

Since it is proposed to be a Treaty for all of us, if anybody DOES think there ought to be one, then what should be some of the clauses that we all agree to ?

None at all ? This seems to be the preferred option of the people promoting it. So, they want a blank piece of paper, but at least it'll be a Magic Bit of Paper. What do YOU want, if anything ?

Personally, I don't think one is remotely necessary. But the dreadful and life-threatening problems afflicting Indigenous communities DO need urgent attention, now.

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 6:26:36 PM
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Hi Big Nana,

I always learn so much from your posts :)

In my very limited experience, in what were really very small communities, especially down here in the south, those populations are cut off from the outside society as if they're in a different world. of course, they go shopping or to the pubs in local towns, but for social life, the community may be all they have, and all they ever will have. Even sporting activities for young people are not possible for that reason.

So to fall out with it, or be cast out from it, can be very literally life-determining. Say something to a foreigner/stranger/enemy, is to commit a horrific crime, even if, say, a girl has been raped, by a community bloke - well, especially if they have been raped by a community bloke.

Why ? Because not only are they drawing attention to something vile and dreadful to an outsider but they are accusing one of the families, in communities in which there seem to always be two blocs of allied and closely related families. So such an accusation is an accusation against maybe half the community - and usually the most dominant half of the community. So the girl has only one option, as she sees it: suicide.

So, dear reader, when you hear of a young girl (or boy, for that matter)who has suicided, 90 % of the time you can conclude that she/he has been raped.

I'm not sure how a Treaty would fix that.

Thanks, Big nana, you're a beacon of truth and experience in a sea of BS.


Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 6:40:28 PM
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"Thanks, Big nana, you're a beacon of truth and experience in a sea of BS"

+1 to that!

You have both added to my understanding and convinced me how little I do know. Thanks.

Q: What should be in the Treaty?
A: Equality for all.
Posted by leoj, Tuesday, 6 June 2017 10:17:55 PM
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Dear Joe,

The following link may be of interest to you:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 June 2017 3:40:09 PM
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Hi Foxy,

Have you read the post yourself ? That Harry Bennett could have been killed by his mother or grandmother at birth ? That his mother was obviously unable to look after him (how DOES any young single mother care for kids if there are no benefits, as there weren't back in 1917).

So he was taken into care. What's your point ?

I was daydreaming this morning, staying in bed as long as possible in Adelaide's 3 degrees, and suddenly realised (as you do) that Rudd's Apology - before a single 'Stolen Generation' case had ever been determined - actually signified that many people think that not a single Indigenous child should have ever been taken into care, no matter what the circumstances. Neglect ? Didn't matter. Abandonment ? Didn't matter. Single parent, i.e. mother, died ? Didn't matter. Let them die.

And so it should be , many seem to think, with any Indigenous kids who are neglected, abandoned or abused. Let 'em die.

So Harry Bennett survived. Who should he be thanking ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 8 June 2017 5:09:04 PM
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Joe (Loudmouth),

I thought that this information would be of interest
to you from someone who's actually part of the
Stolen Generations and remembers things rather well.
You always ask for evidence. Well here's living proof
in the form of Mr Bennett who's reached 100.

His mother had him despite the existing laws of that
time, despite the advice she'd been given. Despite the
obstacles she undoubtedly had to overcome. And as Mr
Bennett relates - mothers were forced to protect
their children from the police troops looking
for Aboriginal children of mixed descent by hiding
them in the loose sands. Mr Bennett survived until he was 4
under his mother's care. Then he was taken from her
and never saw her again.

You make the assumption that Mr Bennett's mother
could not take care of her son as a single mother.

Well she seemed to have
done all right for the first four years of Mr Bennett's

And when they did take her son from her Mr Bennett
clearly remembers how his mum hung onto that truck and
how she was dragged for quite a few miles in the dirt
until she couldn't hold on anymore. The entire time she
was wailing and screaming for her child.

You ask what's my point?

It should be obvious.

You always want "evidence" (just one example of a Stolen Generation
member - you said previously).
I thought that surely living proof would do it for you.

Apparently I was wrong.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 8 June 2017 6:49:35 PM
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