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Oh what a beautiful morning

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Hi Paul,

You reckon ? Where do most Yanks go shopping ? Walmart. Where does Walmart make most of its goods ? China. Dumb-dumb: so either Yanks pay around 45 % more for their cheap goods (thanks, Donald), or US companies re-locate back to the US ?

I don't see it. Why won't they simply re-locate to the Philippines, or Vietnam, or, in time, Africa ? i.e. anywhere but back to high-wage US ? Maybe this could be a lose-lose situation, higher prices for Trump's voters under an anti-China tariff, then no new jobs for Trump's voters as promised. After all, capital can go anywhere: as Marx said, it knows no home-country. And it certainly won't go back to a high-wage environment.

Christ, it could even go to Russia. Would Trump impose a tariff on goods from his bum-buddy ?

Buckle up, etc.

Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 11 November 2016 9:09:37 AM
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Hey Bazz,
You make a good point about outside cabinet appointments, and Bachman's comments are revealing.
I had heard the story somewhere that Brennan had converted to Islam whilst in Saudi Arabia; also that Obama himself might privately be a muslim (Your last comment settles that argument) ; so it doesn't surprise me all the Muslim appointments. Nice List.
I wouldn't like to assume all Muslims working within the US government are automatically bad people, but your information about those who are top of their department is certainly concerning.
- I heard someone on a talkshow in the last week suggest Israel and the Saudi's are fighting for influence of the government.

In any case the whole system had become endemically corrupt.
So corrupt that if things kept going in the direction they were going through another Clinton Presidency it would've been the end of America.
You had the Whitehouse, State Department, FBI and Justice Department (as well as the media) all in bed together covering for each other like this huge out of control cancer that required nothing less than being completely cut out.
Some of the military commanders might need replacing too.

Since writing my last comment I found that Trump actually tweeted in July that he would appoint Gowdy as AG; so it's no surprise they are talking about pardons.
Gowdy won't hesitate to tear her limb from limb.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 11 November 2016 9:38:57 AM
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There are some good arguments against tariffs and protectionism and for free markets.
I'd encourage everyone to watch a good thought provoking interview from Ron Paul that includes some some history here.

Hillary v. Trump on Trade: Who's Right?

But there's also many good arguments against Globalism and protecting a nations jobs and industries as well which many commenters including myself have at one point or another pointed out.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 11 November 2016 10:15:53 AM
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Dear Bazz,

Mate you really are from the fringe aren't you. What absolute bollocks. Which fruit loop conspiracy sites are you now claiming to be gospel truth?

Tell you what, put up your most compelling piece of evidence that the head of the CIA is a Muslim convert and let us see where it leads. In fact pick any of your tin foil hat trash.

What a whacker.

And what on earth is this?

“It’s questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in. He didn’t repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again in private.”

Mate if you are identifying this bloody strongly as a Yank then perhaps you should hope on the next leaky boat had head over there. As a place where the inmates have control of the asylum I'm sure you would be welcomed.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 11 November 2016 10:47:52 AM
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Interesting that The Donald also proposes a 35% tariff on the Mexicans, which has a similar trading relationship with the US as does Canada. Yet The Donald proposes no such tariff on the Canadians, what colours Trumps thinking, why no big tariff on the Canadians?

Although on a much smaller scale Australia's trade deficit with the US is similar to the US deficit with China. Does anyone support Australia applying a 45% tariff on US imports?
We could start a new car industry in Adelaide, producing the all Australian V8 car, call it the 'Jumbuck' retail for $100k, will sell like hot cakes. Employ half of South Aussie to build it. We should all embrace Donaldism!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 11 November 2016 11:05:53 AM
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Dear Paul,

I would imagine it is directed at US firms who have exported jobs to both China and Mexico. He knows his base, why wouldn't he after all those years of chasing ratings in reality television, and it is them he is looking to respond to.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 11 November 2016 11:18:09 AM
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