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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Sonia Kruger allowed to feel threatened by Jihadists?

Is Sonia Kruger allowed to feel threatened by Jihadists?

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I read the "Five facts to fight Sonia Kruger's fear of Muslims" and found an opinion piece.


So what? How is that going to make Sonia feel safer?


It doesn't necessarily mean so, but there is a strong correlation. Germany has recently had a spate of incidents, and Russia had a serious problem before it had a vicious crack down in Chechnya.


But other disadvantaged populations don't resort to terrorism. And it is no excuse.


Unsubstantiated opinion.


That more muslims are killed in muslim countries is not a plus.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 25 July 2016 3:16:26 PM
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Another bombing in Germany, failed Asylum Seeker. Another bombing in Iraq. Just today.

These people hate each other as much as they hate us.

That's a good enough reason to feel threatened by jihadist in the moslim population in Australia. Any more & the likely hood of something as happens in France, Britain & Germany, etc, happening here goes up & up.
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 25 July 2016 3:43:48 PM
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Oh silly me I forgot ? Many of the current crop of Army Lawyers are such enlightened souls and ergo, strong supporters of the PC community. Therefore any attempt by me to muster the Army, would amount to nought. Moreover, as I'm from that far right wing, intellectually challenged cadre, to even suggest we should try to identify and then completely excise, all these jihadist terrorists, would have me quickly expatriated from my country forever.

Me and my 'few' colleagues from the 'Bronze Age', none of us being especially clever, do realise when we've been defeated. Furthermore we should either tow the PC line, or perish in our own mire of injudiciousness and folly. Whatever else that may occur - Within a century, the entire Western World as we now know it, will be practicing Islam !
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 25 July 2016 4:04:04 PM
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'Within a century, the entire Western World as we now know it, will be practicing Islam !'

I would not be that pessimistic O sung wu. You don't really think God has abandoned His throne do you. We are just suffering the idiotic embracement of secular/feminist dogma.

Islam has no ultimate future as Christ will have and is having HIs way

' Therefore God has highly exalted Him, and has given Him a name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of heavenly ones, and of earthly ones, and of ones under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.'

Islam like secularism has a limited lifespan. They are both death cults.
Posted by runner, Monday, 25 July 2016 4:15:05 PM
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Curtis Cheng's son:

""We cannot generalise the actions of extreme individuals to encompass that of other successful and law-abiding citizens who happen to be of the same faith," he said.

"My father was murdered by a 15-year old boy. I cannot deny the fact that the perpetrators professed to be followers of ISIS, however, it does not follow from these facts that Muslims should be feared."

Mr Cheng said Jabar's actions were not caused by his faith but by brainwashing from people overseas.

He said his own close relationships with Muslim friends and students had not changed after his father's death.

"They have the same hopes and dreams of all Australians; to be successful in their lives and enjoy the freedoms we enjoy."

In addition to a royal commission, One Nation policies include a ban on further Muslim immigration to Australia and the intake of Muslim refugees as well as a ban on the burqa and niqab in public places

"When I first arrived to Australia, I remember being a victim of the hateful and fearful attitudes that the One Nation Party promoted," Mr Cheng said.

"I remember being told I will be sent back to where I came from because I was Asian and, therefore, not Australian.

"I remember feeling ostracised and isolated from the country I identity with, which I had adopted – in harmony with my cultural heritage."

"He said his father's death would not lessen his own belief that Australia was a successful multicultural and multi-faith society.

"We need to look how we can heal and build; not how we can divide and exclude.

"My dad was a gentle and peaceful man; his name should not be used to promote fear and exclusion," Mr Cheng said."

Frankly, the clubhouse midgetry on display on threads up and down the general section of this forum is pathetic. You fellas no doubt consider yourselves enlightened "men" in the Western tradition.

I call you follow-the-leader, flaming torch and pitchforks, hysterics.
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 25 July 2016 4:17:38 PM
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Ooh that sonja Kruger ! Sonja , you've been very naughty and said something naughty......NOW GO TO MY ROOM & STAY THERE TIL I SAY. on !
Posted by exismental, Monday, 25 July 2016 4:22:12 PM
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