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The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

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Hi Paul,

Drunken layabouts ? Probably quite a fair percentage, especially of people on lifelong welfare, especially of men. They don't particularly concern me. They've made their choices.

I'm more interested in how many are working their way through higher education - 2015 figures should be out any day now, and they'll probably show an increase of 7 or 8 % on last year's figures, and a total of around forty thousand graduates, two-third of whom are women. I'll post them up on my web-site ASAP. Do you know of anybody else who is following these figures ?

No, Paul, they're not a small minority of all Indigenous people - currently, around 55 % of young Indigenous people can expect to enrol at some time at university, say six thousand out of an age-group of eleven thousand - of those, perhaps 20 % will be enrolling in post-graduate courses, and most of the remaining 80 % will be enrolling in mainstream, degree-level, under-graduate courses for the first time. If you don't believe me, you can easily check it all out on:

Why do I care about Indigenous graduates ? Because they will be the ones who contribute to the future of their people, not the 'drunken layabouts', as you call them.

I'll repeat, I'm not suggesting that Greens supporters are terrorists, simply that their class bases overlap. Hence, the fairly soft approach (no, I wouldn't call it camaraderie yet) that your mob may have towards massacres and atrocities. But that's for you to sort out.


Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 1:39:06 PM
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I can see that you are happy with the greens results, how do you feel about the One Nation Party getting 350 000 votes in the senate and polling higher than the greens in Queensland?

Secondly, how do you feel about it being mandatory in Iceland for people to own guns for self protection against Polar bears?
Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 3:35:25 PM
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Bazz, Your post is rubbish.

"What goes on in the Middle East is because they are Arabs and that is what they do." Because they are Arabs, what a sick racists comment to explain the deaths of innocent men, women and children.
You are in the same league as the mocking Is Mise, he also refereed to the dead in Baghdad, not because of any compassion on his part, like you he couldn't give two hoots about such people, He used their deaths to try and score a cheap political point.

Is Mise, now you are a Pauline Hanson sycophant, on gun policy could you explain this from One Nation policy "Australians have the right to defend themselves and their families in their own homes." Dose that apply to using lethal force against a person stealing from your home? In times of an emergency no time to weigh up the pros and cons so a simply yes or no will do.

NASA has just sent the probe Juno to Jupiter, Juno has reported back it has located OTB orbiting to the far right of the planet, somewhere in the Asteroid belt.

Shadow, we thought after three days of morning you had gone out of the bunker and done the honorable thing, seems not. Been tracking around Iceland in pursuit of Polar Bears did you take Is Mise along he loves the thrill of the kill. is Mise please board the next ice breaker bound for Iceland.

Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 9:09:16 PM
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With a swing back to Labor of around 1.95% in its primary vote, I was pleased The Greens were able to achieve a swing of 1.25% off a much smaller base (AEC figures). As for the vote in Queensland, which is Hanson's strongest state and The Greens weakest. The National Socialists polled extremely well in Bavaria in 1933. One Nation polled extremely well in Queensland in 2016. Every country must have its state of extremest ratbags,
The Greens out polled Barnyard and his Nationals 2 to 1. Is Mise's other love The Shooters and Hooters Party hardly went off with a bang, scoring a pathetic 0.01% of the vote, so much for the slogan "I have a gun, and I vote." probably had difficulty with the ballot paper, Is Mise tell your members an "X" in one square wont do, even if they are illiterate,
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 9:12:46 PM
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Could it be that all this crowing by Paul about an increase in votes is to try to prevent him crying about the Greens actual loss of a senator?

Perhaps they should adopt Turnbull for their leader, both seem to the same illusions of what constitutes a victory.

Delusions needs company, so they are both in need.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 10:10:43 PM
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In answer to your question, a simple 'yes' or 'no' won't do; it's a complex question, however if someone breaks into your home then they must intend you or your's harm, that's the safest assumption; if you stop to ask them their intentions then it may be too late, you or your's could be dead.
If they didn't intend any harm then that's their bad luck, they shouldn't have broken in.

It's not up to the victim to ascertain the intentions of an intruder, the intruder has by the action of breaking in declared an intention to cause harm.

Tell me, Paul, if the intruder is armed with a loaded firearm would you think it reasonable to charge the victim for using a firearm in self defence, bearing in mind the Greens policy on this.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 10:39:50 PM
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