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The Forum > General Discussion > The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

The Greens, Trots or Trolls of the Parliament?

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Hi Joe,

"there are similarities between Green supporters and Islamist terrorists, although of course nobody is suggesting that Greens = Terrorism." Of course not Joe, just planting the seed.

With The Greens on target to score 1,200,000 primary votes Australia wide, it marvelous how incisive you are.
"Young, righteous, relatively well-educated but not valued fully by society in their own eyes, and so resentful of the status quo - do you reckon there may be any Green supporters who fit that description?" Yes Joe, with 1.2 million supporters there must be one who fits that description.

Don't get me wrong, but your posts on Aboriginal people seem to convey the impression that they are all drunken layabouts, not that I would suggest you would think that at all. Joe, how many Aboriginal people do you think fit the description of drunken layabouts?

Cheers Paul1405.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 10:42:42 AM
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//Young, righteous, relatively well-educated but not valued fully by society in their own eyes, and so resentful of the status quo//

Sounds like the Young Liberals to me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Young Liberals could become terrorists, simply that they may have a rather forgiving, indulgent attitude to terrorism - after all, it's anti-Islamic, and therefore .... sort of .... well, not totally bad.

And on the other hand, they may not.

I can't say I've ever met any Young Liberals that condone terrorism. I doubt you've met any Greens that do. But never mind that: they could, in theory, exist. And that should be enough for us to make vague, substance-deficient suggestions that they definitely do exist, right Joe?
Posted by Toni Lavis, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 11:02:26 AM
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Paul, pretty miserable of you to use Baghdad causalities as a club to
beat others over the head.
If I lived in Baghdad I would not go out without my AK47.
As I live in Sydney I do not even have a popgun.

What goes on in the Middle East is because they are Arabs and that is what they do.

You sound like a greenie.
Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 11:27:31 AM
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Citizens of NSW you are lucky enough courtesy of John Tingle of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party to have the Home Invasion Bill, which gives occupants of a house a Parliament-guaranteed right of self-defence.

Elsewhere in Australia, a victim of a home invasion can expect:

- automatic arrest (after sly questions from 'helpful' police aimed at obtaining self incrimination);

- his/her liberty deprived by being thrown into the Watchhouse and interrogated over hours and days; and,

- being forced to defend in court his/her choice of defending him/herself and loved ones and his/her use of 'reasonable' force (as defined by a police prosecutor who is overly optimistic and positive about the home invader's intentions, the availability of incredibly prompt and successful rescue by the police (remember the Lindt Cafe!) and the easy escape methods and routes you didn't consider, or not hard enough (such as doing the Sugar Glider from the small bathroom window eight metres above the concrete driveway).

The court proceedings will empty your cash reserves, could end up in the sale of your house, make you a media target for months/years thereafter too and probably end your marriage as well.

All of that police action is possible in NSW too. But at least in NSW the police know they have to pull their horns in. And as the hapless victim you are not fighting against a reversed standard of proof that requires YOU and not the police prosecutor to prove your innocence.

Simply amazing how the leftist 'Progressives' the self-named 'Wolves in Sheep's Clothing', have reeled back the rights of ordinary law-abiding citizens and are forever proposing more rights and protections for criminals and ferals. The International Socialists taking care of their voting demographic.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 12:22:08 PM
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and when that law came in, in NSW, the Greens labeled it a "....licence to murder".
Lee Rhiannon being particularly shrill in her condemnation of the onus of proof being put on the Crown (where it belongs).
Her stand is understandable however as the law is not totalitarian but seeks to protect the ordinary citizen and not the criminal.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 1:04:49 PM
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The Australian Greens are the closest thing we have to Nazis. They seem to be getting even more Nazified under Generalissomo di Natale, who seems to be mimicking that other Italian fascisti, Mussolini. There is also a little of Pol Pot, too: drive us back to year dot with 'renewable energy' that will bring industrial and social progress to a grinding halt
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 5 July 2016 1:07:19 PM
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