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Another Massacre in Chicago....

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Lol Toni Lavis...I think you just might be onto something there.
A good idea, but the bang-bang boys on this forum will not like it!
Posted by Suseonline, Friday, 12 February 2016 1:30:56 AM
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Comparing apples with apples.

The common, historical understanding of mass homicide is the Columbine tragedy in the US and Port Arthur in Australia. What I said is perfectly right, such mass homicides are relatively rare.

What the Obama administration and its FBI has done is grossly exaggerate the figures by vastly broadening the definition, by including all other criminal offenders for example gang crimes and for instance by stretching the term homicide to include any injury, including injuries not directly attributable to a bullet, such as broken glass.

That is self-serving for the Obama administration, for the Democrats and for the FBI, which would like more funding taken from other services and delivered to it.

Reminiscent of the feminists isn't it, where the definition of 'domestic violence' has been broadened to include a withering look or allegedly not giving enough money. It is a con trick there too, because when DV is mentioned one imagines actual and likely serious injury (and of course always caused by men). It is all black and white with no other nuances nor contributors. Masterful propaganda and achieved very largely through the powerful Hegelian Paradigm.

Shamefully misleading and gets the leftists like Obama off the hook by stonewalling any critical thought and examination of the real contributing factors, which can be unforeseen negative consequences of the social reengineering of the leftists. Problems like the links between fatherless homes and youth gang membership, drug taking and self-harm.

Even gun control activists are criticising the cynical, politically-driven gross enlargement of the definition of mass homicide, agreeing with other commentators that it is alarmism and is fomenting public fear (for the political purposes of Obama and the Democrats).

Typical of leftists to play fast and loose with the facts and they need to, to cover up the accumulating negative consequences of their social experimentation gone bad.
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 12 February 2016 5:23:14 AM
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"That site you linked to has been criticised before" who by, Charlton Heston.
Thanks Toni for that link, it blows holes in OTB's argument that more Americans are killed by lighting than mass shootings. Beach might have one of his virus infected pro gun sites that will refute your stats. I can hardly wait. This is the same OTB who previously posted his support for a 'Citizens Militia' in Australia. I assume the purpose of the CM would be to put down riots by feminists, communists, Stalinist's, Fabian's, Greens, pinko's, you get the picture.
Although Is Mise would have us believe the claims of mass shootings in the United States are simply fabrications by radical left wing publication such as 'The New York Times', who on a lazy news day, invent these falsehoods!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 12 February 2016 6:06:54 AM
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Except for flintlock/percussion muzzle loaders and breach loaders that use external ignition.
Then there would be the people who saw a quick buck in smuggling ammunition....hang on that wouldn't work, prohibition of grog was such a success, damn!
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 February 2016 7:25:22 AM
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When are we going to hear your ideas on stricter gun laws; accompanied, of course, by reasoned explanations based on evidence and with references?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 12 February 2016 7:53:16 AM
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Well, if you want to compare apples with apples onthebeach, why don't you provide your own stats and numbers of mass shootings that fit your particular definition. Then we can compare those numbers to your little offhand comment about lightning strikes and still find out you're full of it.

Until you can provide numbers (which we have done and you didn't like) and not just hand waving, it's only so much lefty bashing wind coming out your rear end.
Posted by Bugsy, Friday, 12 February 2016 8:11:19 AM
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