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The Forum > General Discussion > Guns - Are Australians rearming themselves by stealth ?

Guns - Are Australians rearming themselves by stealth ?

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YOU say it is genuine. So prove it.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 21 November 2015 6:31:36 PM
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Where is the clip?
I saw what looked to be a pair of scissors but no clips.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 21 November 2015 7:06:03 PM
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Now that we have Muslims in our Armed services counseled by a radical Mufti who wants shariah, and allegiance first to Allah; I would not be surprised some rednecks might believe in rearming.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 21 November 2015 7:20:37 PM
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Denix Tommy Gun NonFiring Replica Thompson Gangster Prop Costume Submachine

Now compare with this 'automatic', that was taken into custody,

Check the fore grip for instance.

Look familiar guys? LOL

Easy to understand why the media would be egg-beating a story, but why the police? -Unless it is to suit their political masters.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 21 November 2015 10:31:06 PM
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Is Mise
O sung wu,

We actually had these US 'Specials' in the 'Toolboxes' of our UH-1s along with
a lot of other 'unmentionables'
So I have used these .45 chatterboxes and I didn't like them.
Now to this current discussion.
What you see is a replica produced in the US. You can't see the "stick" because
it is a drum type which slides in from the side
If you look carefully you can see the drum to the left'
Now from memory I cannot ever recall seeing a front timber grip handle on their
standard issue weapon, it would nave been a real pain in the arse to hold the
barrel at firing level over a wall or foxhole.
What you are seeing is the replica made for the public of the 1930s FBI and
mobsters weapon of choice.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Sunday, 22 November 2015 12:51:21 AM
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How conceited of you Beach, demanding I produce evidence of authenticity of this dangerous illegal weapon. I suspect you would not know a Thompson fully-automatic submachine gun if you fell over one. Most likely the closest you have ever come to a submachine gun is watching re-runs of 'The Untouchables' with Robert Stack as Eliot Ness on late night TV.

Can't you read!
To answer your question "Where is the evidence it is fully operable and not a replica?" Experienced police officers on the ground, on the spot. Where is your evidence to the contrary?
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 21 November 2015 6:07:53 AM

Poor old Is Mise, still having problems with your water pistol, I see, like a demented galah, incessantly repeating;

Where is the clip? Where is the clip? Where is the clip?

I'll tell you, where is the clip;
Bob Ballsup got it, and he is going to use it to slag off some poor unsuspecting citizen under parliamentary privilege.

Josephus might have hit the nail on the head; " I would not be surprised some rednecks might believe in rearming" How about it rednecks, are you?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 22 November 2015 6:06:44 AM
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