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The Forum > General Discussion > Is Australia Ready to Become a Police State?

Is Australia Ready to Become a Police State?

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In another place at another time, an infamous line from the ‘Gestapo’ was “PAPERZ PLEASE!” and woe betide anyone without the correct papers.
Australia is a much different society in 2015 than Nazi Germany was in the 1930’s. We pride ourselves on being a tolerant liberal democracy, but recent events calls into question just what direction is Australia heading, and is the day not that far off when our own ‘security forces’ .randomly accost citizens in the street with the demand ‘PAPERZ PLEASE!’ and woe betide anyone without the correct papers.

This weekend past it was proposed that Australian Border Force check people's visas on the streets of Melbourne, as part of a police operation in the city's CBD, this was firstly confirmed by the Federal Government, then later denied by The Department of Immigration. Is this simply a forerunner to what will become common place as Australia, in the name of security, moves to embrace the ideals of the police state?

In any society, including Australia, there are those that are willing to give up freedoms in the name of security, particularly when they feel threatened by “others” within, and believe giving up their own freedoms will not impact greatly on themselves, but deliver them the necessary security they so desire . Many think giving up a few liberties is a small price to pay for guaranteed security. How far are some of us prepared to go with this? All the way!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 6:21:24 AM
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Paul 1405,
I explained this to Suse yesterday and she shut up with her nonsense so I'll explain it to you as well in the hope that you'll do the same.
Victorians are subject to random stops, indentity checks, vehicle inspections, drug and alchohol testing and so forth, for anyone who has to move around the city this is almost a daily occurrence.
Victoria Police, Vicroads, the Taxi Directorate, the Department Of Justice and Border Force already set up vehicle checkpoints all over the city every day and all motorists diverted by the road block have to pass along a line of inspectors before they can proceed with their journey.
Explain to me why pedestrians and public transport users in the CBD shouldn't also be subject to the same level of scrutiny?
On one level I agree with you, this country is being strangled with red tape and every time you turn around there's a person in a high vis vest wagging their finger at you, but guess what? The infuriating part of this for most people is the fact that these petty bureaucrats, rent-a-cops and inspectors are almost all immigrants from India, China and the UK!
Paul I wonder how long it is since you've visited central Melbourne? Checking up on people who "look foreign" as Fairfax put it means literally nothing in reality because in the CBD all you see are foreigners these days, therefore it makes perfect sense to look for illegal immigrants in an immigrant enclave.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:11:28 AM
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Dear Paul,

Don't be too concerned. The people in Melbourne
showed quite clearly that they will not tolerate
this kind of behaviour from authorities and the
government backed off.

People should make their feelings known more often.
In any case the only time I have been asked by any
sort of "authority," to show anything was at a railway
station - when they asked me for my ticket.

Nobody has ever stopped me in the city of Melbourne and
asked me for any sort of ID. It's never happened to me
or any of the colleagues I work with.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:26:48 AM
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Paul1405, "Gestapo" "Nazi"

LOL, the rabble-rousing Watermelon Greens are at it again.

It makes sense for the police to have officials from various departments on hand for referral. It is where offending is common. They would be accompanied by child welfare officials if doing spot checks in some of the beach areas for example.

Not so long ago I arrived on an evening flight to find myself as one of the fortunate few with a pre-booked limo and could give two other passengers a lift. Police and Dept of Transport were believed to be conducting a check of cab licences and of course the numerous 'holidaying' Asians who were working off the same licence were chasing cab work anywhere else but the usually popular and profitable airport run. The police probably had an official from Immigration on tap for advice.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:32:42 AM
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As far as I am concerned Melbourne's CBD is still part of Australia and not some "immigrant enclave" that deserves vigilant policing. To say those on four wheels are subjected to a long line of "inspectors" and therefore that in itself justifies those on two feet being randomly subjected to something the same is preposterous.
Civil liberties are increasingly coming under attack from the extreme right, who's beliefs are now well and truly in-bedded in the psychic of some within the Abbott Government and the Labor Opposition. Without diligence those freedoms taken for granted will be eroded slowly but surely, even by some with good intentions.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:49:41 AM
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Martial law coming to a town near you.

You can not compare road traffic with pedestrians. Road users need pulling up so they can pay fines to keep the state going, fines in areas that is.

Never have I ever been pulled up at all, on the street. That is about as far wrong as you can get it. It does not happen.
Every body was a foreigner at some time or another, now there are sons and daughters of foreigners.

I am not sure what the Greens have got to do with it. Get bak in your limo and mind ya own business, we did not need to know that.

The whole thing was an Abbott prank to spread fear around, as Mr Smiths speech said We are under constant attack. It should have said I am under attack
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 1 September 2015 10:54:24 AM
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